Worship Night with Devon Kauflin

We are very much looking forward to the Worship & Prayer Night with Devon Kauflin tonight!

If you plan to attend, below is the order of service. Open this PDF to sing along!

Call to Worship: Colossians 3:16

10,000 Reasons

Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 4:39

Holy, Holy, Holy

Only a Holy God

Corporate Reading: Heidelberg Question 56

Scripture Reading: Micah 7:18-19

His Mercy is More or Jesus, Your Mercy

Nothing but the Blood

Responsive Reading: Romans 8:31-39

Christ Our Hope in Life and Death

Jesus, There’s No One Like You

Scripture Reading: Psalm 107:1-9

O Lord, My Rock and My Redeemer


All Glory be to Christ

Sunday Recap: How Good is Good Enough?

We were blessed to be reminded by Taylor this past Sunday of God’s generous grace towards us. We will never be “good enough” and that is truly great news, because of God’s grace.

If you weren’t able to listen yet, you can find the recording here.

We’ve included discussion questions after the Sunday Recap to help you engage with the sermon.


Mark 10:13-31

Main Question: How good is good enough?

1. The Children (13-16)

“In this story children are not blessed for their virtues but for what they lack: they come only as they are — small, powerless, without sophistication, as the overlooked and dispossessed of society. To receive the kingdom of God as a child is to receive it as one who has no credits, no clout, no claims. A little child has absolutely nothing to bring, and whatever a child receives, he or she receives by grace on the basis of sheer neediness rather than by any merit inherent in him- or herself. Little children are paradigmatic disciples, for only empty hands can be filled.” - James Edwards

2. The Rich Man (17-22)

“The disciples are to learn from this encounter that God requires something more than reverence for Jesus as a good teacher and earnest attempts to obey God’s commands. The man has attained conventional respectability with a genteel approach to obedience. But Jesus’ demand exposes the man’s reluctance to give himself and all his earthly securities, works, and possessions. He falls short of the one thing the reign of God requires. To enter the kingdom of God one must submit to God’s rule so that God reigns over every aspect of life.” - David Garland

3. The Disciples (23-31)

“Have you not put a hedge around him and his house and all that he has, on every side? You have blessed the work of his hands, and his possessions have increased in the land.” - Job 1:10

“For I was envious of the arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.” - Psalm 73:3

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” - Matthew 6:21

“Jesus does not teach or uphold poverty as an ideal, but he does, as here, regard the awareness of need that results from poverty as a blessing. The greatest enemies to faith and obedience are self-satisfaction and pride, and nothing removes those [barriers] more effectively than poverty.” - James Edwards

“Pride, arrogance, insensitivity, indifference, self-satisfaction, worldliness, and other ungodly mind-sets feed on affluence. Most tragic, wealth can steel one against the objective requirement for entering the kingdom of God: helpless dependence.” - R. Kent Hughes

“For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich.” - 2 Corinthians 8:9

Discussion Questions

1. Tell us about an interaction you have had with someone who does not know the Lord in the past several weeks. How did it go? What did you learn?

2. Read Mark 10:13-31.

3. Who are the three characters? What is Jesus seeking to teach each of them?

4. How is the way Jesus treats children different than the first century culture?

5. What does the way Jesus receives the children teach us about the way we are to receive the kingdom? How are we to become like a child?

6. How is the way Jesus treats the rich man different than the first century (and our) culture?

7. Taylor said we tend to make one of two mistakes when it comes to goodness: 1) I've done so much bad, could God ever love me? 2) I've done so much good, but is it enough?

(a) Which mistake do you tend to make?
(b) How does the truth of this passage transform our understanding of how good is good enough?

8. Verses 29-31 unpacks one of the most wonderful promises in the book of Mark. But who is the promise for?

Weekly Announcements: Worship Night & Anniversary Picnic

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Worship Night with Devon

Friday, October 22

It is a joy to have Pastor & worship leader Devon Kauflin coming to town & leading our worship night! He regularly leads worship at various conferences & is coming to lead a worship night for our church! Praise God!


WHEN: Friday, October 22, 7 p.m.

WHERE: The Finch House

1514 CR 700

Athens, TN 37303

WHAT: Worship & Fellowship

BRING: Lawn chairs and warm clothes!

Afterwards, we will enjoy some fellowship time and hot drinks!

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3rd Anniversary Picnic!

Sunday, October 24 | 4pm–7pm

3 years?! It’s hard to believe, but we are excited to spend the afternoon celebrating God’s kindness!


WHEN: Sunday, October 24, 4 p.m. - 7 p.m.

WHERE: Athens Market Pavillion

WHAT: Celebration with competitive games, food, and sweet memories!

BRING: See the list below!

Alexander Community Group - Desserts

Finch Community Group - Drinks & Chips

Pritchett Community Group - Baked Beans

Olsen Community Group - Salad

Luster Community Group - Cole Slaw & Fruit

We need your help!


This year, we are celebrating 3 years of being a Trinity Grace Church family! Praise the Lord!

As part of our celebration, we are compiling a montage of memories from the past year. This is where we need your help! Send us your TGC pictures from October 2020 through October 2021 to be included in the video. We can’t promise to use all of them, but we can promise to use the best.

