Coronavirus Update, March 19.

Trinity Grace:

I wanted to send you a few updates.

Sunday Mornings

This past Sunday, the Center For Disease Control recommended there be no gatherings of 50 or more people for the next eight weeks. Monday, President Trump asked for Americans to avoid social gatherings of more than 10 people for the next 15 days.

In order to honor these new recommendations, we will be live-streaming our service each Sunday at 10:30am for an indeterminate amount of time.

I don’t know what to say. I am so disappointed, as I am sure you are as well.

When the church gathers in person each week, it is—as Charles Spurgeon once said—”the dearest place on earth” & I will deeply miss it. There is no substitute to what God does as we sing together, pray together, fellowship together, & sit under God’s Word together.

Live-streaming is a temporary fix—a wonderful option that will serve us for now—but we will stop it as soon as possible!

Beyond Sunday mornings, I want us to receive this season with humility & prayer together.

Day of prayer

Would you join me for a Day of Prayer tomorrow?

Let us pray for peace to rule our hearts. Let us pray for our community to look to the interests of others, especially the vulnerable. Let us pray for our health professionals. Let us pray for our children to learn through these days to trust God. Let us pray for the lost, that God would bring them home in the midst of this season of uncertainty.

I pray we hear many testimonies, “I was rescued/revived/restored/redeemed during the Coronavirus pandemic.” Let it be, Lord.

Details for how & what to pray will be posted on the blog tomorrow morning.


I want us to receive this season with humility & prayer together.

We will greatly miss the Colloms Center lobby & the chance to quickly catch up with one another each week! So…we’re going to try something new.

On March 25 & April 1, we are going to gather for a live video call with the pastors to receive updates, hear testimonies, & pray together. These calls will be from 8-9pm both evenings. An email link with all the instructions will be sent to all members. If you are a regular attender & would like to join, please fill out this form & we’ll connect you.

“See you” Sunday!