Your Mailbox: 2021 Bible Reading Plan & more!

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Dear Trinity Grace,

One of the things I would like to begin doing more regularly is writing letters to you on our blog.

It is an opportunity for me to share things that I don’t have always have time to address during a Sunday serving.

So, here we go…


July 1 marks halfway through our 2021 Bible Reading Plan!

We’ve been trudging through the downfall of the kings, but things start looking up from exile after this. You can download the reading plan for July–December here.

If this is the first you’ve heard of our Bible Reading plan, we are reading through the whole Old Testament together. You can still jump in—and finish next year! Tomorrow, we begin in the book of Chronicles & continue through the Psalms!

While we are talking about Bible reading, several things come to mind for me.


You may be a morning person. I am not!

I wake up many mornings wondering whether I am still a Christian! I wake up & have to begin again to fight grumbling, complaining, & discontent. It’s sad, but true many mornings.

One thing I have found very helpful: before I read my Bible, I strive to prepare my heart.

One of my favorite ways to prepare my heart to commune with God & read the Bible is to pray four simple prayers I learned from John Piper before I begin reading.

I—Incline my heart to you, not to prideful gain or any false motive. (Psalm 119:36)

O—Open my eyes to behold wonderful things in your Word. (Psalm 119:18)

U—Unite my heart to fear your name. (Psalm 86:11)

S—Satisfy me with your steadfast love. (Psalm 90:14)

I don’t know how many times I have prayed those prayers. They are simple but praying them repeatedly & sincerely has been a simple practice that has served my soul well.

Each of these prayers take up specific Scriptures & turn our eyes away from what we are doing to the Lord who can build us up & strengthen us!

If you ever want to take about Bible reading & communion with God, feel free to talk with me or one of the other pastors.

Yours in Christ,