Send your pictures to picsoftgc@gmail.com.

Weekly Announcements: Community Group, TGC Youth, 50 + Dinner, and More!


Community Groups

At Trinity Grace, we are so thankful for the gift of community. We celebrate this gift when we meet twice a month with our Community Groups.

If you haven’t found a Community Group to plug in with, you can find more information here.

Luster | Friday, 10/15

Finch & Olsen | Sunday, 10/17

Pritchett & Alexander | Wednesday, 10/20


TGC Youth Night!

Saturday, October 16

6:00-8:00 pm

311 Co Rd 608, Athens, TN 37303

6th-12th graders + parents—join us at the Olsen’s home as we eat, play, hear a testimony, & think about God’s Word together.

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50+ Dinner

Saturday, October 16

6:30 pm

215 CR 616, Athens, Tn 37303

Make plans to join us for an evening of fellowship and good eats at the Warner’s home! We will be enjoying a sampling of our favorite desserts and a campfire. Bring a lawn chair and your favorite dessert to share.

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Worship Night with Devon

Friday, October 22

Pastor & worship leader Devon Kauflin is coming into town & leading our worship night!

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3rd Anniversary Picnic!

Sunday, October 24 | 4pm–7pm

3 years?! It’s hard to believe, but we are excited to spend the afternoon celebrating God’s kindness!

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Building Fund

Sundays, October 31–November 21

It’s time for us to consider again where God has placed us. It’s time for us to consider again what God has called us to do. It’s time for us to look to the future together!

Last Day to Donate T-shirts—this Sunday!

Do you have a collection of t-shirts destined for the rag pile? Have you been hoarding old college shirts for a quilt you are honestly never going to sew? Would you like to skip the guilt about all the things you “meant” to do with those old t-shirts?

If so, the YMCA can put any old t-shirts you have to good use!

The YMCA hosts an afterschool program called Y-CAP (Youth Community Action Program) that works with at-risk youth between the ages of 10-14.  The curriculum includes topics that enhance character development, conflict resolution skills, decision making skills, leadership development, family relationship building, & substance abuse prevention.  

One aspect of the program includes time to do a constructive project with their hands. Currently, they are recycling old t-shirts to weave rugs.

So, the Y has reached out to the community to see if anyone would be willing to donate t-shirts for this project.

Not only can you get rid of your old t-shirts (which is a win!), but also the shirts will help youth in our community as they participate in this program (also a win!).  

If you would like to donate t-shirts, here’s what you need to know:

  1. Are you only accepting t-shirts?

    • Yes! Only t-shirts. Leave the pants, shorts, hats, and shoes behind.

  2. Does it matter what size, color, or condition the t-shirts are in?

    • Nope!  Bring any size, color, or condition (holes & all).

  3. Where do I bring them?

    • Bring them to the YMCA & we’ll have a box set out in the lobby you can drop them in.

  4. How long will this t-shirt drive last?

    • Last day to donate is this Sunday, Oct. 10th.

For any further questions, contact me: taylor@trinitygraceathens.com

Let's Do Lunch!

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In her book about Christian hospitality, Rosaria Butterfield wrote:

“Let God use your home, apartment, dorm room, front yard, community gymnasium, or garden for the purpose of making strangers into neighbors and neighbors into family. Because that is the point—building the church and living like a family, the family of God.”

As a church, we want to leverage all that we have for the purpose of growing together as the family of God! One of the many ways we can do this is simply by connecting over a meal.

Eating together accomplishes some amazing things.

First, sharing a meal slows us down. We often splinter in several directions and time seems to always hound us. But, eating together provides a rare moment of slowness in our otherwise hectic and busy days.

Second, sharing a meal levels us all. No matter where we are in the socio-economic scale, educational background, or experiences, we all need to eat! We our creatures that are dependent. Eating together helps us remember this reality.

Third, sharing a meal allows us to enjoy one of God’s gifts together. Food is a wonderful gift and we can worship God with thankful hearts as we enjoy it together. “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. “ (1 Cor. 10:31)

Fourth, sharing a meal provides a context for relationships to grow. Eating together creates space for conversations to be had, stories to be shared, and relationships to be cultivated.

So, if we typically eat 3 meals a day, we’ll eat 21 times this week and close to 85 times this month. That’s a lot of meals! So, let’s use them strategically!


The plan is simple: Let’s take 1 of those 85 meals—Sunday lunch!—and invite someone over we don’t know well.

Now, you may have some mental blocks when thinking about hosting someone for lunch. Some of us grew up learning rules of etiquette and proper place settings. Others of us grew up thinking butter was a main dish and gravy counted as a beverage. We may have some differences, but let’s not let barriers deter us from forging friendships over a meal. Let’s take a few of those barriers and find ways to hurdle over them.

Maybe you’re embarrassed because you want to invite over someone you already know! Maybe you’re embarrassed because you’ve met some people at church a bunch of times and you still can’t remember their names. Now’s the perfect time. This is your “get out of jail free” card. Introduce yourself and make a connection!

Maybe you don’t have “enough” space to host others. Maybe you feel it would be impossible to have people over to your house or apartment. We get it! Here are some ideas. You could talk with the other person and go to their place if it’s bigger and they’re willing to host. Or, you can squeeze people into your place and just roll with it. Or, you could simply sit outside! Go to Regional Park or sit in the yard.

