Family Sunday Details & Preview: January 30, 2022.

Each Sunday, the pastors carefully put together an order of worship for us.

In an effort to help you prepare your heart & your family, we have included this Sunday’s order of worship below, as well as some important information. All the Scripture readings are noted. Links to videos of all the songs are included as well.


When: 10:30 am

Where: The YMCA - 205 Knoxville Ave


Sunday, January 30, 2022


Call to Worship: Deuteronomy 6:4-5

Holy, Holy, Holy

He Is Our God

The Apostle’s Creed

Jesus There’s No One Like You

Congregational Prayer

Sermon: Mark 12:35-37 | Who Is Jesus?

He Is Jesus



This Sunday is the fifth Sunday in January. This year, each time we come upon a five-Sunday month we plan to seize it for what we are calling Family Sunday.

It’ll be a Sunday in which the whole church family stays together for the whole service. It’s so new & fresh—the church has only been doing it for hundreds of years!

So, we will not be offering TGKids this Sunday & will gather as a whole church family to worship God.

It’ll be a time for us to remember (at least!) two important things:

1. We are all called to worship God. 

The purpose of God through the Bible is this: that God would be our God & we would worship him together as the people of God, united in Christ, by the Holy Spirit.

The world views children as people who need to learn more before they belong—but not Jesus.

Jesus said, let the little children come & worship me.

So, gathering all of us together to worship can make a loud statement to these children that we don’t view them as too young, too distracting, or too difficult to come to Jesus. 

2. We are all called to train up future worshippers of God.

We will not hide them from their children, but tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might, and the wonders that he has done. Psalm 78:4

We are called to do the same for the next generation.

One of the things I like to do is help my children love the Tennessee Volunteers. I take them games. I buy them jerseys. I teach them Rocky Top. I study the rosters with them. All in the hope that they will cheer for the Vols long after I am gone!

How much work should help our children love to worship God with the people of God?

As we gather the whole church family this Sunday, we should think: I have a responsibility & an opportunity to train up the next generation to love & worship God.


  • Help your children engage with the service by sitting up front where they can see & hear what’s going on.

  • Take time to explain what is going on throughout the service. What does that Scripture reading mean? What is the purpose of our prayer?

  • Prepare them ahead of time by reading the scripture and notes for Sunday a few times before the service. This will help them engage with Walt as he preaches because they will be hearing familiar words.

    • Scripture: Mark 12:35-37

    • Main Point: All rise and follow Jesus, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

      1. Jesus is the son of David.

      2. Jesus is the Son of God.

  • Know that your church loves you and your children! You have been prayed for, and we are so excited to enjoy worshiping the Lord together with you and your family. Come expectant for what the Lord is going to do!


  • Please welcome the children with a smile of encouragement! The ways we welcome them or fail to welcome them directly affect the way they view God & the church.

  • Remember that children are a gift to the church.

  • Consider sitting with one of the families with young children to see how you can support them - by offering to hold babies, helping preschoolers with their sermon outlines, and giving words of encouragement to our young learners.


We want to be a church that does not hide from our children the glorious deeds of the Lord! Let us make him known throughout the world, beginning in our families!

To cap off Family Sunday, we’re going to enjoy a pizza lunch together afterwards!

Fifth Sunday Family Worship

This Sunday is the fifth Sunday in January. This year, each time we come upon a five-Sunday month we plan to seize it for what we are calling Family Sunday. It’ll be a Sunday in which the whole church family stays together for the whole service. It’s so new & fresh—the church has only been doing it for hundreds of years!

So, Sunday we will gather as a whole church family to worship God. It’ll be a time for us to remember two important things:

1. We are all called to worship God. 

The purpose of God through the Bible is this: that God would be our God & we would worship him together as the people of God, united in Christ, by the Holy Spirit.

The world views children as people who need to learn more before they belong.

But not Jesus. Jesus said, let the little children come & worship me.

So, gathering all of us together to worship can make a loud statement to these children that we don’t view them as too young, or too distracting, or too difficult to come to Jesus. 

2. We are all called to train up future worshippers of God.

We will not hide them from their children, but tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might, and the wonders that he has done. Psalm 78:4

So, too, we are called to do the same for the next generation. Our current membership is 94 adults & 88 kids, with more on the way! So, as we gather the whole church family into the service on Sunday morning, we should think: We have the privilege of supporting these children and their families, let’s be a blessing to them together.


  • Help your children engage with the service by sitting up front where they can see & hear what’s going on.

  • Take time to explain what is going on throughout the service. What does that Scripture reading mean? What is the purpose of our prayer?

  • Prepare them ahead of time by reading the scripture and notes for Sunday a few times before the service. This will help them engage with Walt while he preaches because they will be hearing familiar words.

    • Scripture: Mark 12:35-37

    • Main Point: All hail Jesus, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

      1. Jesus is the son of David.

      2. Jesus is the Son of God.

  • Know that your church loves you and your children! You have been prayed for, and we are so excited to enjoy worshiping the Lord together with you and your family. Come expectant for what the Lord is going to do!


  • Please welcome the children with a smile of encouragement! The ways we welcome them or fail to welcome them directly affect the way they view God & the church.

  • Remember that children are a gift to the church.

