Christ Preeminent

If you were going to a reunion and you knew that you had limited, precious time, what would you talk about? What topics would surface as you thought about how to best use those few moments? You likely wouldn’t be eager to spend the time on trivia and small talk. Instead, you would lean in with an open heart and be strategically selective with the topics of conversation.

This is a picture of the interchange Paul has with the Colossians. In the short letter written to this dear group of believers, Paul wastes no time going to the most pertinent topic.

So what, in his estimation, is the most vital thought that can benefit the people he loves? In short, the preeminence of Christ.


“Preeminent” is a word we don’t use often in our day-to-day (at least not me!). So, it may be helpful to define it here. “Pre” means “before” and “eminent” means “standing out.” So, the idea here is something that stands out above and beyond all others. To be preeminent is to surpass all others; to be distinguished; to be the greatest; to be superior.


So, to say that Christ is preeminent is to say that he is the high point of all that there is - Jesus Christ is the pinnacle of life. There is nothing more important to address than the very foundation of our existence. In the midst of upheaval, change, and challenge, we need to be reminded of our ultimate hope and our ultimate good. That’s what Paul sets out to articulate in the beginning of his letter to the Colossians. And, It’s what is intended to anchor our souls, as well.

This is the thrust of a message preached by Jeff Purswell on Colossians 1:15-20 at the Sovereign Grace Pastors Conference in November. If you’re in need of encouragement at the deepest and most profound level, look no further than this message on the preeminence of Christ. You will find your imagination stretched and your faith bolstered at the thought of Christ’s power over all things - including your life.

Below is the video of the message. For the audio download, please visit this page.

Weekly Announcements: Cinnamon Rolls, Sunday Recap, and Let's Do Lunch

cinnamon roll Fundraiser

Sugary, gooey, cinnamon-y goodness! As Walt announced this past Sunday, Deana Akers has volunteered her considerable baking skills to benefit our Trinity Grace Church Building Fund! You can now order homemade cinnamon rolls and all of the proceeds will go towards the TGC Building Fund.

To order, fill out the form linked below. Your pans of cinnamon rolls will be available to pick up either Sunday, December 12 or Sunday, December 19. You can select which date you prefer on the order form. Please place your order by noon on Friday, 12/10 for pick up on Sunday, 12/12 or noon on Friday 12/17 for pick up on Sunday, 12/19. The cost is $15/pan. The enjoyment of home-baked goods - priceless.

Sunday recap

If you missed this past Sunday, or want to listen to the sermon again, click the link below.

December 5, 2021 | Mark 10: 32-45 | “True Greatness”

Main point: The Son of Man came to call you to follow him in serving others for the glory of God.

1. Don’t chase political power, follow Jesus. 

2. Don’t chase comfort, suffer well.

3. Don’t chase power, serve others.  

“The symbol of an authentically Christian leadership is not the purple robe of an emperor, but the coarse apron of a slave; not a throne of ivory and gold, but a basin of water for the washing of feet.” John Stott

LET’s do lunch

The reason we love Let’s Do Lunch Sundays is not primarily because of food (though that’s delicious!). It’s because the process of sitting down together shapes both hosts and guests through giving, receiving, honoring, building trust, and enjoying God’s good gifts together.

In his book A Meal With Jesus, author Tim Chester articulates the profound value of cultivating friendship around shared meals. He writes:

“Hospitality involves welcoming, creating space, listening, paying attention, and providing. Meals slow things down. Some of us don’t like that. We like to get things done. But meals force you to be people-oriented instead of task-oriented. Sharing a meal is not the only way to build relationships, but it is number one on the list.”

So, let’s dive in! There were a number of new members introduced this last Sunday. Could you reach out to any of them? Or is there someone from a different community group you’d like to get to know? If you’re looking for some help on how to get started, check out this post! Let’s do lunch this coming Sunday and grow together.

Cinnamon Roll Order Form

cinnamon roll fundraiser order form

COST: $15/pan

PICK-UP: Sunday, 12/12 or Sunday 12/19

ORDER CUT-OFF: Friday 12/10 for Sunday 12/12 pick-up; Friday 12/17 for Sunday 12/19 pick-up

Sunday Preview: December 5, 2021 at the YMCA

Each Sunday, the pastors carefully put together an order of worship for us.

In an effort to help you prepare your heart & your family, we have included this Sunday’s order of worship below, as well as some important information. All the Scripture readings are noted. Links to videos of all the songs are included as well.

Back at the Ymca

Trinity Grace is back to meeting in the gym (with the lovely new floors!) at the YMCA. We hope to see you there!

