Announcements + Sunday Recap


Our Comforting and Redeeming God

May 21, 2023 || 2 Corinthians 1 || Frank Lundy

MAIN POINT: Suffering is never random, and it is powerful in the hands of a comforting God.

1. Suffering reveals God's character (v. 3)

2. Suffering equips us to comfort others (v. 4)

3. Suffering enriches our intimacy with Christ (v. 5)

4. Suffering deepens our dependence upon God (vv. 6–11)



The heart of TGKids is to help children understand that the Bible is all about Jesus! Below is the story, scripture, and main teaching points from the TGKids lesson, so that you can talk with your kids about what they learned.

Bible Story: The Fall of Israel

Scripture: 2 Kings 17:6–15

Bible Truth: Judgment comes to those who refuse the loving warnings of God.

Where is Jesus: 2 Kings 17:15–17

When you look at Israel’s history, you can see the consequences that came to them when they turned away from the Lord. Their sin got so bad that in the end they were killing their children as sacrifices to their false gods.

God could have completely destroyed all of Israel because of their sin, but he didn’t because he had a plan to save his people. Although the northern kingdom was defeated and captured, God spared Jerusalem in the south. No matter how bad Israel’s sin became, the Lord did not abandon his people because he loved them. Later, when God allowed Jerusalem to be defeated, captured, and taken to Babylon, their captivity would last for only seventy years.

If you want to learn more about TGKids, click the button below!


Lemonade on The Lawn

This Sunday, plan to stick around after the service for some refreshing lemonade and even more refreshing fellowship!

Bring your blankets, lawn chairs, lawn games, and lunch and let’s enjoy these good gifts together.