Maybe you feel distressed about cooking. Maybe your short book of recipes is a tall barrier for hosting a meal. Well, cheer up! Little Caesar’s has you covered! Get a KFC Family Fill Up. Pick up a bag of salad. Or you can go to a restaurant! Have someone else cook and clean for you! Or, if that’s too expensive or overwhelming, you could go the route of a simple dessert or coffee.

Maybe you already have a family lunch scheduled each Sunday. That’s great! It doesn’t have to be a barrier. The more the merrier! Call momma and let them know you’ve got a couple people from church that are going to join you.

Last of all, you may be stumbling over the mental barrier of conversation. If you’re distressed about what you can talk about, here are some great conversation starters that can carry you for a meal: “What’s your story? How did you meet?  What’s your spiritual journey? How did you end up here? What’s God doing in your life?”...etc. Also, you can invite more than one guest to diffuse the potential for awkwardness.

We can’t wait to get started! A simple meal can go a long way in cultivating relationships.

So, let’s open up our refrigerators and our hearts and watch strangers become friends and friends become the family of God.

Let’s do lunch next Sunday!

Monthly Announcements: What’s Happening in October?


Community Groups

Luster | Friday, 10/1 & 10/15

Finch & Olsen | Sunday, 10/3 & 10/17

Pritchett & Alexander | Wednesday, 10/6 & 10/20



Saturday, October 9 | 10am—5pm

Pumpkintown is one of the largest events in McMinn County. Join us at the Trinity Grace Church tent to enjoy the fall weather & interact with folks from the community.

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Let’s Do Lunch!

Sunday, October 10

It’s time for a new TGC tradition: Let’s do lunch!

Find someone you don’t know & invite them over for lunch to learn more about what God is doing in their life.


TGC Youth Night!

Saturday, October 16

6th-12th graders + parents—join us at the Olsen’s home as we eat, play, hear a testimony, & think about God’s Word together.

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50+ Dinner

Saturday, October 16

Mark your calendars for dinner & an evening of festivities!

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Worship Night with Devon

Friday, October 22

Pastor & worship leader Devon Kauflin is coming into town & leading our worship night!

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3rd Anniversary Picnic!

Sunday, October 24 | 4pm–7pm

3 years?! It’s hard to believe, but we are excited to spend the afternoon celebrating God’s kindness!

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Men’s Prayer Night

Wednesday, October 27 | 7pm

The men of Trinity Grace will gather for a night of hearing from God’s Word and praying together.

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Building Fund

Sundays, October 31–November 21

It’s time for us to consider again where God has placed us. It’s time for us to consider again what God has called us to do. It’s time for us to look to the future together!

A Simple Way to Help the YMCA!


Do you have a cluttered closet? Is it time to purge the old kids' clothes? Are you phasing old summer clothes out at the end of the season?

If so, the YMCA can put any old t-shirts you have to good use!

The YMCA hosts an afterschool program called Y-CAP (Youth Community Action Program) that works with at-risk youth between the ages of 10-14.  The curriculum includes topics that enhance character development, conflict resolution skills, decision making skills, leadership development, family relationship building, & substance abuse prevention.  

One aspect of the program includes time to do a constructive project with their hands. Currently, they are recycling old t-shirts to weave rugs.

So, the Y has reached out to the community to see if anyone would be willing to donate t-shirts for this project.

Not only can you get rid of your old t-shirts (which is a win!), but also the shirts will help youth in our community as they participate in this program (also a win!).  

If you would like to donate t-shirts, here’s what you need to know:

  1. Are you only accepting t-shirts?

    • Yes! Only t-shirts. Leave the pants, shorts, hats, and shoes behind.

  2. Does it matter what size, color, or condition the t-shirts are in?

    • Nope!  Bring any size, color, or condition (holes & all).

  3. Where do I bring them?

    • Bring them to the YMCA & we’ll have a box set out in the lobby you can drop them in.

  4. How long will this t-shirt drive last?

    • We’ll accept donations the next 2 Sundays (Oct. 3rd & 10th).

For any further questions, contact me: taylor@trinitygraceathens.com

Help! We’re Moving to The YMCA!

Wow!  God has been so kind to our little church!

We’ve had time to grow together at Athens City Middle School, Tennessee Wesleyan, and Ramble Creek. Now, we have a new place to call home for the next season. 

This Sunday, we’re making the move to the YMCA! We’ll have a place to meet and room to invite others!

So, what can you do to help?

FOUR ways you can help thiS WEEK:


  • Pray for a smooth transition

  • Pray for more help as we have greater setup needs

  • Pray for Walt as he prepares to preach the Word

  • Pray for non-Christians and those without a church home to find us

  • Pray for non-Christians and churchless believers you know to join us

  • Pray for the gospel to go forward and change hearts and lives, including our own


Transitions like this offer a wonderful opportunity to reach out to people you know. 

Think through the places you’ll be and the people you’ll see this week.  Maybe this is the time to reach out and invite them to your church and into your life. 

  • Who do you work with?  

  • Who are your neighbors?  

  • Who do you see when you shop?  

