Baby Dedication: Sunday Recap

Kids are such a wonderful gift from the Lord . . . a heritage!

This past Sunday, we had the joy to pray for & dedicate six kiddos to the Lord! May they lose their lives for Christ’s sake.

We also finally got to dive back into the Book of Mark.

Below are some of the main points, scripture, & quotes used to remind us the the Lord uses ordinary people for extraordinary things.

“The most extraordinary thing in the world is an ordinary man and an ordinary woman and their ordinary children.” G.K. Chesteron

Main point: More than anything else, Jesus wants ordinary disciples who leave everything to follow him.

1. The Crowds.

“When times are good, how do you know if you love God or just love the things he is giving you or doing for you? You don’t, really. In times of health and prosperity, it is easy to think you have a loving relationship to God. You pray and do your religious duties since it is comforting and seems to be paying off.” Tim Keller

“[Jesus] said if you want to be My disciples, there are three conditions. First, you must give up your right to yourself. Second, you must take up your cross. Third, you must follow. My understanding of giving up your right to yourself is saying no to yourself. And taking up your cross is saying yes to God. Lord, whatever it is You want to give me, I’ll take it. Yes. Yes. Yes.” Elisabeth Elliot

2. The Twelve.

3. The Mission.

“She had attended to her sons, suffering birth pangs, so to speak, again every time she saw them leave the true path and move away from you.” Augustine