The Death of Jesus
April 10, 2022 || Mark 15:33-47
Main point: The main thing of our lives must be the main thing of the Bible—Jesus Christ & him crucified.
1. The Cry.
2. The Curtain.
3. The Confession.
“Dust, rusty nails and blood notwithstanding, the ground at the foot of the cross is the only vantage point from which to view life clearly. To see things there is to see them truly.” Rebecca Manley Pippert
If you missed this past Sunday, want to listen to the sermon again, or couldn’t write the quotes down fast enough, we have links for you below.
The heart of TGKids is to help children understand that the Bible is all about Jesus! Below is the story, scripture, and main teaching points from the TGKids lesson, so that you can talk with your kids about what they learned.
Bible Story: God Protects Baby Moses
Scripture: Exodus 1:1—2:10
Bible Truth: Behind the plans of men stands the plan of God
Where is Jesus: Matthew 2:13–16; Acts 7:17–22
Moses’ life foreshadows or is a picture of Jesus.
Moses’ life was threatened from the very beginning. So was the life of Jesus. God saved Jesus by having his family flee to Egypt. God saved Moses from the destruction of Pharaoh by having him live in Pharaoh’s own home! Moses was no ordinary child. He would grow up to become the savior of Israel. Jesus was no ordinary child, either. He would grow up to become the Savior of the world. Both Moses and Jesus were mediators, someone who stands between God and his people.
April Memory Verse: "Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in
the land that the LORD your God is giving you." Exodus 20:12
If you want to check out the Quarterly Overview of the TGKids Curriculum, click the button below!
Easter Picnic
Bring a favorite side and/or dessert to share at our after-service Easter Picnic. Feel free to bring lawn chairs, picinc blankets, lawn games, and friends as we celebrate the resurrection together!
Finally Alive!
If you want to know more about what it means to be a Christian and how to live as a Christian, this course is for you! We’ll meet 4 Thursdays evenings and make our way through the book of 1 John.
Thursday, 4/21 | 7-8:30 pm | 219 E Madison Ave
Sign up below if you plan to attend!