May 19, 2024 || John 15:9-16 || Walt Alexander
The Joy-Filled Fruitful Life
MAIN POINT: The only way to live a fruitful life is to remain devoted to Christ & his commands.
As beloved children, obey his commands.
As friends, love one another.
As disciples, remember your mission.
Enoch Contemporary Ballet
Don’t miss the upcoming performance of the Enoch Contemporary Ballet and the opportunity to help support their upcoming mission trips this summer. Their performance is this Saturday, May 25th at 6 pm in Madisonville. Tickets can be purchased directly by using the link below.
Church Picnic after church on Sunday!
Everyone is invited to a church picnic following the service on Sunday, May 26. Please bring your own food, chairs, drinks, and games as we enjoy a time of fellowship on the lawn at the YMCA.
Serving at VBS
Are you interested in helping serve at this year’s VBS at the YMCA on June 26-28 from 2-4pm? If so, click here to sign up.