MAIN POINT: There is no satisfaction under the sun except daily enjoying what you have been given from God.
More money doesn’t solve your problems.
More money doesn’t satisfy.
The only good is enjoying what you have been given.
“It is a cold fact that God does in fact give many goods to men who are not given the corresponding power to enjoy those goods. The good Lord gives to his people a can opener to go with the cans of peaches he gives them. But to the unbeliever, he gives no way of genuine enjoyment. This being the case, it does not matter how many cans a man might accumulate. Do we measure satisfaction by what we may stack up, or by what we are given to enjoy? What is the wealthy unbeliever going to do? Lick the picture there on the label?” Douglas Wilson
If you missed this past Sunday or couldn’t write the quotes down fast enough, we have a link for you below.