Trinity Grace:
As we heard in the message yesterday, we are devoting Wednesday to a Day of Prayer. Our hearts are heavy & burdened in so many ways.
We want to ask you to do two things.
1. Sign up for an hour for you or your family to pray. It would be great if you could pray the whole hour! However, choose an hour where you can intentionally pray as you continue your daily tasks.
2. Below are some points to pray.
Ask God to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus throughout the United States & especially other nations where it has not spread.
Ask God to protect those who are “high-risk” or “vulnerable” from contracting the COVID-19 virus.
Ask God to strengthen & keep healthy all the health care professionals in our community & in our church—Sam, Stephen, Daniel, Jenn, Paige, Jenn, Anna, & others.
Ask God to protect us from the sins that are particularly tempting in isolation—bitterness, self-pity, lust, gluttony, & so on.
Ask God to provide for the members of our church especially those who may face serious financial challenges as a result of this virus.
Ask God to give the Walt, Taylor, Buddy, & the Deacons wisdom as they make daily & weekly decisions related to church schedule, pastoral care, etc.
Ask God to give wisdom & courage to President Trump, Congress, Governor Lee, Mayor Gentry, & others as they make decisions for our respective nations, states and locales.
Ask God to give us opportunities to share the hope we have in the gospel with unbelievers who are hopeless & fearful.
3. Is there any specific way Walt or the church can pray for you? We would love to know!
If so, please email Walt at