  • Consider sitting with one of the families with young children to see how you can support them - by offering to hold babies, helping preschoolers with their sermon outlines, and giving words of encouragement to our young learners.

To cap off the Family Sunday, we’re going to enjoy a pizza lunch together right after the service!

We want to be a church that does not hide from our children the glorious deeds of the Lord. Let us make him known throughout the world, beginning in our families. 

Weekly Announcements: What We Learned and What You Need To Know For The Week Ahead

What We Learned This Sunday

Not Far From The Kingdom

January 23, 2022 | Mark 12:28-34

Main point: All who truly love God leave everything to follow Jesus.

  1. Love God above all.

  2. Love your neighbor as yourself.

  3. Follow Jesus.

“In the evening I went very unwillingly to a society in Aldersgate Street, where one was reading Luther’s preface to the Epistle to the Romans. About a quarter before nine, while he was describing the change which God works in the heart through faith in Christ, I felt my heart strangely warmed. I felt I did trust in Christ, Christ alone, for salvation; and an assurance was given me that He had taken away my sins, even mine, and saved me from the law of sin and death.” John Wesley

If you missed this past Sunday, or want to listen to the sermon again, click the link below.

What Our Kids Learned This Sunday

TGKids Recap

The heart of TGKids is to help children understand that the Bible is all about Jesus! Below is the story, scripture, and main teaching points from the TGKids lesson, so that you can talk with your kids about what they learned.

Bible Story: Jacob’s Lie

Scripture: Genesis 27

Bible Truth: The purpose of God will stand in spite of man’s sin.

Where is Jesus: Acts 3:12-15

In this Bible story from Acts, the apostle Peter was sharing the gospel story (the  story about Jesus) and he gave God an interesting name. He called him “the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.” God chose Jacob rather than Esau to carry on the covenant promise he made to Abraham. In that covenant, or special promise, God said that Abraham’s children would become a blessing to all nations. That promise was passed on to Isaac and then to Jacob. Then one of Jacob’s far-off grandchildren, Jesus, would become the blessing to all nations that God promised. When we trust in Jesus we are adopted into Abraham’s family as one of God’s children.  

January Memory Verse: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5

If you want to check out the Quarterly Overview of the TGKids Curriculum, click the button below!

What You Need To Know This Week


WHEN: Saturday, February 5, at 6:30pm

WHAT: The movie, “The Princess Bride” and the enjoyment of homemade goodies

WHERE: The YMCA | 205 Knoxville Ave

WHY: All donations go to support the Building Fund

WHAT TO BRING: No charge for the movie, but we will have an array of food available for a donation. You can bring cash, check, or you can click the button below to give online.


It’s been said that “Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.”

This past Sunday, we finished the first class of Trinity Grace College! These first sessions were on fighting for joy with the word: Sunday, January 16 - The What and Sunday, January 23 - The How. If you missed either of these sessions, check out the button below.

Announcement & Sunday Preview: January 23, 2022 at the YMCA


Night at the Big Screen

Each Sunday, the pastors carefully put together an order of worship for us.

In an effort to help you prepare your heart & your family, we have included this Sunday’s order of worship below, as well as some important information. All the Scripture readings are noted. Links to videos of all the songs are included as well.


When: 10:30 am

Where: The YMCA - 205 Knoxville Ave


Sunday, January 23, 2022


Call to Worship: Psalm 9:9-10

How Firm A Foundation

Grace Alone

Christ Our Glory

Scripture Reading: Revelation 21:1-7

Be Thou My Vision

Sermon: Mark 12:28-34 | Not Far From The Kingdom

The Lord’s Supper

Jesus Thank You


Living Like Heaven Is For Real

Last Sunday, we considered what Jesus teaches about heaven. And we found that what Jesus teaches about heaven is very different than what our culture teaches about heaven.

Our culture is shaped by a decided this-worldliness. We live for the moment. We struggle with FOMO. And we spend our lives trying to find the meaning of our lives in this life.

But, as the great Dutch theologian Geerhardus Vos has written,

“Ours is a religion whose center of gravity lies beyond the grave in the world to come.” Geerhardus Vos

If we try to find the meaning of our lives in this life, we will never find it. We will be miserable.

Thankfully, we know that we were born for another world. God has put eternity in our hearts (Eccl. 3:20). Jesus has filled us with the Spirit, a downpayment of the full inheritance we will receive in glory (Eph. 1:14). And one day, we will be ushered into a new heavens & new earth—there, we will “know fully” the meaning of our lives (1 Cor. 13:12).


If all that is true, we should prepare ourselves & others to die.

We should make sure we are not searching for the meaning in this life.

“The old guys” were much better at being prepared to die than we are. Some of it was because they lived before the massive benefits of modern medicine, in which the average life span was much less. But it was also because they were more heavenly-minded & more convinced of the need to be prepared to die.

Jonathan Edwards was one of these guys.

In fact, Owen Strahan & Douglas Sweeney have written: “To live in the Edwards household was to come into regular contact with the reality of death and the necessity of gospel preparation for the afterlife.”

In 1747, the missionary David Brainerd got sick with tuberculosis while living with Jonathan Edwards & his family. On October 9 of that year, he died. Several months later, Jonathan Edwards’ daughter Jerusha died of tuberculosis after contracting it from Brainerd while caring for him.