  • Who do you see when you play?

  • Who are contacts in your phone you haven’t reached out to in a while?

A simple invitation can often open up great conversation. When you see your neighbor or chat with the cashier at the pharmacy, you could say something like: 

“I’m a part of a church called Trinity Grace Church and we’re about to move to the YMCA this Sunday.  Do you go to church anywhere?  We’d love to have you join us.”


There may be some unfamiliar faces on Sunday (we hope so!). We encourage you to take steps to get to know them!  

  • Greet new folks.

  • Introduce yourself to them.

  • Ask questions about their lives (i.e. Where do you live? Where do you work? How did you hear about the church...etc.).  

  • Introduce them to others in the church you know.


Look for someone new to invite to lunch this Sunday or one upcoming Sunday. Perhaps at your home or at a local restaurant or the park.  Even if the person can’t make it, an invitation often speaks volumes.

Here's what you need to know for Sunday


YMCA - 205 Knoxville Ave, Athens, TN 37303


You can park in front of the YMCA.  There’s additional parking just across the street (Knoxville Ave).


Enter through the automatic sliding doors at the main entrance into the lobby.  Greeters will be there to direct you.


Once you walk through the lobby, the gym entrance will be on your right.  


Greeting team members will be happy to show you where to check in your kids for childcare.  Children will remain with parents until after announcements and then be dismissed to TGKids.

We can’t wait to worship with you!

Weekly Announcements: Couples' Night and Move to the YMCA


If you’ve been married for any length of time, you know it isn’t all roses & sunshine. Some seasons seem to be all weeds.

Is there solid hope for happy marriages? Let’s return to what know is sure—the Word of God & the gospel.

Plan ahead to join us for an evening of encouragement, edification, & laughter.

WHEN: Wednesday, September 29 at 6:30pm

WHERE: Ramble Creek

WHAT ELSE: Childcare is provided (Woohoo!)

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We just celebrated our last Sunday at Ramble Creek. It is hard to believe we have been gathering there for 16 months! Many thanks to Buck & Jenny Yates & the crew at Ramble Creek for their generosity towards us!

But it is with great excitement that we look forward to THIS SUNDAY, at the YMCA!

In case you missed it…


This Sunday, October 3, we will begin gathering at the YMCA!

We have been looking for a location in town to gather for some time. After researching a number of different options, the YMCA seems to be a very good fit for us during this season. It has plenty room in the gym for us to gather each week to worship, but it also has wonderful facilities for our (ever-growing) children’s ministry.

So, mark your calendars & drive to the right location this Sunday, October 3!

Athens-McMinn Family YMCA

205 Knoxville Ave.

Athens, TN 37303

Your Mailbox: YMCA & Live-stream.

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We made a big announcement this past Sunday . . .


It is hard to believe we have been gathering at Ramble Creek for 16 months! Many thanks to Buck & Jenny Yates & the crew at Ramble Creek for their generosity towards us!

Next Sunday, October 3, we will begin gathering at the YMCA!

We have been looking for a location in town to gather for some time. After researching a number of different options, the YMCA seems to be a very good fit for us during this season. It has plenty room in the gym for us to gather each week to worship, but it also has wonderful facilities for our (ever-growing) children’s ministry.

So, mark your calendars & drive to the right location next Sunday!

Athens-McMinn Family YMCA

205 Knoxville Ave.

Athens, TN 37303


Sixteen months ago, we started live-streaming our Sunday service each week. We knew this was no replacement for gathering in-person; however, we wanted to continue to worship “together” while doing our part to “flatten the curve.”

We have continued to live-stream since March 22, 2020.

However, with the move to the YMCA, we have decided to discontinue the live-stream for the following reasons:

First, we do not have the personnel to continue live-streaming. During the first year of the pandemic, Gil Balch worked 20-25 hours a week for us & his primary responsibility was facilitating the live-stream. However, he no longer works for the church & adding this responsibility to his plate is no longer feasible.

Second, we will have substantially more setup in moving to the YMCA. We will be setting up chairs each week, along with a video screen, projector, & other items—in addition to the normal setup for sound, children’s ministry, & greeting. (While we are talking about setup, if you are interested in helping out & joining the setup team, contact Tim Smith!)

Third, we never intended live-stream to be a permanent option for our church. The New Testament repeatedly highlights the importance of the local church gathering for worship. There are things that do not happen when we are apart, even when we are gathering “virtually.” Our gatherings give tangible expression to the nature of the church as a body (1 Cor. 12) & as a temple (1 Cor. 3:16). In fact, the word for church in the New Testament is ekklesia & describes an actual gathering (Mt. 16:18).

As Jeff Purswell sums up well, when the church gathers:

“Through his word and the work of his Spirit God presences himself in a unique way among his gathered people (cf. 1 Cor 14:24-25). Christ himself ministers among us as each member, indwelt and gifted by the Spirit, serves and encourages and stirs up one another to love and good works (1 Cor 12:4-13). Through the preaching of God’s Word by an appointed shepherd who faithfully expounds Scripture, God himself speaks again, addressing his people, binding them together in community, and building them together as his dwelling place.” Jeff Purswell

Fourth, we realize some people are not comfortable attending the service each week or are otherwise unable. We are very sorry we can no longer offer live-stream. However, we will commit to posting the sermon each Sunday afternoon on our SERMON PAGE and CHURCH PODCAST for those who are unable to attend the service.

