Rooted Summer Retreat 2025
Rooted Summer Retreat
WHEN: July 24-26, 2025
WHO: Youth Grade 6-12, Friends, and Parents.
WHERE: Cedine Ministries, 333 Cedine Camp Rd, Spring City, TN 37381. Phone: (423) 365-9565.
COST: $85 Regular Registration, Early Bird Pricing Available through May 15 -$70 per participant, $210 for 3 or more.
Price includes lodging, meals, retreat t-shirt and activities. Activities will include messages, worship, games, swimming, 100’ water slide, boating, tubing, canoeing, water trampoline, basketball, gaga ball, volleyball and more.
THEME: Behold: The Glory of The One True God.
OVERVIEW: We are taught in Colossians 2:6-7 - “Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.”
We want to come alongside parents to help establish youth (grades 6-12) in the faith - to teach them who Christ is so that their joy may be full. It is our mission to work together for our youth to be rooted in Christ, their parents, and the local church.
The Rooted Youth Retreat allows us to set aside a weekend during the Summer and intentionally pursue this mission together.
We will enjoy hearing from our guest speaker, Jon Payne. Jon serves as the lead pastor of Redemption Hill Church in Round Rock, Texas.
Join us as we dig into the Word, enjoy time together, and get rooted!
Thursday, July 24 - 6pm arrival.
Saturday, July 26 - 1:30pm departure.
Bible, pens, and notebook.
Bedding - sleeping bag/sheet and blanket, pillow - no bedding is provided. All the beds are twin beds. We will be staying in guy cabins and girl cabins.
Comfortable clothing - including those that can get wet/dirty during outdoor activities.
Jacket or raincoat.
Any necessary medications in original containers.
Bathing suits - one that can be used for lake, water slide, etc. Cedine Ministries is a Christian camp and asks that participants dress in a God-honoring and modest way.
Towels - for shower and for swimming.
Toiletries including sunscreen + bug spray.
Deodorant - need we say more.
Water bottles. We’ll have refill stations.
Flashlight or headlamp.
Camping chairs + hammocks.
Fans/sound machines for your cabins.
Contact Rebecca Myers for additional information or questions: phone: (850)-225-8176 or email: