April 28, 2024 || John 14:15-31 || Taylor Hollingsworth
The Paraclete
MAIN POINT: In light of Christ’s love, live courageously in the peace of Christ through the empowering help of the Holy Spirit.
The Foundation: Christ’s Love. (v. 15)
The Help: Christ’s Spirit. (v. 16-26)
The Courage: Christ’s Peace. (v. 27-31)
Receiving of New Members
On May 5th, we will have the joy of welcoming new members to Trinity Grace Church. This reminds us of the Lord’s kindness and faithfulness to our church.
Baby Dedication
On Sunday, May 12, we will have a special time of recognizing and praying for our families and children. If you are interested in dedicating your baby or your children, please contact the church at for more information..
TGC Book Club
Pick up your copy of the book, The Enemy Within by Kris Lungard, which takes aim at the heart of ongoing sin. We will meet on Sunday, May 18, at 9 am at the YMCA to discuss.