Community Group Men meet this week & Women next week!


We are continuing our discussion of The Discipline of Grace by Jerry Bridges this week as men & next week as women!

In preparation, read Lesson 2: The Pharisee & the Tax Collector.

Below are several questions to ponder & discuss together:

  1. Did Lesson 1 help you void the good-day vs. bad-day mentality over the past 2 weeks? How or how not?

  2. Lesson 2 opens with a quote from the missionary William Carey. (a) How could a man of such remarkable faith in God lament his own sinfulness & shortcomings toward the end of his life? (b) Should Carey’s attitude be an example for us to follow or should we write it off as an unfortunate bit of introspection that comes with age?

  3. Consider the parable of the Pharisee & the tax collector. (a) What was the one fatal flaw in the Pharisee’s thinking? (b) By contrast to the Pharisee, how did the tax collector see himself & his sin? (c) Why did Jesus declare the tax collector righteous before God?

  4. Bridges contends that Christians should view themselves as both saints & sinners. (a) Why is that? (b) How does this change the way you typically view yourself?