The week after Brainerd’s death, Jonathan Edwards wrote the following letter to his daughter Esther who was away:


Though you are a great way off from us, yet you are not out of our minds: I am full of concern for you, often think of you, and often pray for you. . . .

The week before last, on Thursday, David died; whom you knew and used to play with, and who used to live at our house. His soul is gone into the eternal world. Whether he was prepared for death, we don’t know. This is a loud call of God to you to prepare for death. You see that they that are young die, as well as those that are old. David was not much older than you. Remember what Christ has said, that you must be born again, or you never can see the kingdom of God. Never give yourself any rest, unless you have good evidence that you are converted and become a new creature. . . .

I am, your tender and affectionate father, Jonathan Edwards

What a provoking letter!

And what a provoking reminder of our need to be “prepared for death.”


Until we gain our eternal world, we are to live as strangers & aliens.

This world is not our home. We are seeking a homeland (Heb. 11:14). We are desiring a better country, a heavenly one (Heb. 11:16). Like the saints of old, we are “looking forward to the city that has foundations, whose designer and builder is God” (Heb. 11:10).

And in the meantime, we have the awesome privilege of preparing others for eternity as well!

Weekly Announcements: Sunday Recap, Community Groups, TGC Night at the Big Screen & Bible 101: Fighting for Joy with the Word


If you missed this past Sunday, or want to listen to the sermon again, click the link below.

January 16, 2022 | Mark 12:18-27 | “Heaven is For Real”

Main point: Don’t be so earthly minded, that you fail to live for eternal good.

  1. The Question

  2. The Answer

    • Heaven is not more of the good of this life but a new life brought by the power of God.

    • Heaven is not an optional extra but the fulfillment of Scripture’s promise to the people of God.

“Of that good man let this high praise be given,

Heaven was in him before he was in heaven.”


The heart of TGKids is to help children understand that the Bible is all about Jesus! And we would love for Sundays with TGKids to be an extension of learning about God everyday! To support parents in this most important of endeavors, each week we will provide the story, scripture, and main teaching points from the TGKids lesson so that they can talk to their kids about what they learned.

Bible Story: Jacob and Esau

Scripture: Genesis 25:19-34

Bible Truth: God Directs ALL Things from Babies to Birthrights

Where is Jesus: Romans 9:8–15

Have you been wondering why God told Rebekah that her older son would serve the younger? Here, in the book of Romans, God gives us the answer. God wanted to show that he controls everything. By choosing the meeker, younger son over the firstborn, stronger son, God was showing us that he didn’t need man’s strength to  accomplish his plans. In the end, God wanted everyone to see that his people are saved by our faith in God alone, not because of when we were born or because of anything we do.

God does not save us because we are strong or because we were born first. We are saved by faith (trusting in God’s plan), and even our faith is a gift God gives to us. The most important part of God’s plan to save us was the death of his Son Jesus upon the cross, who died to take our sins away.   

January Memory Verse: Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5

If you want to check out the Quarterly Overview of the TGKids Curriculum, click the button below!


While gathering together to worship on Sunday mornings is a unique blessing, it is impossible to experience all that God has for us in the church without close friendship.

Community Groups are where many of these friendships form & shape us in Trinity Grace. If you have not already, we hope you will find the right group for you.


Our groups are meeting at various times around Athens. If you haven’t yet visited a group, or would like to see what it’s all about, click below to find out more:

Pritchett, Alexander, & Wilson—Wednesday, January 19 at 6pm

Luster—Friday, January 21 at 6pm

Finch—Sunday, January 23 at 1pm

Olsen—Sunday, January 23 at 5pm

We hope to see you at Community Group!

Could we ever get together as a church on another day in addition to Sunday? Could we find a time to feast on magnificent, homemade foods? And is there any other way we could put this giant screen to good use? And could we find another way to donate to the building fund while having a great time together? Some may say that an answer to all of these questions would be “inconceivable.” But not so with Trinity Grace. All we have to say is “As you wish!”

WHEN: This coming Saturday, January 22, at 6:30pm

WHAT: The movie, “The Princess Bride” and the enjoyment of homemade goodies

WHERE: The YMCA | 205 Knoxville Ave

WHY: All donations go to support the Building Fund

WHAT TO BRING: No charge for the movie, but we will have an array of food available for a donation. You can bring cash, check, or you can click the button below to give online.


It’s been said that “Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.”

This past Sunday, we launched Trinity Grace College! These first sessions are on fighting for joy with the word: Sunday, January 16 - The What and Sunday, January 23 - The How. If you missed the first session, check out the button below and we hope you will still come and be encouraged by the second session!

WHEN: Sunday, January 23 from 9:15-10 am

WHERE: The YMCA - no childcare for these sessions

BRING: Your Bible and something to write with!

*NOTE ON CHILDCARE: We will not be able to provide childcare as a church for this time, BUT we would encourage you to be creative and ask some friends if they'd be willing to watch your kids for the morning. Or alternate with a spouse each Sunday so each of you can attend a session.

Sunday Preview: January 16, 2022 at the YMCA

Each Sunday, the pastors carefully put together an order of worship for us.

In an effort to help you prepare your heart & your family, we have included this Sunday’s order of worship below, as well as some important information. All the Scripture readings are noted. Links to videos of all the songs are included as well.


