Same As It Ever Was
May 15, 2022 || Ecclesiastes 1:1-11
Main point: You cannot get whatever you want out of life, but you can live everyday with purpose because of Christ.
1. Nothing you do will be remembered.
2. Nothing you do will be new.
3. Nothing you do will satisfy.
“The life of every human being consists mainly in this: we’ve been given a place to be, some things to do, a need for sustenance, and a people to share them with. God originates these gifts. God is present with these gifts.” Zack Eswine
If you missed this past Sunday, want to listen to the sermon again, or couldn’t write the quotes down fast enough, we have links for you below.
The heart of TGKids is to help children understand that the Bible is all about Jesus! Below is the story, scripture, and main teaching points from the TGKids lesson, so that you can talk with your kids about what they learned.
Bible Story: The Last Plague & the First Passover
Scripture: Exodus 11-13
Bible Truth: God’s people are saved by the blood of the Lamb.
Where is Jesus: 1 Corinthians 5:7–8
In this passage, as in the Passover, leaven represents sin. This is another way in which the story of Passover speaks to us of holiness and salvation. The Hebrews ate bread to live, so unleavened bread represented life free of sin.
But the most important aspect of the Passover was the blood on the door frame. In the entire Old Testament, this is the clearest foreshadowing (picture) of the sacrifice Jesus made for us on the cross. God promised the Hebrews that if the blood of a lamb was painted on the door frame, he would pass over that home and the firstborn son would not be killed. Similarly, Jesus is the Lamb who was slain for us. It is his blood that marks us as chosen by God and protected from God’s holy wrath against sin.
May Memory Verse: "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." Philippians 4:6
If you want to check out the Quarterly Overview of the TGKids Curriculum, click the button below!
Summer Trip Offering
This Sunday, we will be collecting a dedicated offering to help cover the cost of those who are serving during these summer trips with Trinity Grace Church!
If you would like to support them, please consider giving this Sunday.
TGC Youth Meeting (Cancelled)
Due to graduations and recitals, we will not be meeting this month. Our next event will be a Lake Day on June 11. Stay tuned!
Advance 2022
We’ll be partnering with our friends from Cornerstone Church of Knoxville for the Advance Youth Retreat! Rising 6th graders-12th graders and parents are welcome to attend.
Register below before May 22 for the early bird discount!