Weekly Announcements: Jim Donahue, Church Picnic, & Couples' Night

Guest Speaker: Jim Donahue

How did the gospel make it to your ears and into your heart? God uses ordinary people to bring the good news of Jesus Christ. At Trinity Grace, we want to be faithful to plant and to water, and watch God bring the growth!

When we gather at Trinity Grace Church on Sunday mornings and when we scatter throughout McMinn County during the week, we long for God to bring new life. To help us grow in outreach, our friend, Jim Donahue, is coming to encourage and equip us this Saturday, September 25. Join us as Jim refreshes our love for the gospel and helps us catch a clearer vision of how to share it.

WHO: Jim Donahue, Evangelism & College Pastor at Covenant Fellowship in Glen Mills, PA

WHAT: Growing in Outreach Seminar

WHEN: Saturday, September 25, from 9am–12pm

WHERE: First Baptist Church Annex

To help us plan well, please fill out the following form if you plan on attending Saturday’s Seminar.

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Sunday, September 26, we will be having a picnic out on the lawn of Ramble Creek after the service to round out our time with Jim Donahue.

Fall leaves, cooler temperatures, & time with our church family. What could be a better way to end the weekend?

The details:

WHEN: Sunday, September 26

WHERE: The lawn of Ramble Creek

WHY: Fellowship

WHAT TO BRING: Your lunch, a chair or blanket, & a football

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If you’ve been married for any length of time, you know it isn’t all roses & sunshine. Some seasons seem to be all weeds.

Is there solid hope for happy marriages? Let’s return to what know is sure—the Word of God & the gospel.

Plan ahead to join us for an evening of encouragement, edification, & laughter.

WHEN: Wednesday, September 29 at 6:30pm

WHERE: Ramble Creek

WHAT ELSE: Childcare is provided (Woohoo!)

What a Building Fund & a Building Cannot Provide.

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At the Church-Wide Family Night several weeks ago, we played this video and announced our plans to start a Building Fund later this fall.

Below are some comments Pastor Walt made after we watched the video together.


Before we talk about the Building Fund, I want to talk about disagreement

Acts 15 recounts a surprising disagreement among the apostles.

“And after some days Paul said to Barnabas, “Let us return and visit the brothers in every city where we proclaimed the word of the Lord, and see how they are.” Now Barnabas wanted to take with them John called Mark. But Paul thought best not to take with them one who had withdrawn from them in Pamphylia and had not gone with them to the work. And there arose a sharp disagreement, so that they separated from each other. Barnabas took Mark with him and sailed away to Cyprus, but Paul chose Silas and departed, having been commended by the brothers to the grace of the Lord. And he went through Syria and Cilicia, strengthening the churches.” Acts 15:36-41

One of the things I love about the Bible is its candor. 

The Bible is blunt. The Bible is honest. The Bible does not sugar-coat the realities of life in a fallen world. If you were looking to write a book about about the rapid growth of the church, you would not include this scene.

But it is included so that we can learn. 

The history of paul & barnabas

We are first introduced to Barnabas early in the book of Acts in about AD 30

He was a part of the church in Jerusalem. He experienced some of those wonderful days of teaching & fellowship, the breaking of bread & the prayers, & all the sharing of everything they had in common.

In fact, Acts 4 tells us, after converting from Judaism to Christianity, Barnabas sold a field belonging to him & gave all the money to the church, to share with anyone who had need.

Barnabas appears again in Jerusalem in about AD 35 or 36.

After the Apostle Paul was converted on the Damascus Road, after the scales fell from his eyes, he began preaching. He preached for many days in synagogues & then came to Jerusalem to try to join the disciples there.

But they were afraid of him. And rightly so! He was a murderer & persecutor!

But Barnabas vouched for him. He took him to the apostles & declared to them how Paul had seen the Lord & was preaching boldly. If you’ve ever had someone vouch for you, you know what this meant to the Apostle Paul.

10 years later, in AD 43 or so, Barnabas reappears.

After Peter had preached in Antioch, the apostles in Jerusalem sent Barnabas there. Barnabas began preaching there & saw the grace of God in the gospel spreading to the Gentiles.

Before long, he went & found the apostle Paul in Tarsus & brought him to Antioch.

Together, as partners in the gospel, for 1 whole year, they met with the church in Antioch & taught a great many people.

Then, in AD 46 or so, the church in Antioch sent out Paul & Barnabas.

They went out on Paul’s first so-called missionary journey.

For the next three years, they worked beside each other day in & day out. They carried the gospel forward to Selucia, Cyprus, Salamis, Paphos, Attalia, Perga, Antioch of Pisidia, Iconium, Lystra, Derbe, before returning to Antioch.

But, in AD 50 or so, Paul & Barnabas had a sharp disagreement.

As Paul was making plans to go on another missionary journey, he had a disagreement with Barnabas.

Apparently, the disagreement was over John Mark & what he did or didn’t do in Pamphylia. But, we don’t know exactly what it was about.

But we do know, Paul & Barnabas split ways. Barnabas taking John Mark & Paul taking Silas.