When: 10:30 am

Where: The YMCA - 205 Knoxville Ave


Sunday, January 16, 2022


Call to Worship: Psalm 95:6-8

All People That On Earth Do Dwell

Only A Holy God

Before The Throne Of God Above

Scripture Reading: Heidelberg Catechism Question 1

Christ Our Hope In Life And Death

Sermon: Mark 12:18-27 | Nothing a Good Resurrection Can't Fix

O Lord My Rock And My Redeemer


Why Evangelism? Why Now? Why Me?

As we kick off the New Year as a church family, we want to spend the next Spring quarter intentionally focusing on the topic of evangelism.  But why?!?  With all the topics under the sun, why spend so much time thinking and talking about this?  Especially when we all pretty much agree about what evangelism is and how it should be done (right?)!  Why evangelism, why now, and why me?

Well, let’s dive in and take a look at both the motivation and the method for pursuing the topic of evangelism in the months ahead.


We don’t want to lose sight of what’s most important.  We don’t want to experience what’s called “mission drift.”  One author put it this way:

“Mission drift isn't something that happens all at once. Think of it more as being nibbled to death by ducks. It happens one little decision at a time, where you go astray by just a bit.”

So, what’s the mission of TGC?  Why do we exist?:

“We exist to treasure the God of all grace by gathering to worship Jesus and scattering to live honestly & serve the people of Athens.”

The danger of mission drift for us will likely be to incrementally focus our time and attention on internal logistics, structures, and relationships.  In other words, we’ll tend to focus on the “gathering” part of the mission at the expense of the “scattering” part of the mission.  We need both - for our own souls and those we seek to serve.

So, while we grow in our gathering, a focus on evangelism will help us grow in our scattering.  And these two aspects of the mission - gathering and scattering - are not at odds with each other.  In fact, they feed into each other.  

A focus on evangelism will help us grow in…

  • Our understanding of the gospel and our ability to articulate the gospel.  Thinking through how to share the gospel with others keeps the central components of the story in front of us.  It refines and cements the core truths - making the gospel clearer and more accessible in our own hearts.

  • Our love for the lost.  Evangelism places us in the context of relationships with unbelievers.  Our friend, Jim Donahue, has said - “If you want to grow a heart for the lost, spend time with the lost and see just how lost they are.”  Compassion for the lost grows as we spend time with them - “When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” Matthew 9:36

  • The wonder of our own salvation.  Like a diamond in the rough, keeping the darkness of life without Christ before us reminds us of the precious mercy God has had on us.  Evangelism provokes us to remember our own story of grace.  It helps us remain humble and amazed that God saves sinners.

  • Our intentionality with unbelievers in everyday life.  A focus on evangelism will train us to recognize God’s activity in the lives of people all around us.  It will awaken us to opportunities to depend on the Spirit and to act in the Spirit as we interact with those around us.


Now that we’ve covered some of the motivation, we want to look at the method.  What is the evangelism course and what could it look like for us?

What is Proclaim?  

The Proclaim Course is designed to help Christians like us grow in sharing the good news of Jesus Christ.  Through seven video sessions, we’ll discover how to communicate the gospel more clearly and how to trust God more fully in evangelism.  Here’s a short video that introduces the course:

What is the timeframe?

There are 7 sessions in the series. The first session begins on January 19th and continues until April 13th.  The series concludes just prior to Easter weekend with Easter Sunday being on Sunday, April 17th.  


None of us feel especially strong in evangelism.  But it’s a discipline (like Bible reading or prayer) that all of us can cultivate.  Why evangelism?  Why now?  Why me?  Well, this list is not exhaustive, but it certainly could include preventing mission drift and helping us grow in our understanding of the gospel, our ability to articulate the gospel, our love for the lost, our wonder at our own salvation, and our intentionality with unbelievers in everyday life.

May God use this course to stir our hearts and bring people from death to life!

Weekly Announcements: Sunday Recap, Bible 101: Fighting for Joy with the Word, & Trinity Grace Youth


If you missed this past Sunday, or want to listen to the sermon again, click the link below.

January 9, 2022 | Mark 12:13-17 | “Pay Your Taxes & Die”

Main point: Pledge allegiance to the flag, but give your life to God.

  1. The Question - Mark 12:13-14

  2. The Answer - Mark 12:15-17

  3. The Implications

    • Pledge allegiance to the flag—regardless of who’s in the White House.

    • Pay your taxes—regardless of whether you agree with how the money is spent.

    • Pray for your political leaders—but pray for the nations more. 

    • Present your entire life to the Lord.

“If we give back to God what has his image on it, we must all give ourselves to him. . . . We may be obligated to pay taxes to Caesar, but we owe everything, our very being, to God.” D.A. Carson


It’s been said that “Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.”

This Sunday, we will be launching Trinity Grace College! The first course will be on fighting for joy with the word, divided into two sessions: Sunday, January 16 - The What and Sunday, January 23 - The How. Come and be encouraged!

WHEN: Sunday, January 16 from 9:15-10 am

WHERE: The YMCA - no childcare for these sessions

BRING: Your Bible and something to write with!

