What happened to Jesus on Wednesday of Holy Week?

what happened ON wednesday?

Today is Wednesday.

Jesus spent the day teaching in the temple—Luke 21:37-38.

But while he was teaching & minding his own business, the religious leaders were secretly plotting to kill him—Matthew 26:3-5, Mark 14:1-2, & Luke 22:1-2.

The video above helps explain why they wanted to kill him.


Jesus was a threat to the religious leaders of his day. He challenged their traditions & claimed to be the Messiah. He claimed to be God, which would be blasphemy if it were not true.

And they wanted to kill him.

Notice: It is not the “bad people” who plot to kill Jesus. It is not the prostitutes & tax collectors. It is the “good people,” the religious people.

If there is one thing we can learn from what happened to Jesus on Wednesday of Holy Week, it is: We must not become the “good people” who are religious but are not following Jesus.