New Members Sunday this week!

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Sundays are our favorite day of the week for many reasons. One of them is that it reminds us, we are not alone anymore.

Upon turning to Christ, we are brought into the household of God.

As new Christians, the New Testament assumes we will become members of a local church, an organized gathering of believers committed to the Lord & to one another. Again & again, in the book of Acts, when individuals are added to the Lord, they are also added to a group of believers, to a local church.


This Sunday, we are excited to welcome 12 individuals to our church!

They have all been attending for some time & completed the Membership Course in September of last year.

Below are their names:

Alison Bernhardt 

Hunter & Annalise Lankford

Ben & Rebecca Myers

Bill & Sherlynne Warner

Philip Wilson

Rachel Wilson

Vic & Jane Wooten

How kind of the Lord!

Let’s get ready to welcome these individuals & celebrate God’s goodness to our church this Sunday!