Register for Trinity Grace's VBS next week!

We often call kids to clap their hands & sing & (sometimes!) stomp their feet in worship, but do we tell them why? Do we tell them about the astonishingly good Father we are responding to with worship? Do we regularly tell them about what our Savior has done for us?

Jesus had strong words for those whose worship was merely external.

We long to see our church—& the children of our church—to be saturated in the truths of gospel so that our response of worship is heartfelt & filled with awe!

That’s why we are excited about this year’s Clap Your Hands & Stomp Your Feet VBS!


WHO: All kids from Pre-K to 5th grade!

WHEN: Wednesday, July 15–Friday, July 17

WHAT TIME: 6:30pm-8:15pm

WHERE: Athens Market Pavilion (103 S. Jackson St.)


Is there someone you could invite to this year’s VBS? Maybe a neighbor that has recently moved in? Maybe the kids from a friend at work or the gym?

We’d love to have them.

Invite them & come along with them!