Final Sunday in the Building Fund Series

As you know, we are presently in a series about our Building Fund—really a series about who we are as a church & what we are called to as a church. 

We do not hope to build to become a church, but we hope to build to gather as a church to worship God for years to come. 


Long before we began gathering together as a church, there were families in Athens praying that God would plant a gospel-centered church here. Two of those individuals were Sam & Rachel Olsen.

Last Sunday, Sam & Rachel told their story.

If you were not there, I encourage you to take time to read it below.

Sam: When my family was joining Cornerstone Church of Knoxville, the church that planted us, I appealed to the pastors: “The only way I want my family to join Cornerstone Church is if you will prayerfully consider planting a church in Athens!”

I want to tell you why. 

Rachel: My family and I moved to Athens in 2005. We found a church family where we stayed for 8 years. We grew there and developed wonderful relationships with the people of the church, but I began to get an unsettled feeling.

Sam: I was hungry for the Word of God. I longed for deep Bible study, and preaching that would explain the Scriptures in a way that I could apply it to my life. I desired to have Christian community that encouraged accountability to help me walk the narrow path. 

At the recommendation of some close friends, we decided to visit Cornerstone Church of Knoxville. Our plan was to visit for a few months before returning to Athens to find another home church.

On our first Sunday visiting, I noticed that this church was very different from what I had experienced in church my whole life. The people were so welcoming and joyful. They seemed to really care about us, even though we were strangers. The music was so different from the hymns I was used to, but I was drawn to the deep theology being taught through songs. The sermons were straight out of Scripture. But it was more than that. We were presented a feast on the Gospel!  

Rachel: Our youngest child was an infant then. I spent time engaging other mothers with infants in the child care room, or on the couches in the foyer, as wiggly babies in the service often turn into wailing babies. These women were sharing their struggles…more than just potty training and getting their kids to sleep through the night. They were sharing their dependence on the Lord and their thankfulness for the gospel. I heard an unfamiliar phrase used regularly and couldn’t quite understand it: “The kindness of the Lord.” I had never specifically thought of the Lord’s kindness. My prior understanding of the Lord had been primarily what I need to do for him. I began to become aware of my cloudy view of God and his grace. 

Sam: After a year of attending Cornerstone, we did not know of a church option like this in Athens and I could not see taking my family anywhere else. So, we went through the membership class there and joined.

Five years, Pastor Bill (finally!) announced that they were planning to plant a church in Athens. We were very excited, but we didn’t know who was going to be our pastor. I remember telling Rachel that if it were up to me, I would pick Walt Alexander. There are many reasons for that. He understands the Gospel, and it has changed his life. He loves his family, and he leads them well. He joyfully worships the Lord. He is very insightful, and faithful to the Scriptures. And he is trustworthy. When Pastor Bill announced that Walt was going to be our pastor, I felt that God was being very gracious to Athens.

Rachel: As I look around at the people of Trinity Grace, I am amazed at the kindness of the Lord! He has rekindled former relationships. He has brought people from across the continent to unite around the gospel. He is knitting us into family. We serve alongside the people in our community. We have a heart for the people of Athens and are hopeful for the gospel to transform many more lives. 

Sam: We love Trinity Grace because . . . Jesus is King. The Gospel is central. The worship is authentic and theologically sound. The people love the Lord and love us. Lives are being changed because God is at work. We are so glad that God saw fit to plant Trinity Grace here in Athens.


God has established Trinity Grace Church. As stewards of his good grace towards us, we feel it is time to begin fundraising for a building.

This Sunday we will collect an offering & begin officially fundraising for the Building Fund.

But, since Jesus talks about money more than any other subject, we would encourage you to prayerfully prepare for the offering with the following considerations:

First, when it comes to giving, we would encourage you to begin with tithing.

In the Old Testament, we are commanded tithe or to give 10% of what we earn to the Lord. Giving 10% of your income is not commanded in the NT. However, it is hard to believe that with all the greater blessings secured for us through Christ, we should give less. 

We should not give less, we should give more. 

So, we would encourage you to start with giving 10% to the church, to support the needs, ministers, ministries, & missions of the church. 

If you’re not there, we encourage you & challenge you to begin making steps. 

Second, if you are already tithing, we would encourage you to prayerfully consider giving above & beyond to the Building Fund.

After tithing, there are many ministries & organizations to which we can & should give money. My wife Kim & I have given to many different things over the years. 

The Building Fund is one of these things I want to ask you to prayerfully consider giving to. 

As you know, we have set a goal of raising $400,000 in the next 2 years towards Phase 1. That’s a big goal! In addition to the $200,000 we have already set aside for the Building Fund, it will likely be enough purchase land or a building to renovate.

That said, this coming Sunday we will receive a one-time offering & monthly pledges for the next year towards the Building Fund.


I want to ask you to join me in giving to the Building Fund.

Not just so that we could be done with our vagabond days & have a more permanent location. (Though that would be nice!)

But so that we can open our doors & welcome everyone in our community to hear the good news about Jesus Christ!

I want to ask you to take time over the next few days—to pray, to look over your budget, & to consider how you can participate.

What a joy it is to partner with you in the gospel!

May God bless this church for his glory for years to come!