Announcements + Sunday Recap


To The Church In Philadelphia

March 12, 2023 || Revelation 3:7-13

MAIN POINT: The church that bears fruit in every age will depend on Christ for everything. 

  1. The reality of self-confidence (v.14-17). 

  2. The remedy for self-confidence (v.18). 

  3. The source to true confidence (v.19-22).



The heart of TGKids is to help children understand that the Bible is all about Jesus! Below is the story, scripture, and main teaching points from the TGKids lesson, so that you can talk with your kids about what they learned.

Bible Story: Elijah & the Prophets of Baal

Scripture: 1 Kings 18:17–38

Bible Truth: Our God is above all gods.

Where is Jesus: Matthew 27:49

On Mount Carmel God revealed himself through consuming the sacrifice offered by Elijah. This was an expression of his grace. Even though the people of Israel rejected him, he showed himself by accepting Elijah’s sacrifice.

The sacrifice of the bull was another reminder before God that one day a sacrifice would be made to atone for all the sins of his people. Knowing Jesus’ sacrifice would come, God poured out mercy and accepted Elijah’s sacrifice that day.

When Jesus hung on the cross the people mocked him saying, “Let us see whether Elijah will come to save him” (Matthew 27:49). Little did the people know that all of Elijah’s wonders were meant to point to Jesus.

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