How to pray for & serve the Bahamas.

As you know, Hurricane Dorian landed on the Bahamas on September 1 & did great damage. There are 43 confirmed deaths, as well as thousands of folks missing. Damage on the islands of Abaco & Grand Bahama is estimated to be hundreds of millions of dollars.


We have a sister church called Kingdom Life Church in Nassau. Their pastor Cedric Moss is seeking to demonstrate genuine love & practical care to the people of the Bahamas during this time of great need.

It is a privilege for us to partner with them. And I would you to do so in the following ways:

Pray for them.

  • Pray for missing people to be found.

  • Pray for food & shelter to be provided for folks now homeless.

  • Pray for God to comfort the grieving, confused, & angry people there.

  • Pray for Cedric, Kingdom Life Church, & other Christians ministering there.

  • Pray for the gospel to spread with power.

Consider giving financially to help.

Sovereign Grace Churches has established a “Bahamas Hurricane Relief Fund.” All the money will go to meeting the needs of folks in the Bahamas. You can give here.

Consider going to serve Cedric & his church.

Cedric & his church are organizing work teams to help in the restoration and reconstruction efforts, once that phase begins in the next 2 or 3 months. If you are interested & able to help, fill out this form & Kingdom Life Church will contact you.