
One Last Look at Psalms 1-10

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From June to September we were (mostly) studying the first 10 chapters of the book of Psalms. Clearly, we are a mess. And we live in a messy world—one with a tangled mess of trouble on so many levels. These 10 psalms run the spectrum of emotion that we all deal with–from complaining to exclamations of praise.

Pastor Walt wonderfully helped us navigate these Psalms and our emotions. One thing is certain, God’s plan is not secured through our obedience or getting it all right, but through His sovereign grace. To go back and hear a message that you missed (or you want to hear again), check out the links below (you can also find them on Apple Podcast).

God has given us prayers to pray and songs to sing during this season!

PSALM 1 - Prayers to Pray in the Mess of Life

PSALM 2 - Why is America So Mad?

PSALM 3 - Salvation is in God’s Hand Alone

PSALM 4 - Give Peace a Chance

PSALM 5 - Pray, Trust God, and Do the Right

PSALM 6 - Pray and Wait, There’s No Other Way

PSALM 7 - Don’t Stop Believin’

PSALM 8 - How Majestic is Your Name!

PSALM 9 & 10 - Is God Really in Control?