One of the sad realities of the church in this world is disagreement & division

“Human conflict is one of the dreadful consequences of sin entering the world. Because of sin, all human relationships are a struggle and are prone to conflict. We can trace the unrelenting plague of human conflict through the endless wars and divisions of human history, and sadly, church history as well.” Alexander Strauch

Because of sin, there will always be conflict in our relationships.

Because of sin, there will always be conflict in the church.

I have said it before, & it bears repeating: I will fail you. I will not make it to hospital on time. I will not remember to call you back. I will not be the pastor you need. Not for lack of trying, I promise! 

And, if I don’t fail you or sin against you, someone else in this church will.


I pray that we continue to heed the commands of Ephesians 4: to work through conflict & guard the unity of the church. 

“I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” Ephesians 4:1-3

Along these lines, I want to encourage you. 

I am amazed at our unity around the gospel of Jesus Christ.

This year has been the most divided year nationally & culturally of my life. The pressure to draw lines & vehemently define where you disagree from those around you is incredibly great. Whether it is on masks or no masks. Vaccine or no vaccine. Trump or no Trump. Black lives matter or all lives matter. Or whatever.

But one of the things that is remarkable to me is how united our church is. United in the gospel & therefore gracious in allowing significant disagreement in the little things.

“The union of Christians is marred . . . by not keeping sufficiently prominent the great things. Did it ever strike you that the early Christians also differed on minor points . . . but they were so absorbed in thinking they knew God as their Father, that Jesus was their Saviour, that they were possessors of the Holy Ghost, that nothing could separate them. Thus it is that when we go to a meeting where Christians meet as Christians, we feel as if we lost our asthma, we can breathe.” Adolph Saphir


These are exciting days for us as a church. Adding another full-time pastor. 4 wonderful deacons. Another humbling fiscal year, in which we see God’s blessing financially. A recent Membership Class of 22+ people.

And the start of a Building Fund.

Are you tired of bouncing around? Are you tired of setting up?

We are going to take 4 weeks, from October 31 to November 21, to kick off our Building Fund. 

It’s time for us to ask God for wisdom. It’s time for us to consider again where God has placed us. It’s time for us to consider again what God has called us to do. It’s time for us to dream a bit. And, we believe, it’s time for us to start a building fund, to help us in building a church that outlives us and thrives long after we are gone.

That’s pretty cool, right?

But, you know what, there’s a lot of dead churches with buildings. 

It is not a building that gives us a message.

It is not a building that gives us a mission.

It is the gospel that gives us a message & mission. So, as we turn to this next season as a church, let’s not forget what unites us.

Sunday Recap—Mark 9:2-13, The Transfiguration

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This past Sunday, Taylor led us to consider both the suffering & the glory of Jesus at the transfiguration & the cross.

If you weren’t able to watch/listen yet, you can watch the video here or listen here.


Main Point: Behold the glorious Christ and follow him to calvary.

1 - A Glimpse of His Glory (V.2-8)

“Who do you say that I am?” Peter answered him, “You are the Christ” - Mark 8:28-29

“When they embraced him as Messiah, they embraced a suffering Messiah and a life that included taking up their own crosses (8:34–38).  It was a radical, revolutionary revelation—totally out of sync with their messianic expectations. It was naturally confusing and depressing. And with what was coming, the Lord realized that it needed to be balanced with some positive realities. So now he had them in the crisp atmosphere of the alpine heights of Mt. Hermon, away from everything, alone with him under the spinning summer constellations. They were on top of the world with Jesus. Here they were going to be bombarded with the most stupendous blast of encouragement mortals have ever known.” - Kent Hughes

“We beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.” - John 1:14

“They spoke about his departure, which he was about to bring to fulfillment at Jerusalem.” - Luke 9:31

“When the cloud lifted, Moses and Elijah had vanished. Jesus alone remained as the sole bearer of God's new revelation to be disclosed in the cross and resurrection. Moses and Elijah had also followed the path of obedience, but having borne witness to Jesus' character and mission, they can help him no more. The way to the cross demanded the submission of the Son and Jesus must set out upon it alone.” - William Lane

“The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your fellow Israelites. You must listen to him…I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their fellow Israelites, and I will put my words in his mouth. He will tell them everything I command him.” - Deuteronomy 18:15, 18

“The one who calls disciples to follow him does not abandon them for glory, but turns from glory to accompany them “on the way” to Jerusalem and the cross.” - James Edwards

2 - The Son of Man Must Suffer (V.9-13)

“Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes. 6 And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the land with a decree of utter destruction.” - Malachi 4:5-6

“The Exodus launched a millennia-long journey that will culminate in the Messianic era. Until injustice, violence, and greed disappear, we remain enslaved. Until God makes His home on Earth, we have not truly left Egypt. Each Passover empowers us to complete what was begun so long ago. The last of the biblical prophets declared that Elijah will herald the ultimate redemption. His cup at our Seder encourages our march from every form of internal and external slavery and re-inspires our faith in the coming of Moshiach (Messiah).”

