MAIN POINT: Let us continually worship & praise God for his glory & his grace.
Praise the Lord at all times (1-3).
Praise the Lord for his glory (4-6).
Praise the Lord for his grace (7-9).
If you missed this past Sunday or couldn’t write the quotes down fast enough, we have a link for you below.
“If praise has a single center, it’s in the acknowledgment that God is God, and God is our God.” John Webster
Bible Story: Moses Disobeys God
Scripture: Numbers 20:2-13
Bible Truth: Our anger against others is also a sin against God.
Where is Jesus: Hebrews 4:15
Instead of speaking to the rock to draw forth the water, Moses strikes the rock in his anger. Here we see the fallibility of Israel’s redeemer. Up until this point Moses did what God told him to do. But Moses was a fallen mediator, unable to stand sinless in the gap for the people. Jesus is the perfect mediator.
Unlike Moses, the imperfect mediator, Jesus, though he was tempted like us, did not sin. He intercedes for us yet today. His blood covers all our sins and he continually stands before God the Father testifying to our redemption.
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