Enjoy Life!
August 21, 2022 || Ecclesiastes 9:1-12
MAIN POINT: The choice is yours: stay bitter or start enjoying life’s good gifts.
One thing in life is certain (v.1-6).
Many things in life are uncertain (v.11-12).
A few things make life good (v.7-10).
“Ride a bike, see the Grand Canyon, go to the theater, learn to make music, visit the sick, care for the dying, cook a meal, feed the hungry, watch a film, read a book, laugh with some friends until it makes you cry, play football, run a marathon, snorkel in the ocean, listen to Mozart, ring your parents, write a letter, play with your kids, spend your money, learn a language, plant a church, start a school, speak about Christ, travel to somewhere you've never been, adopt a child, give away your fortune and then some, shape someone else's life by laying down your own.” David Gibson
If you missed this past Sunday or couldn’t write the quotes down fast enough, we have a link for you below.
The heart of TGKids is to help children understand that the Bible is all about Jesus! Below is the story, scripture, and main teaching points from the TGKids lesson, so that you can talk with your kids about what they learned.
Bible Story: The Tabernacle
Scripture: Exodus 25—26
Bible Truth: God lives among his people.
Where is Jesus: Matthew 27:50–54
Here we read about the temple in Jerusalem and what happened there at the moment Jesus died. The temple was arranged just like the tabernacle that God described to Moses. There was an inner court of two rooms. The Holy Place was the first room. Within it was a room called the Most Holy Place, which was also called the Holy of Holies. A curtain divided the two rooms. The curtain was like a barrier between God and man. Only the high priest could pass through the curtain and enter the Holy of Holies. He did this only once a year as a mediator between God and man. Each year he offered a sacrifice for the sins of the people. This sacrifice had to be repeated year after year because it was not a perfect sacrifice.
But Jesus came as the perfect sacrifice. When he died on the cross, the temple curtain was torn in half. The barrier between God and man was ripped in two. God wanted everyone to understand that Jesus’ sacrifice was enough to forgive all sins for all time. God would not dwell in a temple or tabernacle any longer. Now he would dwell in and among his people. From that moment on, God’s people became the temple of God (1 Corinthians 6:19). Now his presence dwells continually in the hearts of Christians.
If you want to learn more about TGKids, click the button below!
We Believe
WHEN: Wednesday, August 24 from 7:00-8:30 pm
WHERE: 219 E Madison Ave, Athens, TN 37303
TGC Family Night
Mark your calendars because you do not want to miss our next TGC Family Night!
Sunday, August 28 || 6 pm || The YMCA
Sunday Picnic
As we have seen through Ecclesiastes, God has given us some very good gifts - our church being one! Let’s enjoy some good food & fellowship together under the sun!
WHEN: Sunday, September 4 - after church
WHERE: Behind the Y!
BRING: Your own lunch, chairs, blankets, ect.
Membership Class
WHEN: Saturday, September 10 || 8:45 am -1:30 pm
WHERE: Buddy & Judy Luster’s House
Click the button below for more information and to sign-up for this class.