March 10, 2024 || John 13:1-12 || Walt Alexander
Main Point: Have no fear — Jesus was determined to love his own to the end, cleansing us of all sin & setting us apart for himself.
The Setting. (v. 1)
The Act. (v.2-5)
The end is better than the beginning. (v.8-10)
Wisdom is the best of all. (v.11-14)
TGC Book Club
Join us this month in reading the book, Taking God at His Word by Kevin DeYoung. We will meet on Sunday, March 24, at 9 am at the YMCA to discuss.
Easter Picnic
Join us after church for a Easter Picnic on the lawn of the YMCA on March 31. It will be a time of food, fellowship, and s special performance by the Enoch Contemporary Ballet.