Details about gathering this Sunday, January 3!
Dear Trinity Grace family,
Over the past several weeks, we have only been live-streaming because of a number of COVID cases in our congregation.
As you know, COVID cases have continued to rise in the state of Tennessee. In fact, on Sunday evening, December 20, Governor Bill Lee strongly encouraged churches to utilize virtual or online services for the next month.
We are grateful this is a recommendation & not a mandate.
We want to let you know how we’ve been processing this recommendation & why we plan to resume in-person services this Sunday, January 3.
First, we want to prioritize the safety of our members. We also want to “be subject to the governing authorities” (Rom. 13:1) & follow the recommendations of Governor Lee as far as we can.
Along with these priorities, we take the Lord’s command to meet together very seriously (Heb. 10:24-25). Gathering together embodies the very nature of the church, as God meets with his people & blesses them through prayer, singing, fellowship, & the ministry of the Word.
We have carefully considered these priorities, sought lots of counsel, & plan to resume in-person services this Sunday.
While COVID does not seem dangerous to the vast majority of our church, we want to be cautious when gathering & not unnecessarily contribute to its spread in our community. So, we humbly encourage all who attend to observe these five core actions:
Observe physical distancing, especially before & after the meeting.
Wear face coverings inside.
Wash hands often.
Clean surfaces, which we will continue to do.
Stay home if you are sick or vulnerable.
We realize there are many different opinions on these matters—whether to meet or not, whether to wear a mask or not. Our prayer is that this would be an opportunity to set aside personal opinions in order to consider “the interests of others” & do whatever we can to "maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace" (Eph. 4:3).
That said, you may choose to stay home & participate online. If so, we fully support you & will continue to offer livestream. Regardless of whether you decide to attend on Sunday or stay home & participate over livestream, we want you to remember that either decision can be rooted in a desire to glorify God & love others.
We will continue to monitor this situation & update you on what we believe is best for our congregation.
On behalf of our COVID Task Force & with my respect & love,