When: 10:30 am

Where: The YMCA - 205 Knoxville Ave

The order of worship

Sunday, December 5, 2021


Call to Worship: Isaiah 30:19-20

O Come All Ye Faithful

Come Thou Long Expected Jesus

Advent Reading: Micah 5:2, 4-5a and John 10:10, 14-16

Do Not Fear

He Who Is Mighty

Sermon: Mark 10:32-45

True Greatness

Receive the Lord’s Supper

Song of Response:

Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery

Benediction: Jude 2

Resources for Advent

The season leading up to Christmas can be a frenzy of work projects, school finals, shopping lists, and family vacation plans. With visions of sugar plums (whatever those are!) and candy canes dancing in our heads, it can be easy to whir through the Advent season straight into the excitement of the New Year.

But we want to take this season to reflect on and rejoice in the coming of Jesus Christ!

So, what are some practical ways you can seize the Advent Season?

We hope the following resources will help you fix your heart on Christ and feast on the joy of the Savior:

History of Advent

Where did all this Advent stuff come from? What’s it all about? Check out this brief video by historian Ryan Reeves

Advent Devotionals

If you’re looking for something devotional that will walk you through the Advent Season, you may enjoy spending time in one of these:

  • Good News of Great Joy or The Dawning of Indestructible Joy by John Piper. Both of these provide 25 daily devotionals that correspond to the days leading up to Christmas. They are available for FREE as PDFs on the website

  • Good News of Great Joy Audio Readings by John Piper. If you’re like me and enjoy listening while driving or working around the house, John Piper has also released an audio version of the devotionals available on any podcast platform—additionally, you can sign up for an email prompt that will go to your inbox each day


At the birth of Jesus, angels broke out in praise to God saying “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased” (Luke 2:14). Songs are a wonderful way to meditate on Christ and delight in him. We play Christmas songs around the house while doing chores or hanging out. We also love to enjoy a few albums while we drive. Here are some great options if you’re looking for some solid Christmas music that centers your heart on Christ:

  • Prepare Him Room by Sovereign Grace Music - This is a great album and has an accompanying family devotional based on the songs

  • Heaven Has Come by Sovereign Grace Music - This was just released in 2020 and provides a wealth of theologically and musically rich songs. As an example, check out the video below (O Come, All You Unfaithful) written by our friend from Cornerstone Church of Knoxville

If you’re looking for some classic carols delivered with new arrangements, the band Page CXVI has a simple album dedicated to the Advent season. Here’s “Come Thou Long Expected Jesus”

A solid Advent album aimed toward younger kids is called “Waiting Songs” by Rain for Roots.

One of my personal favorites is a song based on a painting of Mary (mother of Jesus) consoling Eve. It plays on the idea of Eve being the mother of sinful humanity, unable to redeem the brokenness unleashed in the world - while Mary is the mother of the long-awaited Christ, Immanuel (God-with us), who has come to redeem sinful man. It’s a wonderful song that bridges the Fall of man to the Redemption found in the coming of Christ!

Family Worship

Hopefully, the above resources will provide some practical help this Advent season. Along with the resources, we would like to urge the men of TGC to take the initiative to help your families set their hearts and minds on Christ. There will be no better gift to your wife and your children than to point their attention to the hope of Jesus Christ. To that end, we highly recommend this article by Doug Wilson called “Prepare Your Hearts to Lead Your Home: Advent Advice for Fathers.”


Before the Christmas season gets away from us, lets employ some of these tools to flood our homes and our hearts with the greatest news in all the world:

But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, 5 to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. 6 And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, "Abba! Father!" 7 So you are no longer a slave, but a son, and if a son, then an heir through God. - Galatians 4:4-7

Weekly Announcements: Community Groups and Membership Class


While gathering together to worship on Sunday mornings is a unique blessing, it is impossible to experience all that God has for us in the church without close friendship.

Community Groups are where many of these friendships form & shape us in Trinity Grace. If you have not already, we hope you will find the right group for you.


Our groups are meeting at various times around Athens. If you haven’t yet visited a group, or would like to see what it’s all about, CLICK HERE to find out more.

Pritchett & Alexander—Wednesday, Dec. 1 at 6pm

Luster—Friday, Dec. 3 at 6pm

Finch—Sunday, Dec. 5 at 1pm

Olsen—Sunday, Dec. 5 at 5pm

We hope to see you at Community Group!

We know that church membership is about so much more than where you park your car on Sunday mornings.

That’s why we offer a Membership Class for folks interested in knowing more about who Trinity Grace is as a church.

