5 Year Anniversary Sunday in Review

Psalm 126:3 - The LORD has done great things for us; we are glad.

We had a wonderful time reflecting on God’s faithfulness to our church this past weekend. We enjoyed a rich Sunday service praising God for all that he’s done over the last five years. Our friend, C.J. Mahaney (pastor of Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville), came and encouraged us by preaching from Psalm 126. God has done great things for us, and we are glad indeed!

If you haven’t had the chance to see them yet, here are the videos from the last 2 Sundays: One is a slideshow from the last 5 years and the other highlights short testimonies from members about how God has used this church family in their lives.

Anniversary Picnic in Pictures

The celebration continued with our 5th Anniversary Picnic at the Expo Center. We enjoyed bounce houses, an art expo, horse rides, games, a delicious feast, a time of singing…and a time of dancing!