We want to leave 2020 thankful.
Not thankful that it’s gone, per se. But keenly aware of the evidences of God’s grace this year.
To say that 2020 was surprising and challenging would be an understatement. Yet, we must admit that some of those surprises were wonderful, pleasing gifts from the Lord.
This past Sunday, Pastor Walt gave thanks for some of these graces during his congregational prayer. Below are the notes from his prayer of thanksgiving.
Father, I will bless the Lord at all times. His praise shall continually be in my mouth.
My soul makes its boast in the Lord. Let the humble hear & be glad.
I sought the Lord & he answered me & delivered me from all my fears.
Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all.
Father, 2020 has been a long year & we are thankful to put it to rest in just a few days.
Nevertheless, we want to give you thanks for how we have encounter you this year.
You have sustained us. You have borne us & carried us. And we don’t want to leave this year unchanged.
Thank you for reminding us that we are not in control & are completely dependent upon you.
So often we live each day without little regard for you. But, this year has been filled with interruptions that have reminded us of our frailty, our limitations, & our weakness.
Man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps (Pro 16:9).
A man’s steps are from the Lord, how then can we understand our way? (Pro 20:24).
O Lord, make us to know our end & what is the measure of our days, let us know how fleeting we are (Psalm 39).
For in you we live, move, & have our being (Acts 17).
We refuse to arrogantly arrogantly grow cold, calloused, & angry in response to this year.
We bow humbly before you. We confess that our thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are our ways yours.
Make us truly wise. Make us to slow to speak. Make us slow to sound off on things we don’t know. Make us deeply grateful for the undeserved daily gifts of food, shelter, sleep, & work.
Thank you for reminding us that this world is not our home. Thank you for unsettling our work, plans, relationships, retirement savings, country, & more, if for no other reason than to help us desire a better country, our heavenly country.
If we have hoped in Christ in this life only, we are to be pitied more than anyone else (1 Cor 15:19).
We thank you for the numerous blessings, relationships, & opportunities we have in this life, but we thank you for all you unsettled this year to remind us that this world is not our home. Our citizenship is in heaven & from heaven we await a Savior, Jesus Christ. He has gone before us to prepare a place for us, a place where we will be finally home & never fear tomorrow.
O Lord, let us not lose hold of this precious reminder.
Let us not labor for a political kingdom in this world, for your kingdom is not of this world.
Let us not work for that which doesn’t satisfy—power, position, or prominence.
Let us store up treasure in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys & where thieves do not break in & steal (Matt 6:19).
Thank you for reminding us that every person is made in the image of God & should be treated with dignity & respect.
Father, it has been a painful year along racial lines in America.
We long for the church to be on the front lines—not standing in red or blue, not even playing the political game—but showing the world a place where people are not judged by the color of their skin or their net worth or their family background or anything else.
Let us devote ourselves to the good work of the gospel & the reconciliation, peace, & justice only it can bring.
Thank you for reminding us of the priceless gift of friendships.
There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother, who chooses to love us & stand with us through anything.
We thank you that we are surrounded with friends like these in our church & beyond our church. Thank you for all calls, texts, emails, meals, cookies, encouragements, & so on shared this year.
Thank you for reminding us of the privilege of gathering in person among friends to worship you. This year has been one long reminder of something we often take for granted.
It has been over 7 months since we are stood alongside certain members of this church to worship you. We grieve & mourn this reality & pray for a swift end to this virus & its painful effects on the life of our church.
Nevertheless, we thank you for the new friends you have introduced to. Joel & Megan. Allison. Bill & Sherlynne. Tony & Connie. Paul & Rachel. Abe & Danna. David & Kathy. Josh & Mandi. Brian & Meghan. And others.
Thank you for reminding us that there are greater things to fear than the coronavirus, political unrest, or economic hardship. The greatest thing to fear is the living God, who is a consuming fire.
So we will fear you & worship you.
We call on you to bring an end to so many of the uncertainties in our country but we refuse to give in to fear.
The fear of man & the fear of worst scenarios is a snare, but the fear of God is life.
So, we rest in you. We cast all our burdens upon you.
Father, thank you for reminding us that we are not alone as a church.
We thank you for our friends in Knoxville, Nashville, Louisville, & Fayetteville, Arkansas.
We thank you for the churches we partner with throughout the world among Sovereign Grace Churches & particularly those who serve the Pastors College & our friends Taylor & Elizabeth.
We thank you for the remarkable work you have done among Living Hope Church in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Thank you for preserving this church. Thank you for helping this church grow. Thank you for Matt, Tim, Zach, & others who are leading it.
We praise you & ask that you continue to attend these few minutes with your presence & your power.