This class is an opportunity for you to learn more about Trinity Grace—our beliefs, our mission, & so on—& to hopefully help you discern whether Trinity Grace is the right church home for you.

Attending the class doesn't mean you are signing up to become a member, but it’s a great place to start!


Below are the details for the class.

  • WHAT: Membership Class

  • WHEN: Saturday morning, December 4.

  • WHERE: Mike & Vanessa Ball’s home (1155 Hwy 305).

  • WHAT ELSE: Food, (lots of) coffee, & childcare provided!

A Prayer for Thanksgiving!

Last Sunday, we concluded the sermon by considering 1 Peter 2:10.

As we saw, the original text literally reads:

who then not people, but now people of God;

the ones not having received mercy, but now the ones having received mercy.

The contrast is obvious.

Who then . . . but now. The ones now . . . but now.

Informed by this verse, the Christian life is to be one in which we never move on from remembering who we were then & who we are now.

“the mover”

In a collection of Puritan prayers called The Valley of Vision, there is a prayer called “The Mover” that is particularly suited to helping us never forget who we were then & who we are now.

The full text of the prayer is below.


May I always be subordinate to thee,
        be dependent upon thee,
  be found in the path where thou dost walk,
     and where thy Spirit moves,
  take heed of estrangement from thee,
     of becoming insensible to thy love.
Thou dost not move men like stones,
   but dost endue them with life,
  not to enable them to move without thee,
   but in submission to thee, the first mover.
O Lord, I am astonished at the difference
  between my receivings and my deservings,
  between the state I am now in and my past
  between the heaven I am bound for and
     the hell I merit.
Who made me to differ, but thee?
  for I was no more ready to receive Christ
     than were others;
I could not have begun to love thee hadst thou not first loved me,
   or been willing unless thou hadst first made me so.
O that such a crown should fit the head of such a sinner!
  such high advancement be for an unfruitful person!
  such joys for so vile a rebel!
Infinite wisdom cast the design of salvation
   into the mould of purchase and freedom;
Let wrath deserved be written on the door of hell,
But the free gift of grace on the gate of heaven.
I know that my sufferings are the result of my sinning,
   but in heaven both shall cease;
Grant me to attain this haven and be done with sailing,
  and may the gales of thy mercy blow me safely into harbour.
Let thy love draw me nearer to thyself,
  wean me from sin, mortify me to this world,
  and make me ready for my departure hence.
Secure me by thy grace as I sail across this
  stormy sea.


Take time to pray this prayer this Thanksgiving.

Take time to thank God for food, friends, family, fellowship, & so many good things. But, most of all, take time to thank God for “the difference between your deservings & your receivings”!

We who were then—dead in sin, without God & without hope—are now—right with God & welcomed into his family!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Weekly Announcements: Back to the YMCA and Membership Class Sign Ups

we are back at the ymca!

This Sunday, November 28, Trinity Grace will return to the YMCA for worship!

We’ve met the past three Sundays at TWU because the YMCA was getting new floors installed in their gym. Those floors are now finished, so we are back!

Just as a reminder:

WHEN: Sunday, November 28, 10:30 am

WHERE: The YMCA - 205 Knoxville Ave, Athens

We know that church membership is about so much more than where you park your car on Sunday mornings.

That’s why we offer a Membership Class for folks interested in knowing more about who Trinity Grace is as a church.

This class is an opportunity for you to learn more about Trinity Grace—our beliefs, our mission, & so on—& to hopefully help you discern whether Trinity Grace is the right church home for you.

Attending the class doesn't mean you are signing up to become a member, but it’s a great place to start!

OUR NEXT CLASS IS saturday, December 4.

Below are the details for the class.

  • WHAT: Membership Class

  • WHEN: Saturday morning, December 4.

  • WHERE: Mike & Vanessa Ball’s home (1155 Hwy 305).

  • WHAT ELSE: Food, (lots of) coffee, & childcare provided!

Sunday Preview: November 14, 2021 at Tennessee Wesleyan University

Each Sunday, the pastors carefully put together an order of worship for us.

In an effort to help you prepare your heart & your family, we have included this Sunday’s order of worship below, as well as some important information. All the Scripture readings are noted. Links to videos of all the songs are included as well.

Two things to keep in mind for this Sunday

This Sunday is the conclusion of our Building Fund series. If this is news to you, you read more detail here & listen to the first message here, the second message here, and last week’s message from Haggai here.

Also, we will continue to meet in the Townsend Auditorium at Tennessee Wesleyan University. We are thankful to have a place to meet for the next two weeks (while the YMCA is getting new gym floors!) and we are thankful for a beautiful courtyard to linger in after worship! Wasn’t that a treat last week?


