Who Told You?: Jeremiah Kersey

1Co 3:5-7 - “What then is Apollos? What is Paul? Servants through whom you believed, as the Lord assigned to each. 6 I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. 7 So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth.”

This passage captures the truth of how God uses his people to carry out his purposes of bringing new life - and he often does so incrementally.

This past Sunday, we invited Jeremiah Kersey to share about those who planted and watered the gospel in his life and how God used their influence to bring the gospel’s effects to fruition in his soul.

The following is Jeremiah’s testimony:

My name is Jeremiah, and I’ve been a Christian for 10 years. I would like to tell you about the person who told me about Jesus and the true gospel.

I was born in Cleveland, Tn.  I did not grow up in Church, but I was raised with the understanding that my family was Christian. When I was about six or seven years old we attended a handful of services, but then we stopped and never returned.  My father explained that the church was full of hypocrites.  I didn’t understand what he meant.  As I got older I assumed that church attendance was mostly for appearances, and in no way necessary.

My views on Christianity were so warped that I thought everyone I met was a Christian.  I knew other religions existed and that some people didn’t believe in God, but it wasn’t until middle school that I listened to someone, face to face, deny God’s existence.  They were obviously trying to be as edgy as possible, and it was goofy.  Even though it was memorable, it was not compelling in any way.  This is also the same year I met another kid, who would become my closest childhood friend.  

 Later in high school this was the young man who told me that God wasn’t real.  I remember feeling afraid and nervous.  He wasn’t trying to get a reaction.  He was sincerely sharing his beliefs with his best friend.  I admired him so much that I had to hear his reasoning.  He provided several arguments against the authenticity of the Bible and walked me through the problem of evil.  With no biblical knowledge and a whopping 4-5 entire children’s church sessions under my belt, it’s safe to say I was ill-equipped to provide any rebuttal.  We just never talked about it again, but my understanding of the world was dramatically changed.  By the time I was a senior in high school I was firmly agnostic.  Like any good agnostic I researched a ton of sources that confirmed my bias and settled into a more atheistic stance. 

A few years later while I was working in Cleveland a beautiful girl named Carrie started her first week of training at the same call center.  A couple dates, a ringless proposal, and within 6 months we were married.  During our very short engagement she had one requirement.  I had to attend church services with her.  I didn’t argue because beliefs are loosely held when you throw a cute girl into the mix. So, in the blink of an eye I went from an atheist back to agnostic.  I attended services with her, but I mostly just spaced out until they were over.  Anyways, as young love goes we both ended up losing our jobs from missing too many days.

Thankfully, I was able to land my first IT job and that’s where I met a man who would quickly become a close friend and mentor.  His name is Anton Burnette, and this is the man who told me about Jesus.  I don’t know why he took an interest in me, but I will forever be in his debt. Not only did he mentor me regarding the day to day job, but he also taught me how to work diligently in any position and how to lead a team.  More importantly, he shared the gospel and defended the faith against every argument I had.  He would walk me through the most basic points, step by step, until I realized I had no defense for that particular belief.  Through the next 2 years Anton sent me countless videos, websites, and books on various Christian doctrines.  I knew that there was no possible argument against the Christian God.  He was absolutely true.  I knew that the Bible was God-breathed and uncorrupted.  I understood the doctrines of grace.  

However, something didn’t feel right.  I had knowledge of God and a defense of the faith, but it was just knowledge.  Through both God and Anton’s wisdom a couple of things happened, almost back to back.  Anton sent me a youtube link on a discussion of Acts 2.  Two of the verses referenced were Acts 2 v.38 and 39, “And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39 For the promise is for you and for your children and for all who are far off, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to himself.”  I didn’t really think anything about that particular reference as I watched it, but then that ole youtube algorithm hit the jackpot.  I came across R.C. Sproul’s lessons on “The Assurance of Salvation.”  Here again, I seemed to understand the lesson and I would pause the video and confirm my understanding with Anton and nothing surprising came up.  I was, however, growing more and more scared as the lessons continued.  There was a reference to Matthew 7 v.23, “...depart from me I never knew you.”  Then there was a section on all the variations of false assurance.  Finally at the end R.C. Sproul explained that a person could know they have been regenerated by their new found hate for sin.  A person’s correct love of Christ would cause them to love Christ’s law and to hate lawlessness.  

A number of things washed over me at that moment:  I admitted that I always knew God existed, but I didn’t love him before.  I loved my sin.  At that same moment I realized how disgusting my sins were in the sight of God.  As my eyes were welling up my mind flooded with the number of times Anton had referenced Acts 2 v.38, but this time it clicked.  I finally understood the gospel, and after my eyes dried up I turned to Anton and said, “I need to be baptized.”  I was baptized two weeks later.  Anton continued to instruct me in biblical doctrines over the next three years until our careers took different paths.  He will always be one of my most trusted friends.

I thank God for putting Anton in my life. I wouldn’t be the person I am today without him.  He set an example that I will always strive for.  Thank you all for the opportunity to share my story.