*NOTE ON CHILDCARE: We will not be able to provide childcare as a church for this time, BUT we would encourage you to be creative and ask some friends if they'd be willing to watch your kids for the morning. Or alternate with a spouse each Sunday so each of you can attend a session.


WHAT: A time for 6th-12th graders to come and be built into Christ, their parents, and the church!

WHO: 6th-12th graders and parents are welcome

WHEN: Saturday, January 15, 6:00-8:00 pm

WHERE: The Pritchett’s House | 447 County Rd 249, Athens, TN 37303

PLAN: Favorite pasta + Games + Time Machine Testimony from Gil Balch + Bible study

BRING: Bible and something to write with

Sunday Preview: January 9, 2022 at the YMCA

Each Sunday, the pastors carefully put together an order of worship for us.

In an effort to help you prepare your heart & your family, we have included this Sunday’s order of worship below, as well as some important information. All the Scripture readings are noted. Links to videos of all the songs are included as well.

Meeting Reminder

When: 10:30 am

Where: The YMCA - 205 Knoxville Ave

The order of worship

Sunday, January 9, 2022


Call to Worship: Matthew 6:33

Our Great God


Shine Into Our Night

Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 6:9-11

He Who Is Mighty

Sermon: Mark 12:13-17 // Jesus Says, Pay Your Taxes

O Great God


Burdenless Bible Plans for The New Year

Maybe “burdenless” and “plan” seem like an impossible pairing like an “easy marathon” or a “delicious sugar substitute.”  Maybe you know plans are good for you, but sticking to one has been a chore.  For some of you, adding the word “Bible” into the mix only directs your thoughts to future guilt - another spiritual commitment broken.

On the other end of the spectrum, you may be one who delights in plans and order.  For you, there’s nothing like that dopamine hit when you check another box!  Maybe it bothers you to even think about Bible plans that don’t start on January 1!  Perhaps the pursuit of perfection in completing tasks may be a whole different burden you weren’t intended to carry.

Regardless of how you might initially think of the title of this post, please know that we have good news for you.  When it comes to Bible reading and plans, God is not basing his love and acceptance on your performance!  Plans are not intended to become burdens and cause you to feel guilty.  Nor are they intended to be tasks you conquer in order to “clear your plate” for the day.  No, God’s love for you is based on Christ’s work - not your work - even in Bible reading.  Jesus came to be your burden-lifter! 

Mat 11:28 ESV - Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  

This is good news!  We can look at plans without fear of condemnation and we can start looking at start times beyond the first day of the year because the goal is not perfection in a task!

So, if not to get or keep God’s approval, then why think about a Bible plan?  To put it simply, we want to know God more than we did before. 

Jhn 17:3 ESV - And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. 

And this isn’t just knowing more about him, but knowing him relationally as a friend you are growing to love and trust.

Savoring any moments you get with the God who loves you is a far different story than trying to maintain perfect attendance at Bible trivia school.  So, the plan is intended to create structure and space for you to connect with the Lord.  Sometimes, things will go according to plan.  Other times, not.  And that’s ok.  The burden of performing for God’s acceptance rests on Jesus.  You get to enjoy the burdenless moments of knowing more and more the God who loves you unconditionally.


There are many out there, but here are a handful of tools and plans I have found helpful:


The ESV Study Bible was designed to help you understand the Bible in a deeper way. Created by a diverse team of 95 leading Bible scholars and teachers—from 9 countries, nearly 20 denominations, and 50 seminaries, colleges, and universities—the ESV Study Bible features a wide array of study tools, making it a valuable resource.  You can use a hardcopy, or create an online account at to read digitally and make notes.

  • EVERYDAY IN THE WORD - within the ESV website, you can access bible reading plans.  Everyday in the Word features a reading from the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs each day. This plan divides the text into 365 sections, so you can read through the entire Bible in one unforgettable year—in as little as 15 minutes a day. In one year, you read the full Old Testament and the New Testament once, and Psalms and Proverbs twice.  If using the web version, you can subscribe to an email version of the plan and you will receive the daily readings directly to your inbox everyday.


This website/app curates an endless array of bible reading plans.  If you download the app, you can access the plan of your choice from your phone/tablet/device.  You can set a prompt to remind you each day.  There are features that allow you to read through a plan with friends and comment on readings as you progress together if you enjoy the community aspect.  Or, you can read at your own pace.  One feature I really like is the “catch me up” button that shifts all the dates for your reading if you miss any days!  Also, for those of you who appreciate audio bibles, there are numerous translations you can stream for free while you drive or work around the house.

  • BIBLE IN A YEAR - This plan takes you through the entire Bible with two readings each day: one from the Old Testament and one from the New Testament.

  • BIBLE PROJECT BIBLE - This plan takes you on a journey through the entire Bible over the course of one year. Each book includes videos specifically designed to enhance your understanding and engagement with God's Word.

  • CHRONOLOGICAL BIBLE - The Blue Letter Bible “Chronological” plan is compiled according to historical research, taking into account the order in which the recorded events actually occurred. This is a fantastic plan to follow if you wish to add historical context to your reading of the Bible.

  • M’CHEYNE ONE YEAR PLAN - This plan is based on the M’Cheyne reading system, featuring four different readings for use in both family and personal devotions. Each day has two passages from the Old Testament, one from the New Testament, and one from either the Psalms or the Gospels. In one year, you read the Old Testament once and the New Testament and Psalms twice.