Townsend Auditorium is located at the heart of TWU’s campus.

Follow directions to campus—204 E. College St.

Depending on how you come, you can park at one of two parking lots—the one on East College Street or the one on White Street (on your left after you pass the baseball field).

From either lot, walk towards the center quad of the campus & you will see Townsend Auditorium. You can find a map of the campus here.

The order of worship

Sunday, November 21, 2021


Call to Worship: Psalm 33:6-9

Psalm 150 (Praise the Lord)

Only a Holy God

Scripture Reading: Hebrews 12:18-24

Nothing But the Blood

Jesus Thank You

Sermon: 1 Peter 2:9-10

The Church’s Mission

Song of Response:

Is He Worthy?


Pray for Our Family in Ethiopia

There’s a war going on in Ethiopia. 

A rebel group called the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) has been actively seeking to overthrow the government. The country’s two largest ethnic groups, the Oromo and the Amhara, make up more than 60 percent of the population, while Tigrayans, the third-largest, are 6 to 7 percent. Yet the TPLF became the most powerful rebel force in the country, eventually gaining governmental control in 1991. However, the Tigrayan-dominated government repressed political opponents, restricted free speech, and regularly utilized torture in their detention centers.

Anti-government protests in 2016 paved the way for a new administration to take leadership in 2018. The new administration purged Tigrayan officials and charged some with corruption or human rights abuses, leading to an infuriated Tigrayan leadership. Tensions continued to mount as the Tigrayan region in the North of the country refused to come under the leadership of the government. Instead, the TPLF began to officially take up arms in active rebellion against the government about a year ago. Ethnic clashes, political instability, massacres, assaults, looting, economic collapse, civilian displacement, and starvation have all characterized the war so far.

And now, TPLF leaders are 100 miles outside the capital city of Addis Ababa.

So, why are telling you about a conflict on the other side of the world?

First, our global family Includes Ethiopian Christians.

The other side of the world is indeed a part of the world that belongs to our global God. Not only is it his world, this conflict involves his people. People created in his image. 

Beyond these considerations, there are even more intimate reasons for us to be engaged with this story: we have family in Ethiopia.  

John 1:12-13 says: “But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, 13 who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.”

When we are united to Christ, we are united to the global family of God made up of people from all tribes and tongues.

Second, Our Sovereign Grace Family Includes A Local Ethiopian Church.

We have the joy of partnering with some dear brothers and sisters in the capital city of Addis Ababa.

A few years ago, our region of churches sent Michael Granger and his family to Ethiopia to plant Trinity Fellowship Church—along with Josh and Sabrina Pannell, Jordan and Lauren Thomas, and James and Kathryn Lewis.

In spite of some delays to the launch, the church began meeting and has grown rapidly. There are already around 120 people gathering regularly on Sunday to enjoy the same gospel-centered singing, prayer, and preaching that fuels our worship in Tennessee. In addition to this, the church has launched a Pastors College under the leadership of Josh Pannell to equip aspiring pastors to plant more gospel-centered churches throughout the Horn of Africa.  

Trinity Grace Church has participated in helping these men and their families establish a local church and a pastors college. We are partners with them in the gospel. We long to see them flourish. We are family. With that being said, we want to obey Romans 12:12-15:

“Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. 13 Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality. 14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them. 15 Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.”

We rejoice that a church and a Pastors College have been established and gospel-fruit is already ripening! However, we mourn that their nation, church, and families are experiencing such upheaval.

How Can We Pray?

  • Pray for political stability and peace: According to the most recent update, rebel forces were only 250 miles outside of Addis Ababa. With high tensions and ethnic animosity, more violence is expected.

  • Pray for wisdom for the Pannell, Thomas, and Lewis Families: The Pastors College already had a 2-week break planned for the Fall, so Josh Pannell evacuated his family back to the U.S. The Thomas family, as well as Kathryn Lewis, have evacuated. Pray for each of these families as they discern when they should return.

  • Pray for the Pastors College: There are 10 students from various countries around the Horn of Africa. Pray that this situation will not disrupt their studies. Pray that this will motivate them all the more to see gospel-centered churches planted in their lands.

  • Pray for the Granger Family: Michael Granger’s family has also evacuated to the U.S.  However, Michael stayed in the country to be with the people of Trinity Fellowship Church. He will remain unless the government forces him to evacuate. Pray that Michael will be reunited to his family soon. Pray for comfort, protection, and encouragement while they remain apart.

