Sunday Preview: April 9, 2023 at the YMCA

Easter Picnic!

This Sunday, we are extending our celebration of Christ’s resurrection by enjoying food and fellowship - picnic style!

Don’t forget to bring your blankets and lawn chairs and plan to stick around to enjoy these good gifts. Check with your Community Group leader to see what your group is providing. And if you aren’t in a Community Group yet - bring something yummy to share!

As you prepare your dish, please make your portion enough to feed 8 people. We're expecting a large family gathering and we want to have plenty to share! It's best if your item is in a disposable container, but if you do bring it in something you would like to have returned, make sure to have your name written clearly on it. All food items will be collected in the glass room at the YMCA before the service Easter morning. Please place your dish at the table labeled for your community group. 


In preparation to welcome the guests that come visit Trinity Grace this Sunday, please remember to find a seat toward the front of the rows and all the way in toward the middle aisle. That helps our ushers quickly find seats for any new faces - and helps the visitors feel more comfortable by not having to crawl over strangers to get to a seat.

Each Sunday, the pastors carefully put together an order of worship for us.

In an effort to help you prepare your heart & your family, we have included this Sunday’s order of worship below, as well as some important information. All the Scripture readings are noted. Links to videos of all the songs are included as well.


When: 10:30 am

Where: The YMCA - 205 Knoxville Ave


Sunday, April 9, 2023


Call to Worship: 1 Timothy 3:16

Come Behold The Wondrous Mystery

Christ Our Hope In Life And Death

Responsive Reading: Romans 8:9b–11

In Christ Alone

Behold Our God

Crown Him With Many Crowns

Sermon: John 11 // Light on Dark Clouds: Fear of Death

Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me
