Testimony from our friend Charlie Stewart.


It’s hard to find a picture of Charlie Stewart NOT serving!

Charlie is a man of many talents & quick to use his time & talents to serve others...even while managing a demanding job & wonderfully active family. 

Why? Because he’s aware he’s been forgiven much! What a gift! We thank God for you, Charlie!

Several weeks ago, Charlie shared his testimony. You can watch it here or read it below.

My name is Charlie Stewart. I’m from Tellico Plains TN. For my testimony, it is 20 years of abundant grace mixed with a host of miracles.

I grew up in church with parents that loved God and the church. When I was around 10-11, my parents divorced. That kind of ended the church going for the most part. When I got to high school, it seemed like a whole new world opened up. I looked at the people having fun and it wasn’t the church goers. I realized that bourbon and green tobacco were the ingredients to a happy life and I indulged. With a brother 3 years older, I got to hang out with all of the “cool people”. He tried to look after me with death threats if I did anything other than drink. Soon he went off to become an Army Ranger and I had a free pass to do whatever I wanted.

At around 16 years old I started playing music. Being 4’10” and 125 lbs, it seemed a better fit than athletics. Music defined who I was and was what I wanted to do with my life. For a few years it was it was my life. The music scene can easliy lead you into very dark places in life. To most of my friends I was on top of the world. But after being exposed to the gospel as a child, I could never be satisfied, no matter how great things seemed to be.

After winning a foosball game and getting to celebrate my 21st birthday party at age 20, I heard a great friend of mine became “born again”. This made no sense. Not being “born again” because I heard my dad tell my cousins that 1200 times, but this person. He was the craziest, fun, partying human being on planet earth. He had no rules, no reserves, no cares, only fun. You see in my world, when a guy met “the” girl and wanted to settle down and get married, that’s when he becomes “born again”. When I moved home and talked with him I knew there was something unearthly going on though. He didn’t fit my stereotype. I knew that he no longer had the void in his heart that I did.

At that time I had opportunities that most 20 year olds would die for but I couldn’t shake the desire to find this antidote when in fact, Christ was seeking me. Right before my 21st birthday I received salvation and have never looked back. I have had many challenges, but always knew the direction for all of life’s answers. A few years later, I met my best friend Mandy and have the best and craziest family on earth. I am thankful for this church. I love our church family. I love the fact that we have like 300 kids! I appreciate the sound teaching, the biblical structure and the wonderful worship. I love you crazy people!