This website allows you total control over the design of your reading plan.  You can select the timeframe, books, days of the week and more to customize the plan that best suits your needs.  You can download the customized plan to your calendar or as a spreadsheet that you can print.  This is really great if you want to go through certain books or create a specific combination unavailable in pre-made plans.  This is a great tool!


Hopefully these will give you some burdenless bible plans to help you know more deeply the God who loves you.

If you are interested in learning more about the goal of reading the Bible and how to do it, please consider joining us for our upcoming Trinity Grace College course called “Bible 101: Fighting for Joy with The Word.”  Classes will be Sunday, January 16 & 23, from 9-10a.

Weekly Announcements: Sunday Recap, TG College, TG Youth, and Community Groups

Sunday recap

If you missed this past Sunday, or want to listen to the sermon again, click the link below.

January 2, 2022 | Mark 11:27-12:12 | “Who do you think you are?”

Main point: See the love of the Father and submit to the Son.

  1. The authority of Jesus is questioned. (Mark 11:27-33)

  2. The authority of the religious leaders is questioned. (Mark 12:1-12)

  3. The authority of our lives is questioned.

“The son goes as the father’s representative, with the father’s authority, to the father’s property, to claim the father’s due.” - James Edwards

bible 101: fighting for joy with the word

It’s been said that “Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.”

Starting January 14, we are pleased to announce we will be launching Trinity Grace College! The first course will be on fighting for joy with the word, divided in to two sessions: Sunday, January 16 - The What and Sunday, January 23 - The How. Come and be encouraged!

WHEN: Sunday, January 16 from 9:15-10 am

WHERE: The YMCA - no childcare for these sessions

BRING: Your Bible and something to write with!


WHAT: A time for 6th-12th graders to come and be built into Christ, their parents, and the church!

WHO: 6th-12th graders and parents are welcome

WHEN: Saturday, January 15, 6:00-8:00 pm

WHERE: The Pritchett’s House

PLAN: Favorite party foods + Games + Time Machine Testimony from Gil Balch + Bible study

BRING: Bible and something to write with


While gathering together to worship on Sunday mornings is a unique blessing, it is impossible to experience all that God has for us in the church without close friendship.

Community Groups are where many of these friendships form & shape us in Trinity Grace. If you have not already, we hope you will find the right group for you.


Our groups are meeting at various times around Athens. If you haven’t yet visited a group, or would like to see what it’s all about, Click below to find out more:

Pritchett & Alexander—Wednesday, January 5 at 6pm

Luster—Friday, January 7 at 6pm

Finch—Sunday, January 9 at 1pm

Olsen—Sunday, January 9 at 5pm

We hope to see you at Community Group!

Sunday Preview: January 2, 2022 at the YMCA

Each Sunday, the pastors carefully put together an order of worship for us.

In an effort to help you prepare your heart & your family, we have included this Sunday’s order of worship below, as well as some important information. All the Scripture readings are noted. Links to videos of all the songs are included as well.

Meeting Reminder

When: 10:30 am

Where: The YMCA - 205 Knoxville Ave

The order of worship

Sunday, January 2, 2022


Call to Worship: Isaiah 6:1-3

Holy Holy Holy

He Is Our God

Christ Our Hope In Life And Death

Scripture Reading: Amos 9:11, 13-15

All Glory Be To Christ

Sermon: Mark 11:27-12:12 | The Parable of The Tenants

All I Have Is Christ


Recommended Message: “The Grace of Partnership”

I owe a debt of gratitude to my high school soccer coach. Early in my first year of playing, I often kept my head down and tried to dribble the ball around defenders. During one practice, my coach asked me to try dribbling down the field as fast as I could to the opposite end and score. I immediately began sprinting to the other side of the field with my head down. Before I was even a quarter of the way down the field, I heard a loud “thunk” and saw another soccer ball whizzing by me to the other end of the field. My coach blew his whistle and told me to come back and start again. I returned and began dribbling down the field again - this time with even more energy. Before I was a quarter of the way down the field, I heard the same “thunk” and looked up to see another ball flying down the field. My coach called me back to the line - this time, I was panting and drained of energy. “Do you see?” he asked me. “We can do more as a team than you could ever do by yourself - pass the ball and let’s win.”


As a church, we are so grateful we are not alone. We are a part of a team. Sovereign Grace is a family of churches working together for the advance of the gospel throughout the world. From the beginning, Sovereign Grace has held the conviction that churches are stronger together. The website gives this brief history:

In the 1970s a group of young believers, reading the Bible with fresh eyes, were captured by the New Testament vision of interdependent congregations. They saw churches existing not in distant association but in close and vital partnership with one another. This vision spread to a handful of churches, then to new churches established across the U.S. Eventually churches outside the U.S. joined the movement and a global family of churches was born.

This family of churches grew both in size and depth. A commitment to shared theological convictions was matched to a commitment to gospel-centrality in life and ministry. Experience strengthened the union. Relationships matured. This family of churches renewed their commitment to one another and their common mission. Today Sovereign Grace Churches continues with the same fundamental conviction: churches are stronger together.

At the recent Sovereign Grace Pastors Conference, we were encouraged by a message that highlighted the riches of church partnership. If you want to learn more about what the bible teaches about interdependent congregations and why partnership matters, then we heartily recommend this message by Pastor Jared Mellinger entitled: “The Grace of Partnership.”

Below, you’ll find the video of the message. Or, you can visit this page for the audio.

Weekly Announcements: Happy New Year!


Thousands of years ago, David said, “Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.” (Psalm 139:16) God knows every one of our days and holds them in his hand before we even live them.

The song “All of Our Tomorrows” is a prayer that acknowledges and prays for God’s careful, wise, personal, and faithful involvement in the lives of those Christ has redeemed. It speaks to our need for guidance in the future, comfort in loss, and strength for all our days.

As you look forward to the New Year, we pray God would use this song and the truth it proclaims as a means of faith, comfort, and hope for all of your tomorrows.


This spinning world by Your own hand
Hurls ever on around the sun
The seasons march at Your command
The old departs, the new year comes
And though celestial is Your gaze
You search and care for all our ways
We offer up to You this day
And all of our tomorrows

May zealous youth and cautious age
Determine not the steps we choose
Great Shepherd, guide us through each day
Oh, how we want to follow You
Come Living Way, our way make clear
Let perfect love drive out our fear
Be Thou our vision, now and here
And all of our tomorrows

When winter makes us reminisce
Of warmer days so distant now
Of cherished saints the sun once kissed
Whose beauty passed behind the clouds
Let all our fond and longing tears
Remind us we are pilgrims here
We trust You, Sovereign of our years
With all of our tomorrows

Hands to the plow, we’re pressing on
And running hard to win the prize
Empowered by the love of God
With grace before and grace behind
For lo, what hope before us stands
You finish all that You began
Eternal joy is in Your hands
And all of our tomorrows

Weekly Announcements: Merry Christmas!

Announcements have been reduced to one this week because we are making room for the greatest announcement of all - Christ has come!

Theologian and author Andreas Kostenberger wrote a wonderful article called "Christmas is Too Big for One Day." Here's a sneak peak we hope encourages you as we look toward Christmas Day:

Jesus’s birth did not come in a vacuum. His coming was the culmination of centuries, even millennia, of mounting expectation of the coming Messiah and Savior of humankind.

Being mindful of this larger story of God’s promise to his people, we finally can understand the angelic announcement in Luke’s Christmas story in its fuller biblical context:

“Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” (Luke 2:10–11)

This is no ordinary child. And this is no ordinary birth. This is the coming of God himself in human flesh. This is the most important arrival in the history of the world. This marks the earthly beginnings of the gospel of God’s in-person rescue of his people from sin, suffering, destruction, and death. And this is far too glorious to contain to only one day’s celebration.

A day as significant as Christmas warrants an Advent of four weeks of preparation and enjoyment. We will marvel for eternity over the coming of God himself to save his people from their sins, and Advent’s four weeks of awe are a good place to start.

Merry Christmas, Trinity Grace! Christ has come! Praise the Lord!

Sunday Preview: December 19, 2021 at the YMCA

Each Sunday, the pastors carefully put together an order of worship for us.

In an effort to help you prepare your heart & your family, we have included this Sunday’s order of worship below, as well as some important information. All the Scripture readings are noted. Links to videos of all the songs are included as well.


This video contains the amazing testimony of Pastor Wes Fowler who, along with others from his church, survived the EF4 tornado that ripped through the town of Mayfield, KY. The Sunday following that Friday night tornado, Fowler met with his congregation, First Baptist Church in Mayfield, Ky, in their damaged sanctuary, and proclaimed the faithfulness of God.

As you watch these images of the devastation, pray for our neighbors as they walk the path of recovery in their community.

  • Pray that the gospel would be planted in many hearts and that the hope we have in Christ will shine through the darkness of this tragedy.

  • Pray for wisdom and perseverance for those in the process of rebuilding and healing.

  • Give thanks to God for those who have traveled to help and ask that He would bless and multiply their efforts.

  • Pray for those who have lost their homes, businesses, and loved ones. Ask that God would comfort them in their grief, especially during Christmastime.

Meeting Reminder

When: 10:30 am

Where: The YMCA - 205 Knoxville Ave

The order of worship

Sunday, December 19, 2021


Call to Worship: Matthew 2:10-11

O Come All Ye Faithful

Do Not Fear

He Who Is Mighty

Advent Reading: Isaiah 42:1-4, 1 John 4:9-10

O Holy Night

Silent Night

Sermon: Mark 11:1-11 | The Triumphal Entry

When Love Came Down

Go Tell It On The Mountain

Benediction: 2 Corinthians 13:14

Recommended Resource: Our Prowling Adversary


Each year, Sovereign Grace Churches hosts a Pastors Conference. This is a time pastors across the nation (and the world) come together to be encouraged in and equipped for pastoral ministry. The conference is filled with passionate prayer, heartfelt singing, rich teaching, encouraging updates, and vibrant fellowship with gospel-partners from around the world. Though we come from many different contexts, it’s a refreshing time to stand shoulder to shoulder with pastors who are joyfully laboring for the same gospel in their hometowns.

Last month, our pastoral team was able to attend this conference with our wives. Being able to attend this conference together built our vision as a team. And it allowed our wives to get an invaluable glimpse of the wonderful partnership we experience in Sovereign Grace.

It built our friendship and our faith. And for that, we are grateful to Trinity Grace Church for sending us.

One of the primary ways the Pastors Conference sought to build us was through the preaching of God’s Word. Though the messages were preached with pastors in mind, there were a number of sessions that we felt were encouraging for every Christian. So, we wanted to highlight a few messages that we thought may encourage you as they encouraged us.


Today, we want to point you in the direction of a plenary message by C.J. Mahaney on spiritual warfare entitled “Our Prowling Adversary.” The message is drawn from 1 Peter 5:8-9:

Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. 9 Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world.

In his introduction, C.J. quotes C.S. Lewis’ classic work “The Screwtape Letters”:

“There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them.”

For anyone desiring to understand the Bible's teaching on spiritual warfare, this is an incredibly helpful message to keep us from falling into the ditches of dismissal and excessive interest.

Below, you’ll find the video of the message. Or, you can visit this page for the audio.

Weekly Announcements: Cinnamon Rolls, Sunday Recap, TG Youth, 50+ Dinner, and Community Groups

cinnamon roll Fundraiser

Get them while you can! Sugary, gooey, cinnamon-y goodness is available to order for one more week. You can order homemade cinnamon rolls from Deana Akers using the form below and all of the proceeds will go towards the TGC Building Fund.

Please place your order by noon on Friday 12/17. Your pans of cinnamon rolls will be available to pick up this Sunday, December 19. The cost is $15/pan. The enjoyment of home-baked goods - priceless.

Sunday recap

If you missed this past Sunday, or want to listen to the sermon again, click the link below.

December 12, 2021 | Mark 10: 46-52 | “Blind Bartimaeus”

Main point: Turn your eyes upon Jesus and receive mercy.

  1. Our Desperate Need (v. 46-48)

  2. Our Shocking Call (v.49-51)

  3. Our Christ-filled Eyes (v.52)

“James and John asked Jesus for glory. Bartimaeus asked Jesus for mercy. God the Father asked Jesus to lay down his life, securing both glory and mercy for those who admit their blindness, and cling to Christ.” - Dane Ortlund


WHAT: A time for 6th-12th graders to come and be built into Christ, their parents, and the church!

WHO: 6th-12th graders and parents are welcome

WHEN: Saturday, December 18, 6:00-8:00 pm

WHERE: The Tinsman Home: 355 County Road 602 | Athens, TN 37303

PLAN: Favorite party foods + Games + Time Machine Testimony from Mindy Kessler + Bible study

BRING: Bible and something to write with


Join us this Saturday (Dec.18) at 7:00 PM for the first ever (not promised to be annual) Trinity Grace Church ‘Over 50’ Empty Nesters Christmas Party. This event is brought to you by the TGC 3:14 Dinner Club (more on this later).

What you need to know:

The Lusters
2131 Breckenridge St.
Athens 423-762-5443

Appetizers & Christmas deserts along with a White Elephant Gift Exchange.

1. Your Christmas Spirit.
2. An appetizer, a Christmas desert, or both.
3. A wrapped ‘White Elephant’ gift valued at under $10. This can be a treasured item you have been saving for sometime. (Creativity welcomed, and remember: “My trash may be your treasure”.)

1. A warm home.
2. Lots of laughs.
3. Hot Cider, Coffee, and Decaf.

In addition, you can bring one of your fondest Christmas memories to share, and if you play a musical instrument, bring it along to help us as we sing some Christmas Carrols together.

We hope that you can join us. Looking forward to seeing you Saturday night.

Buddy & Judy Luster


While gathering together to worship on Sunday mornings is a unique blessing, it is impossible to experience all that God has for us in the church without close friendship.

Community Groups are where many of these friendships form & shape us in Trinity Grace. If you have not already, we hope you will find the right group for you.


Our groups are meeting at various times around Athens. If you haven’t yet visited a group, or would like to see what it’s all about, Click below to find out more:

Pritchett & Alexander—Wednesday, Dec. 15 at 6pm

Luster—Friday, Dec. 17 at 6pm

Finch—Sunday, Dec. 19 at 1pm

Olsen—Sunday, Dec. 19 at 5pm

We hope to see you at Community Group!

Sunday Preview: December 12, 2021 at the YMCA

Each Sunday, the pastors carefully put together an order of worship for us.

In an effort to help you prepare your heart & your family, we have included this Sunday’s order of worship below, as well as some important information. All the Scripture readings are noted. Links to videos of all the songs are included as well.

Cinnamon roll pick-up

If you ordered cinnamon rolls this week, be sure to pick them up on Sunday from Deana Akers before or after the service. If you didn’t order any cinnamon rolls this week, next week is your chance! If you want to go ahead and order for pick up next week, you can do that by clicking on the button below.

Meeting Reminder

When: 10:30 am

Where: The YMCA - 205 Knoxville Ave

The order of worship

Sunday, December 12, 2021


Call to Worship: Psalm 146:3-4

Come Thou Long Expected Jesus

God Made Low

Do Not Fear

Advent Reading: Isaiah 9:2-3, 6-7; Luke 2:8-14

What Child Is This

Sermon: Mark 10:46-52

Blind Bartimaeus

Song of Response:

He Is Jesus
