Announcements + Sunday Recap


What is Man For?

June 18, 2023 || Genesis 2:4 - 17 || Walt Alexander

MAIN POINT: A man gladly takes up sacrificial responsibility to provide for & protect others in appropriate ways for the glory of God.

  1. The Man (v.4-7).

  2. The Mission (v.8-15).

  3. The Mandate (v.16-17).



The heart of TGKids is to help children understand that the Bible is all about Jesus! Below is the story, scripture, and main teaching points from the TGKids lesson, so that you can talk with your kids about what they learned.

Bible Story: Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream

Scripture: Daniel 2:1-49

Bible Truth: God’s Wisdom Prevails.

Where is Jesus: Romans 9:32-33

The most important part of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream was the part about a great rock from God that destroyed the statue and grew into a mountain and filled the whole earth.

The rock was a picture of Jesus Christ and the mountain a picture of God’s kingdom. Throughout the Bible, God uses a rock or stone to represent his work on the earth. Another example is when water came out from a rock in the desert for the children of Israel to drink.

Later in the New Testament, we are told that the rock in the desert represents Christ (1 Corinthians 10:4). Jesus compared a life lived for God to a house that was strong and sturdy because it was built on the rock of God’s truth (Matthew 7:24). The apostle Paul said that the rock of God’s truth is Jesus (Romans 9:33).

If you want to learn more about TGKids, click the button below!


VBS: “Stories of Radical Rescue”

WHEN: July 19- 21, 2 - 4 pm at the YMCA

WHAT: Are you interested in helping serve at this year’s VBS at the YMCA as we proclaim the good news about the radical rescue of Jesus Christ?

If so, click the button below to sign up and receive more information.

If you are between 6th-12th grade, you are welcome to join us for the Red Clay Pool Day this Saturday weather permitting! The cost is $9. There are concessions available if you'd like to bring extra money. Parents are welcome to join, but we can arrange for youth who need a ride. Please contact Camille Lopez.