We are excited about this opportunity to invest in & serve the kids of our community. We hope you are as well.
Here are all the details:
WHEN: Sunday (July 14th)–Wednesday (July 17th) from 6:00–8:00pm.
WHERE: Cherokee Point Subdvision
Turn on Sullins Road off Decatur Pike across from Athens Regional. At the top of the hill turn Left into Cherokee Point subdivision. A few hundred yards after passing the first subdivision entrance on your left, you will see our tents on the left.
SUNDAY—Invite folks & get them registered, play games, & eat hotdogs.
MONDAY-TUESDAY—Bible School which includes a rotation between bible lessons, singing, crafts, recreation, & snacks.
WEDNESDAY—Same thing as Monday & Tuesday, but will conclude with a presentation for parents.
Please eat before you come each night. We will not serve dinner on Monday—Wednesday. On Sunday, we will serve hot dogs, but since we don't know how many folks will come, it would be better for us to eat ahead of time.
WHAT ARE YOU DOING: You should know by now! Everyone who signed up is assigned a spot below.
Music—Gil & Thomases
Recreation—Taylor, Bo, & Luke
Snacks—Hills & Kampmeyers
Crafts—Elisabeth & Balches
Meerkats (3-4)—Mandy & Tinsmans
Giraffes (5-6)—Mindy & Vanessa
Zebras (7-8)—Alexanders & Trews
Pandas (10+)—Finches & Olsens
Food—Michael & Mike
NOT THERE?: If your name is not listed above & you’d like to help, please join us on any of the nights!