Jesus said, whatever you ask of the Father in my name, he will give it to you (John 16:23). James said, you do not have, because you do not ask (James 4:2).
The obvious takeaway: Prayer changes circumstances & situations in ways that would not change without prayer.
It may be tempting to conclude prayer doesn’t matter right now, since circumstances do not seem to be changing.
Author Tim Wise tweeted two weeks ago: “Heads up to Mike Pence & Ben Carson & the folks who think prayer will solve this thing, & whom i assume have been trying it, to no avail, daily: how about we stop relying on magic & go with science & lots of money? Thanks. Your God is pretty obviously napping…”
Sometimes it feels that way, doesn’t it?
But, we stand on the Word of God & remember the countless prayers God has answered. We will continue to pray to God & especially for our leaders.
1. PRAY FOR THEM TO LEAD with humility.
No government leader—or any leader for that matter—is self-made or self-appointed. They have been appointed & positioned by God himself. They are “God’s servant” (Rom. 13:3).
Pray for President Trump, Governor Lee, & Mayor Gentry:
to lead with humility before God.
to acknowledge that all the responsibility & authority they possess is from the Lord.
to steward the people, resources, & land with an awareness that “the earth & the fullness thereof belongs to the Lord” (Ps. 24:1).
What the American people need right now is not more bravado or charisma. What we need is courage & conviction springing from the truth.
Pray for President Trump, Governor Lee, & Mayor Gentry:
to lead with courage, not to win votes or earn favor.
to lead with conviction about what is right & what is best.
3. pray for wisdom.
Many of the decisions our leaders face in the days & weeks ahead are very significant & impactful. They need wisdom. And wisdom is God’s to give.
Pray for President Trump, Governor Lee, & Mayor Gentry:
to seek wisdom from God.
to discern the best ways to protect the vulnerable in our nation & community.
to make the best decision about when & how to “reopen” our economy.
4. Pray for them to cultivate what is good, especially the gospel of jesus christ.
Leaders have been put in place & given real authority “to punish those who do evil & to praise those who do good” (1 Peter 2:14). They are called to call evil evil & good good—it is a great tragedy when leaders fail to do so (Isa. 5:20).
Pray for President Trump, Governor Lee, & Mayor Gentry:
to continue to protect our rights & liberties, even as they steward their real responsibility & authority.
to cultivate what is good in the decisions they make & the way they enforce them.
to lead so that we can continue to live “a peaceful & quiet life, godly & dignified in every way” (1 Tim. 2:2).
to preserve religious liberty & encourage sinners to turn to Jesus Christ for forgiveness.
5. Pray for an end to the spread of covid-19 nationally & globally.
We long for an end to the spread of COVID-19 nationally & globally.
Pray for:
a vaccine to be developed & all the scientists working tirelessly to develop a vaccine.
the rate of infection to continue to decrease nationally & throughout the world, in a way that can only be explained by God’s power.
for a miracle & worldwide revival!