Sunday Recap & Discussion Questions

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This past Sunday we honored our four high school graduates—Chase Blankenbaker, John Olsen, Kaitlyn Smith, and Janelle Thomas. Like Melanie Smith said, “They are worthy of the honor, because graduating from high school is a significant milestone and a great accomplishment.”

So we give God the Glory for how He has worked in their lives and what He will do with them in this new season!

In addition, Walt continued our series in Mark explaining the “Marken sandwich” in Mark chapter 3.

Below are the notes from Walt’s sermon and the discussion questions for this week’s community groups.

sErmon outline

1. The Top Bun.

2. The Meat.

“Lo, I am a man like to my brethren, having flesh and blood, and all properties of man’s nature, sin, which is thy venom, excepted. Tempt, try, and assault me. I offer thee here a place most convenient, – the wilderness: – there shall be no mortal creature to comfort me against thy assaults; thou shalt have time sufficient to do what thou canst; I shall not fly the place of battle. If thou become victor, thou may still continue in possession of thy kingdom in this wretched world: but if thou canst not prevail against me, then must thy prey and unjust spoil be taken from thee; thou must grant thyself vanquished and confounded, and must be compelled to leave off from all accusations of the members of my body; for to them doth appertain the fruit of my battle; my victory is theirs, as I am appointed to take the punishment of their sins in my body.” -John Knox

Can the prey be taken from the mighty, or the captives of a tyrant be rescued? For thus says the Lord: “Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken, and the prey of the tyrant be rescued, for I will contend with those who contend with you, and I will save your children. . . . Then all flesh shall know that I am the Lord your Savior, and your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob.”- Isaiah 49:24-26

“Mark signifies the unique pitfall that this sin can pose for religious people. . . . In this respect, wickedness poses a lesser problem for the grace of God than do pride and self-righteousness.” -James Edwards

3. The Bottom Bun.

(1) If you are a Christian, you are Jesus’ brother or sister.

“Let all true Christians drink comfort out of these words. Let them know that there is One at least, who knows them, loves them, cares for them, and reckons them as his own family. What though they be poor in this world? They have no cause to be ashamed, when they remember that they are the brethren and sisters of the Son of God.” -J.C. Ryle

(2) Your allegiance to Jesus & what he is doing should rise above every other commitment, even to your family & your country.

(3) If your allegiances are not rightly ordered, there is still time to repent.

Discussion questions

1. What is unique about the way this story is told? Why does Mark “sandwich” a bit of teaching in the middle of the story?

2. If Mark is “sandwiching” this teaching in the midst of the story to tell us the meaning of the story, then what connection is Mark between the family of Jesus & the scribes?

3. What is the warning Jesus gives the religious leaders gathered? (V.28-30).

4. How might we travel down a path that would put us in opposition to God?

5. Walt shared Ray Ortlund’s description of the 3 kinds of people: 1) Those who do the Lord’s work His way, 2) Those who do the Lord’s work their way, and 3) Those who do the Devil’s work.

  • What are the differences between these 3 types of people?

  • Who represents who in these verses from Mark?

  • Who are the “groups” in Mark’s story and which type of person do they represent?