Each Sunday, the pastors carefully put together an order of worship for us.
In an effort to help you prepare your heart & your family, we have included this Sunday’s order of worship below, as well as some important information. All the Scripture readings are noted. Links to videos of all the songs are included as well.
When: 10:30 am
Where: The YMCA - 205 Knoxville Ave
Sunday, January 30, 2022
Call to Worship: Deuteronomy 6:4-5
The Apostle’s Creed
Congregational Prayer
Sermon: Mark 12:35-37 | Who Is Jesus?
This Sunday is the fifth Sunday in January. This year, each time we come upon a five-Sunday month we plan to seize it for what we are calling Family Sunday.
It’ll be a Sunday in which the whole church family stays together for the whole service. It’s so new & fresh—the church has only been doing it for hundreds of years!
So, we will not be offering TGKids this Sunday & will gather as a whole church family to worship God.
It’ll be a time for us to remember (at least!) two important things:
1. We are all called to worship God.
The purpose of God through the Bible is this: that God would be our God & we would worship him together as the people of God, united in Christ, by the Holy Spirit.
The world views children as people who need to learn more before they belong—but not Jesus.
Jesus said, let the little children come & worship me.
So, gathering all of us together to worship can make a loud statement to these children that we don’t view them as too young, too distracting, or too difficult to come to Jesus.
2. We are all called to train up future worshippers of God.
We will not hide them from their children, but tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might, and the wonders that he has done. Psalm 78:4
We are called to do the same for the next generation.
One of the things I like to do is help my children love the Tennessee Volunteers. I take them games. I buy them jerseys. I teach them Rocky Top. I study the rosters with them. All in the hope that they will cheer for the Vols long after I am gone!
How much work should help our children love to worship God with the people of God?
As we gather the whole church family this Sunday, we should think: I have a responsibility & an opportunity to train up the next generation to love & worship God.
Help your children engage with the service by sitting up front where they can see & hear what’s going on.
Take time to explain what is going on throughout the service. What does that Scripture reading mean? What is the purpose of our prayer?
Prepare them ahead of time by reading the scripture and notes for Sunday a few times before the service. This will help them engage with Walt as he preaches because they will be hearing familiar words.
Scripture: Mark 12:35-37
Main Point: All rise and follow Jesus, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
1. Jesus is the son of David.
2. Jesus is the Son of God.
Know that your church loves you and your children! You have been prayed for, and we are so excited to enjoy worshiping the Lord together with you and your family. Come expectant for what the Lord is going to do!
Please welcome the children with a smile of encouragement! The ways we welcome them or fail to welcome them directly affect the way they view God & the church.
Remember that children are a gift to the church.
Consider sitting with one of the families with young children to see how you can support them - by offering to hold babies, helping preschoolers with their sermon outlines, and giving words of encouragement to our young learners.
We want to be a church that does not hide from our children the glorious deeds of the Lord! Let us make him known throughout the world, beginning in our families!
To cap off Family Sunday, we’re going to enjoy a pizza lunch together afterwards!