  • Pray for Trinity Fellowship Church: This is a community being built on the gospel. Pray they will be protected from the Enemy who wants to use fear to cripple their faith. Pray that they can be a city on a hill that represents a different Kingdom. Pray for opportunities to boldly proclaim the gospel. Pray that many will come to Christ because of the testimony of this local church.

What a privilege to join with family across the world & call on God to intervene.

The refrain of Psalm 46 stabilizes us as we pray: The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress!

Final Sunday in the Building Fund Series

As you know, we are presently in a series about our Building Fund—really a series about who we are as a church & what we are called to as a church. 

We do not hope to build to become a church, but we hope to build to gather as a church to worship God for years to come. 


Long before we began gathering together as a church, there were families in Athens praying that God would plant a gospel-centered church here. Two of those individuals were Sam & Rachel Olsen.

Last Sunday, Sam & Rachel told their story.

If you were not there, I encourage you to take time to read it below.

Sam: When my family was joining Cornerstone Church of Knoxville, the church that planted us, I appealed to the pastors: “The only way I want my family to join Cornerstone Church is if you will prayerfully consider planting a church in Athens!”

I want to tell you why. 

Rachel: My family and I moved to Athens in 2005. We found a church family where we stayed for 8 years. We grew there and developed wonderful relationships with the people of the church, but I began to get an unsettled feeling.

Sam: I was hungry for the Word of God. I longed for deep Bible study, and preaching that would explain the Scriptures in a way that I could apply it to my life. I desired to have Christian community that encouraged accountability to help me walk the narrow path. 

At the recommendation of some close friends, we decided to visit Cornerstone Church of Knoxville. Our plan was to visit for a few months before returning to Athens to find another home church.

On our first Sunday visiting, I noticed that this church was very different from what I had experienced in church my whole life. The people were so welcoming and joyful. They seemed to really care about us, even though we were strangers. The music was so different from the hymns I was used to, but I was drawn to the deep theology being taught through songs. The sermons were straight out of Scripture. But it was more than that. We were presented a feast on the Gospel!  

Rachel: Our youngest child was an infant then. I spent time engaging other mothers with infants in the child care room, or on the couches in the foyer, as wiggly babies in the service often turn into wailing babies. These women were sharing their struggles…more than just potty training and getting their kids to sleep through the night. They were sharing their dependence on the Lord and their thankfulness for the gospel. I heard an unfamiliar phrase used regularly and couldn’t quite understand it: “The kindness of the Lord.” I had never specifically thought of the Lord’s kindness. My prior understanding of the Lord had been primarily what I need to do for him. I began to become aware of my cloudy view of God and his grace. 

Sam: After a year of attending Cornerstone, we did not know of a church option like this in Athens and I could not see taking my family anywhere else. So, we went through the membership class there and joined.

Five years, Pastor Bill (finally!) announced that they were planning to plant a church in Athens. We were very excited, but we didn’t know who was going to be our pastor. I remember telling Rachel that if it were up to me, I would pick Walt Alexander. There are many reasons for that. He understands the Gospel, and it has changed his life. He loves his family, and he leads them well. He joyfully worships the Lord. He is very insightful, and faithful to the Scriptures. And he is trustworthy. When Pastor Bill announced that Walt was going to be our pastor, I felt that God was being very gracious to Athens.

Rachel: As I look around at the people of Trinity Grace, I am amazed at the kindness of the Lord! He has rekindled former relationships. He has brought people from across the continent to unite around the gospel. He is knitting us into family. We serve alongside the people in our community. We have a heart for the people of Athens and are hopeful for the gospel to transform many more lives. 

Sam: We love Trinity Grace because . . . Jesus is King. The Gospel is central. The worship is authentic and theologically sound. The people love the Lord and love us. Lives are being changed because God is at work. We are so glad that God saw fit to plant Trinity Grace here in Athens.


God has established Trinity Grace Church. As stewards of his good grace towards us, we feel it is time to begin fundraising for a building.

This Sunday we will collect an offering & begin officially fundraising for the Building Fund.

But, since Jesus talks about money more than any other subject, we would encourage you to prayerfully prepare for the offering with the following considerations:

First, when it comes to giving, we would encourage you to begin with tithing.

In the Old Testament, we are commanded tithe or to give 10% of what we earn to the Lord. Giving 10% of your income is not commanded in the NT. However, it is hard to believe that with all the greater blessings secured for us through Christ, we should give less. 

We should not give less, we should give more. 

So, we would encourage you to start with giving 10% to the church, to support the needs, ministers, ministries, & missions of the church. 

If you’re not there, we encourage you & challenge you to begin making steps. 

Second, if you are already tithing, we would encourage you to prayerfully consider giving above & beyond to the Building Fund.

After tithing, there are many ministries & organizations to which we can & should give money. My wife Kim & I have given to many different things over the years. 

The Building Fund is one of these things I want to ask you to prayerfully consider giving to. 

As you know, we have set a goal of raising $400,000 in the next 2 years towards Phase 1. That’s a big goal! In addition to the $200,000 we have already set aside for the Building Fund, it will likely be enough purchase land or a building to renovate.

That said, this coming Sunday we will receive a one-time offering & monthly pledges for the next year towards the Building Fund.


I want to ask you to join me in giving to the Building Fund.

Not just so that we could be done with our vagabond days & have a more permanent location. (Though that would be nice!)

But so that we can open our doors & welcome everyone in our community to hear the good news about Jesus Christ!

I want to ask you to take time over the next few days—to pray, to look over your budget, & to consider how you can participate.

What a joy it is to partner with you in the gospel!

May God bless this church for his glory for years to come!

Weekly Announcements: Community Groups, Let's Do Lunch, and Building Fund


While gathering together to worship on Sunday mornings is a unique blessing, it is impossible to experience all that God has for us in the church without close friendship.

Community Groups are where many of these friendships form & shape us in Trinity Grace. If you have not already, we hope you will find the right group for you.


Our groups are meeting at various times around Athens. If you haven’t yet visited a group, or would like to see what it’s all about, CLICK HERE to find out more.

Pritchett & Alexander—Wednesday, Nov. 17 at 6pm

Luster—Friday, Nov. 19 at 6pm

Finch—Sunday, Dec. 5 at 1pm

Olsen—Sunday, Dec. 5 at 4pm

We hope to see you at Community Group!

A New tradition

This Sunday, our church is continuing our new tradition of “Let’s Do Lunch” Days! These are Sundays set aside specifically to enjoy time with the people of Trinity Grace that you don’t know well.

So plan to invite somebody (or multiple somebodies) to eat lunch with you after the service this Sunday! We hope this becomes a meaningful tradition that deepens our relationships within the church.

If you’d like to read Taylor’s blog post about “Let’s Do Lunch” days, click here.

Building Fund

Sundays, October 31–November 21

This past Sunday, Bill challenged us to prepare to sacrificially give from the book of Haggai.

This coming Sunday we will finish up our Building Fund series with Walt preaching from 1 Peter 2:9-10 about the Church’s Mission.

As we continue through this Building Fund series, let us continue to pray together in the following ways:

  • Pray for God to be with us each of these four Sundays with a clear sense of his presence & his goodness towards our church.

  • Pray for God to give us wisdom as we officially begin this Building Fund.

  • Pray for God to provide a permanent location, a place we could call “home.”

  • Pray for God to prepare our hearts to sacrificially give.

  • Pray for God to open our eyes to the harvest in our community & give us a greater resolve to labor in the fields.

  • Pray for God to bless our church for generations to come, including positioning us in a permanent location that would allow us to train up future generations.

Sunday Preview: November 14, 2021 at Tennessee Wesleyan University

Each Sunday, the pastors carefully put together an order of worship for us.

In an effort to help you prepare your heart & your family, we have included this Sunday’s order of worship below, as well as some important information. All the Scripture readings are noted. Links to videos of all the songs are included as well.

Two things to keep in mind for this Sunday

This Sunday is a continuation of our Building Fund series. If this is news to you, you read more detail here & listen to the first message here and the second message here.

Also, we will continue to meet in the Townsend Auditorium at Tennessee Wesleyan University. We are thankful to have a place to meet for the next two weeks (while the YMCA is getting new gym floors!) and we are thankful for a beautiful courtyard to linger in after worship! Wasn’t that a treat last week?


Townsend Auditorium is located at the heart of TWU’s campus.

Follow directions to campus—204 E. College St.

Depending on how you come, you can park at one of two parking lots—the one on East College Street or the one on White Street (on your left after you pass the baseball field).

From either lot, walk towards the center quad of the campus & you will see Townsend Auditorium. You can find a map of the campus here.

The order of worship

Sunday, November 14, 2021


Call to Worship: Psalm 100

All People That On Earth Do Dwell

How Great is Your Faithfulness

Scripture Reading: James 1:16-17

How Deep The Father’s Love For Us

O Great God

Sermon: Haggai

Guest Speaker: Bill Kittrell

Song of Response:

In Christ Alone


What is the Goal of the Building Fund?

Over the past several weeks, we have been going through our Building Fund series together & looking into the future.

Phase one

We don’t know the future, but we are planning for this Building Fund to unfold in two phase.

Phase 1 is designed to raise the needed funds to purchase land or a building to renovate.

Phase 2, beginning after Phase 1 is completed, is designed for raise the needed funds to build a new building or renovate an existing building. While we will most likely not raise all the needed funds for Phase 2 prior to occupying the building, we would like to raise as much as possible.

How much are we raising for phase one?

Simply put, we don’t know how much we will need to raise Phase 1. That will become clear as we continue to explore potential land & building options.

However, we have set a goal for Phase 1 in faith for our Building Fund.

Currently, we have $204,100 in the Building Fund.

Even though we have never taken pledges for the Building Fund, God has given us over & beyond what we need over the past 3 years through the faithful giving of members & of friends of our church throughout the country!

In January of 2020, we were able to devote $100,000 to the Building Fund & we were able to do it again in August of 2021. How kind of the Lord!

Our goal: We would like to raise an additional $400,000 for the Building Fund in the next two years.

That means, after two years, we would have just over $600,000.

That would likely be enough to purchase land or a building for us to renovate.


At that point, we would be able to

On November 21, we want to ask you to prayerfully consider participating with us in the Building Fund.

you may be thinking, where is this money going to go? Where are we looking to build?

Basically, this building fund campaign will likely unfold in two phases:

Phase 1 is designed to raise the needed funds to purchase land or a building to renovate. 

  • In God’s kindness, we have $204,100.

  • Over 3 years, we would like to raise an additional $400,000.

  • Ideally We would like a building near the heart of Athens, so that we can open our doors to serve Athens throughout the week. We have looked at a number of properties & will continue. Therefore, it is possible that we could purchase land or a building with funds raised in the next year or two. 

Phase 2 would be designed to raise the needed funds to build or renovate a building.

November 21 we will begin to officially fundraise, giving you an opportunity to pledge a monthly amount or a one-time gift.  

Weekly Announcements: TGC Youth and Building Fund

trinity grace youth

WHEN: Saturday, November 13 6:00-8:00 pm

WHERE: The Finch Home

1514 Co Rd 700

Athens, TN 37303

WHAT: Breakfast for Dinner & a Time Machine Testimony from Tim Wilson!

BRING: a Bible and something to write with.

Building Fund

Sundays, October 31–November 21

This past Sunday, Walt reminded us about the Church’s Ministry from 1 Peter 2:4-8. What a blessing we have in our local church!

This Sunday we will continue our Building Fund series with our friend Bill Kittrell preaching from the book of Haggai. Bill is the Senior Pastor at Cornerstone Church of Knoxville and been a significant help to our church over the years.

As we continue through this Building Fund series, let us continue to pray together in the following ways:

  • Pray for God to be with us each of these four Sundays with a clear sense of his presence & his goodness towards our church.

  • Pray for God to give us wisdom as we officially begin this Building Fund.

  • Pray for God to provide a permanent location, a place we could call “home.”

  • Pray for God to prepare our hearts to sacrificially give.

  • Pray for God to open our eyes to the harvest in our community & give us a greater resolve to labor in the fields.

  • Pray for God to bless our church for generations to come, including positioning us in a permanent location that would allow us to train up future generations.

Sunday Preview: November 7, 2021 at Tennessee Wesleyan University

Each Sunday, the pastors carefully put together an order of worship for us.

In an effort to help you prepare your heart & your family, we have included this Sunday’s order of worship below, as well as some important information. All the Scripture readings are noted. Links to videos of all the songs are included as well.

Two things to keep in mind for this Sunday

This Sunday is a continuation of our Building Fund series. If this is news to you, you read more detail here & listen to the first message here.

Also, we will be meeting in the Townsend Auditorium at Tennessee Wesleyan University. We are thankful to have a place to meet over the next three weeks (while the YMCA is getting new gym floors!) & we are thankful Tennessee Wesleyan University has opened their doors to us again!


Townsend Auditorium is located at the heart of TWU’s campus.

Follow directions to campus—204 E. College St.

Depending on how you come, you can park at one of two parking lots—the one on East College Street or the one on White Street (on your left after you pass the baseball field).

From either lot, walk towards the center quad of the campus & you will see Townsend Auditorium. You can find a map of the campus here.

The order of worship

Sunday, November 7, 2021


Call to Worship: Psalm 40:1-2

My Hope is Built

Saved My Soul

Scripture Reading: 1 Timothy 6:11-12

O Great God

O Lord My Rock And My Redeemer

Sermon: 1 Peter 2:4-5

“The Church’s Ministry”

Song of Response:

Christ Our Glory


Justification & Sanctification: What’s the Difference?

