Baby Dedications on Sunday, May 9.


We are a fruitful church.

We hope to fruitful in the ways of God but we are definitely fruitful in the number of children we have. There are babies everywhere!


On Sunday, May 9—Mother’s Day!—we will celebrate baby dedications.

We regularly offer baby dedications for a number of reasons, including:

  • We want to thank God. Children are a heritage & gift from the Lord (Psalm 127:3)!

  • We want to give parents an opportunity to dedicate children to the Lord. Children are called to “do everything to the glory of God” (1 Cor. 10:31). Their lives are not their own. So, we want to give parents an opportunity to dedicate them to the Lord & commit to calling them to glorify God with their lives.

  • We want to join with parents to help raise these children in the Lord. The church is a “gymnasium” for godliness, as John Calvin has said. So we pray with & commit to join with these parents in training these children for godliness.

Sign up to participate

If you have one of children (or an older child or older children who have not been dedicated) & would like to participate in the baby dedications on Sunday, May 9, sign up below.

We will follow up with you & give you all the information you need.