Offering for Full Circle this Sunday, October 27!

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Full Circle is a ministry we should get behind with all our hearts—and our resources!

This month we are celebrating our 1 year anniversary as a church—How cool is that?—and, one of the ways we are going to celebrate our anniversary is by giving back to others serving the community we love. So, this Sunday we are going to receive a one-time offering for Full Circle.

Full Circle is a non-profit medical center for women, offering compassionate care in unplanned pregnancy circumstances—care that includes free medical services, counseling, post-abortion recovery, and educational opportunities.

So, whether with a gift of $20, $100, or more, we want invite you to give in a special offering for Full Circle this Sunday, October 27. Every dollar will go directly to them to help them continue to offering free services to women in our community.

What a privilege to celebrate & jump into what God is doing!