“He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain.  Like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we held him in low esteem.” - Isaiah 53:3

“Yet it was the Lord’s will to crush him and cause him to suffer, and though the Lord makes his life an offering for sin, he will see his offspring and prolong his days, and the will of the Lord will prosper in his hand.” - Isaiah 53:10

“O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken! 26 Was it not necessary that the Christ should suffer these things and enter into his glory?” 27 And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself.” - Luke 24:25-27

“For we did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty. 17 He received honor and glory from God the Father when the voice came to him from the Majestic Glory, saying, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” 18 We ourselves heard this voice that came from heaven when we were with him on the sacred mountain.  19 We also have the prophetic message as something completely reliable, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.” - 2 Peter 1:16-19

“Light after darkness,
Gain after loss,
Strength after weakness
Crown after cross;
Sweet after bitter,
Hope after fears,
Home after wand’ring,
Praise after tears.


Sheaves after sowing,
Sun after rain,
Sight after mystery,
Peace after pain;
Joy after sorrow,
Calm after blast,
Rest after weariness,
Sweet rest at last.


Near after distant,
Gleam after gloom,
Love after loneliness,
Life after tomb;
After long agony,
Rapture of bliss,
Right was the pathway,
Leading to this.”

-Frances Ridley Havergal

Weekly Announcements: Feeding the Cherokees, TGC Youth, & Jim Donahue.

Feeding the Cherokees

On September 17, we have the opportunity to feed the McMinn County Cherokee Football team again before their big game!

As Tim reminded us on Sunday, Trinity Grace gets to be “a minister of grace” to these young men.

Could your help us serve or supply food? We still need folks!

Sign up below & Vanessa Ball will reach out to you with more details!

TGC Youth meeting!

WHO: 6th-12th Graders + their Parents

WHAT: Food + Fun + Fellowship & a “Time Machine Testimony” from Mr. Pritchett

WHEN: Saturday, September 18, 6:30 pm–8:30 pm

WHERE: The Stewart Home

1020 Tellico Ave

Athens, TN 37303

We hope to be outside, so bring a picnic blanket if you want. We're looking forward to an encouraging evening together!

Guest Speaker: Jim Donahue

WHO: Jim Donahue, Evangelism & College Pastor at Covenant Fellowship in Glen Mills, PA

WHAT: Growing in Outreach Seminar

WHEN: Saturday, September 25, from 9am–12pm

WHERE: First Baptist Church Annex

Emerging Nations—Emerging Nations for September

Emerging Nations exists to serve the pioneering work of Sovereign Grace Churches around the world: a global community of churches represented in the US, Latin America, Europe, Australasia, Africa and Asia.

Churches are stronger together.

One of the strengths of our partnership with other Sovereign Grace Churches is the work of Emerging Nations. Emerging Nations is the pioneering work of Sovereign Grace Churches around the world.

Below are a prayer points from the Emerging Nations director & Australian pastor Dave Taylor.

Let’s join with our brothers & sisters throughout these world as we pray for these specific needs.

Matthew 28.18-20, ‘And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."

The Great Commission that we have been given as Christians is far bigger than we could have ever asked or imagined... But how wonderful, comforting, & inspiring it is to know that the One who has called us, is always with us, even to the end of the age. What a mission changing reality!!

With that in mind, here are a few ways that you can be praying for our wider mission in the month ahead…

  1. Please pray for our Pastors College in Ethiopia (Trinity College) as the students begin to gather ahead of the 14th September launch. There will be 13 students attending the PC this year, from 6 different countries: Somaliland, Somalia, Kenya, Rwanda, the USA, & of course Ethiopia. Please pray for Josh Pannell, Dean of the Ethiopian Pastors College, & everyone involved in this years Pastors College.

  2. Please pray for our brothers & sisters in Nepal as they continue to deal with a new surge of Covid-19 cases. Church buildings have been closed for gathering for almost one & half years now, & yet incredibly, the Church itself continues to grow. The Nepali Christians are continually committed to serving the poor & suffering in the name of Christ, & so may we be praying for them in this. May this be their finest hour & may His grace abound to them in these times.

  3. Please pray for Songhwan Kang & his church, Lord’s Grace Church in Seoul, South Korea. They have recently moved to a new location as a church &are keen to reach out to their new community. Please pray that God would give their members courage & grace to boldly preach the gospel in this new area, as well as reach into the next generation. Please also pray that God would help them identify & train some church planters who can plant new SG Churches in South Korea in the next 3-5 years, a happy hope & prayer that they continue to carry as church.

  4. Please pray for our newly formed ‘Reaching The Unreached Work Group’, which I (Dave Taylor) have pulled together to help myself & the Leadership Team map a way forward for growth, in reaching the unreached in our world. Please pray for great wisdom, faith, & insight for us all: Dave Taylor (Lead Pastor, Sovereign Grace Church, Sydney & Director of Emerging Nations), Brendan Willis (Pastor, Sovereign Grace Church, Sydney), Pat Tedeschi (Pastor, Greentree, NJ), Tim Kerr (Pastor, Sovereign Grace Church, Toronto), Ken Delage (Pastor, Mercy Hill Community Church, VA) and Leo Parris (Pastor, Covenant Fellowship Church, PA).

… May the One who has commissioned us, also give us faith and favour for the road ahead.

- Written by Dave Taylor, the Director of Emerging Nations

Pictured above from top left: Ken Delage, Dave Taylor, Pasquale Tedeschi, Leo Parris, Brendan Willis, and Tim Kerr

Pictured above from top left: Ken Delage, Dave Taylor, Pasquale Tedeschi, Leo Parris, Brendan Willis, and Tim Kerr

Sunday Recap—Mark 8:31-9:1, The King’s Cross

Last Sunday was a bit different!

Nevertheless, it was good to “gather” & consider Mark 8:31-9:1 together.

There are few passages more central to the mission of Jesus & more central to the call of his disciples than this one.

If you weren’t able to watch/listen yet, you can watch the video here or listen here.


“The cross is laid on every Christian. . . . When Christ calls a man, he bids him come and die.” Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Main point: If you are going to follow Jesus, you must follow him to the cross.

1. The King must take up the cross.

“O Lord, raise up their king, the son of David, that he may reign over Israel thy servant. Gird him with strength that he might shatter unrighteous rulers, that he might purge Jerusalem from nations that trample her to destruction. With a rod of iron he shall break in pieces all their substance, he shall destroy the godless nation with the word of his mouth. He shall gather together a holy people, whom he shall lead in righteousness.” Psalms of Solomon

“Men of Israel, hear these words: Jesus of Nazareth, a man attested to you by God with mighty works and wonders and signs that God did through him in your midst, as you yourselves know—this Jesus, delivered up according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God, you crucified and killed by the hands of lawless men.” Acts 2:22-23

“For Peter, the indication that the Son of man will die is unthinkable. For Jesus, it is inevitable.” Ralph Martin

2. All who follow the King must take up the cross.

“There is no one who in his heart of hearts does not imagine he deserves to outrank everyone else. Thus each person, in his own way, fondly nurses an entire kingdom in his heart.” John Calvin

“To take up your cross does not mean to move forward with courage despite the fact you lost your job or your spouse. It means you are under sentence of death; you taking up the horizontal cross-member on your way to the place of crucifixion. You have abandoned all hope of life in this world. And then, Jesus says, and only then, are we ready to follow him.” D.A. Carson

“Whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me.” Matthew 10:38

“Christian homes in general, and Christian marriages in particular, would be more stable and more satisfying if they were marked by the cross.” John Stott

3. All who take up the King’s cross will be welcomed into his kingdom.

“I believe I am not mistaken in saying that Christianity is a demanding and serious religion. When it is delivered as easy and amusing, it is another kind of religion altogether.” Neil Postman

Monthly Announcements: What’s Happening in September?

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“Because he inclined his ear to me,

therefore I will call on him as long as I live.”

Psalm 116:2


Men, mark your calendars for the next Men’s Prayer Night!

WHEN: Wednesday, September 8 @ 7 pm

WHERE: The Event Space at White Street Market

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Feeding the Cherokees

On September 17, we have the opportunity to feed the McMinn County Cherokee Football team again before their big game! It is a great time to fellowship with & serve these players.

Click on the button below & fill out the form if you can help serve or supply food!


TGC Youth meeting!

WHO: 6th-12th Graders + their Parents

WHAT: Food + Fun + Fellowship & a “Time Machine Testimony” from Mr. Pritchett

WHEN: Saturday, September 18, 6:30 pm–8:30 pm

WHERE: The Stewart Home

1020 Tellico Ave

Athens, TN 37303

We hope to be outside, so bring a picnic blanket if you want. We're looking forward to an encouraging evening together!

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Guest Speaker: Jim Donahue

WHO: Jim Donahue, Evangelism & College Pastor at Covenant Fellowship in Glen Mills, PA

WHAT: Growing in Outreach Seminar

WHEN: Saturday, September 25, from 9am–12pm

WHERE: First Baptist Church Annex

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Picnic Lunch

Sunday, September 26, we will be having a picnic out on the lawn of Ramble Creek after the service to round out our weekend with Jim Donahue.

Fall leaves, cooler temperatures, & time with our church family. What could be a better way to end the weekend?

The details:

WHEN: Sunday, September 26

WHERE: The lawn of Ramble Creek

WHY: Fellowship

WHAT TO BRING: Your lunch, a chair or blanket, & a football

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Couples’ Night

If you’ve been married for any length of time, you know it isn’t all roses & sunshine. Some seasons seem to be all weeds.

Is there solid hope for happy marriages? Let’s return to what know is sure—the Word of God & the gospel.

Plan ahead to join us for an evening of encouragement, edification, & laughter.

WHEN: Wednesday evening, September 29

WHERE: Ramble Creek

WHAT ELSE: Childcare is provided (Woohoo!)

Change of plans this Sunday!

This Sunday, we will not be having a public service.

There has been a significant increase in COVID cases in our community in the past several weeks, even resulting in Athens City Schools closing yesterday & today. Additionally, a number of individuals in our church are sick, including several leaders & staff.

So, we will only be live-streaming this week.


We hope you will still “attend.”

It has been so rich to study the gospel of Mark together. This Sunday, we will continue & study Mark 8:31–9:1.

So, read ahead & get ready!


You are probably a pro at livestream by now!

However, you can access our livestream service by going to the top of our church home page [link] or going to our YouTube channel [link].

May the Lord be with us this Sunday!