One-To-One Bible Reading
If you’re anything like me, maybe you’ve felt paralyzed by the thought of sharing about Jesus with others. You know what he’s done in your own life and you desire to share with others, but you don’t feel like you know how to get into a conversation or - even if you were in a conversation - you don’t know what to say. You’re not alone!
When it comes to sharing about Jesus, we often put too much pressure on ourselves to have all the answers. What if, instead, we helped connect people with Jesus directly and let his Word challenge, encourage, and transform?
We’d like to introduce you to a tool that could help you do just that - it’s called 1-1 Bible Reading.
This short class will give you the tools to facilitate conversations about Jesus with friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors through reading scripture together.
Below, you will find the audio of the class and the notes:
Pray: “The fields are white for harvest” (John 4:35). Pray that God will lead you to someone to whom he is already revealing himself.
Invite: “Would you be interested in reading the Bible with me for a few weeks?”
Plan to meet: set up a time and place that works for both of you.
Shortest and punchiest of the gospels (16 chapters).
Good for non-Christians or new Christians.
Pray about who you could connect with.
What 2 people come to mind you’d like to pray for?
Get a Bible.
We’ll help offset the price for an ESV Study Bible if you decide to pursue meeting with someone.
Get help.
We want to pray for you and be a resource for you! Contact us if you’d like help getting started: