This Wednesday, the ladies are gathering together in Community Groups to discuss Carolyn Mahaney’s excellent article “Every Day’s a Bad Day.” [LINK]
If you are a lady & haven’t already, read it! It will encourage you!
And plan to attend one of the groups. Contact any of our Community Group leaders for more information.
Below are some questions to ponder & discuss together. (And, by the way, props to Elisabeth Hill for writing up these questions to serve our ladies!)
Together, summarize the article into three main points.
In her article, Mrs. Mahaney states, “We no longer fear bad news: not because we hope it’s not coming, but because we know it is coming… ‘That’s Ecclesiastes!’ In other words, God can be trusted; he told us this was going to happen.” What does that statement actually mean? How does it affect our lives? Not just in the warm-fuzzy realm of the theoretical, but in the cold-prickly realm of reality?
Take some time to share (either with everyone or a close friend) the “good gifts raining down upon us from the hand of God” in the form of “enjoyment in [your] toil.” Then consider the question Mrs. Mahaney posed in her article: “Consider: what is one way you can remind yourself to enjoy the gifts from God’s hand today?” What is a tangible reminder that shifts your perspective in this direction? Examples: Scripture to memorize? Sticky-notes in a strategic spot? Song to sing? Prayer alerts?
“Life under the sun is brutal, & it shows no signs of getting any easier. Our work is cursed & will often, more likely than not, fail on some human level. But the godly woman can face the future with peace & confidence; she even “laughs at the time to come” (Proverbs 31:25). For the same God who told us that life is hard has told us that he is near (Psalm 34:18).” This paragraph harkens back to last Ladies’ Night’s discussion about how strong theology makes strong women. Connecting these two articles, what are the strong theological truths (both mentioned in this article, & from your own mind) that direct our gaze heavenward?