Walt’s Prayer Requests for the Ethiopia Trip

One of the things we often say around here is that we believe churches are stronger together. We are thankful for our partnership with churches in our region & throughout the world with Sovereign Grace. 

Along these lines, I have the privilege of visiting Trinity Fellowship Church in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. If you remember, we have prayed for this church for several years. Michael & Kenean Granger were sent from our sister church in Louisville, KY to plant Trinity Fellowship just over 2 years ago. By God’s grace, in the face of Covid and civil war, this church has grown in number and in unity.

In connection with the local church, Trinity Fellowship has helped launch a pastors college modeled after the college both Taylor and I had the privilege of attending. This college aims to equip pastors for ministry in Sovereign Grace Churches. So, I will have the honor of teaching at the Ethiopian Pastors College. 

This past year, they graduated their first class. Each of these students will be coming to Addis Ababa for us to study “A Practical Theology of Suffering for Pastors.” I am very excited!

I want to ask for your prayers for: 

  • Safe travel - It is an international flight with a few different connections. Pray that I make it there and back with no logistical or safety issues.

  • Health - Leading up to the trip, pray for good health that won’t compromise travel. And, of course, I would appreciate prayer to be healthy while there so I can fully engage the students and friends and serve them well.

  • The power of the Spirit - This is a weighty topic and I need the Lord’s help to communicate powerfully so that these men might personally walk through suffering with steadfast hope and pastor those under their care with compassion and confidence in Christ.

I want to thank you. One of the burdens we have as an eldership is that we would view ourselves as members of the body of Christ throughout the world. I hope this update helps all of us get a small glimpse of what God is doing throughout the world among Sovereign Grace & wonderfully far beyond.