Sunday Class: True Contentment

The Puritan Thomas Watson once wisely said, “It is not trouble that troubles, but discontent.”

There are few virtues more valuable for the Christian life than contentment. And there are few sins more destructive than discontentment.


One of the things Scripture teaches us is that contentment is learned. The apostle Paul said: “I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need” (Phil. 4:12).

No Christian is given the gift of contentment. Contentment is learned—or not learned—by all of us in the midst of our specific circumstances & changes.

That’s what CJ Mahaney has learned.

In fact, this morning, DesiringGod posted the article “Hope for Your Unhappy Life” by CJ’s wife Carolyn, in which she describes her fight for contentment in the midst of a challenging season facing gossip & slander.

Contentment is for all

If contentment is learned, that means: it can be learned by anyone & everyone.

It can be learned by you!


This Sunday, join us for a class on True Contentment with our friend CJ Mahaney.

Where: This Sunday, April 16 at 9:15am

Where: In the gym

**What else: Childcare will be provided for Crawlers (0-2 yrs) & Walkers (3-5 yrs).**

And, don’t worry—we will have plenty of coffee ready for you!