The Reformation: Backdrop of Justification

Last Sunday marked 504 years since Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses on the door of the Castle Church of Wittenberg in protest against the Roman Catholic Church. 

But what was the big deal? Why did this document spark the Reformation? 

In a word, it was a question of “justification.” How is sinful man made right with God?

At the time, the Roman Catholic Church claimed it had been placed in charge of a “treasury of merits”—all the good deeds that were done by past saints and even Christ, himself. For those trapped by their own sinfulness, the church could write a certificate transferring to the sinner some of the merits of the saints. But this certificate—called an indulgence—came with a price tag.

The Roman Catholic Church’s answer to the question—“how is sinful man made right with God?”—by purchasing some of Christ’s merits. The Church was leveraging its authority to exploit people with a theology that contradicted the very heart of the gospel revealed in the Bible. It was this tension that spurred Luther to pen his 95 theses.

Justin Holcomb explains:

“The selling of indulgences for full remission of sins intersected perfectly with the long, intense struggle Luther himself had experienced over the issues of salvation and assurance. At this point of collision between one man’s gospel hope and the church’s denial of that hope the Ninety-five Theses can be properly understood.”

The quest to understand “how can sinful man be made right with God” led Martin Luther to reclaim the biblical doctrine of justification. In contrast to Rome’s teaching, Luther taught we are saved solely through faith in Jesus Christ because of God’s grace and Christ’s merit. We are neither saved by our merits nor declared righteous by our good works.

“Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 5:1

What are Justification and Sanctification?

Justification refers to God’s declaration that someone is righteous in his sight. Justification happens one-time. It occurs God declares a sinner to be not only “not guilty” but also perfectly righteous on the basis of faith in Christ.

How can God declare a sinner to be righteous and still maintain his justice? 

Pastor Erik Raymond says: “The basis for the divine declaration is the doing and dying of Christ. God credits us with the righteousness (merit) of Jesus. We are justified by grace (a gift) through faith (trusting in Jesus).”

In keeping with the biblical doctrine of justification by faith alone, Walt preached from Galatians 2 last Sunday saying: “The only way sinners can be made righteous before God is through Christ alone.”  

How are we to live in response to this reality? Walt said that we are to live as forgiven and free people. It’s true! We have been declared righteous before our just God. As Romans 5 said, we have peace with God through Jesus Christ.

But why do so many Christians still live in guilt and fear of God’s rejection? When we still struggle, why do we fear what God thinks of us?

Much of this guilt and fear lies in a misunderstanding of justification and sanctification.  

We just learned what justification is, but what is sanctification?

Sanctification is the continual process of being made more holy. It is the progressive conformity of the one who has been justified into the image of their Savior through the work of the Holy Spirit. Like justification, sanctification is a work of grace through faith made possible because of the finished work of Christ.

It is important to see how they are different.

In summary, justification is being declared righteous and sanctification is growing in righteousness.

Why Does This Matter?

Last week, we discussed how many Christians are miserable because they don’t understand this truth. In fact, it is the devil’s desire: “The devil wants us to stare at our sanctification before understanding our justification. He wants us to focus on what we do rather than on what Christ has done.”

We must begin with justification before moving to sanctification. If these are reversed, we will be consumed by our works without the understanding of Christ’s pardon that actually fuels our works.  So, understanding the difference between and the proper order of these two beautiful doctrines will help us live as forgiven and free people.

What are some of the differences between justification and sanctification?

  • Justification happens outside of you, you are declared righteous.

  • Sanctification happens inside of you, you are made righteous.

  • Justification is a one-time event.

  • Sanctification is a continual process.

  • Justification addresses the guilt & power of our sin.

  • Sanctification addresses the presence of sin in our lives.

  • Justification is God's declaring the sinner righteous.

  • Sanctification is God's renewing and transforming our whole persons—our minds, wills, affections, and behaviors.

Author Jerry Bridges offered this wonderful illustration of the distinction between justification and sanctification in his book, “The Discipline of Grace”:

During the long years of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, a Russian air force pilot flew his fighter plane from a base in Russia to an American air force base in Japan and asked for asylum. He was flown to the United States where he was duly debriefed, given a new identity, and set up as a bona fide resident of the United States. In due time he became an American citizen.

The Russian pilot’s experience illustrates to some degree what happened to us when we died to sin and were made alive to God. He changed kingdoms; he was given a new identity and a new status. He was no longer a Russian; he was now an American. He was no longer under the rule of what was then an oppressive and totalitarian government. Now he was free to experience all of the advantages and resources of living in a free and prosperous country.

This former Russian pilot, however, was still the same person. He had the same personality, the same habits, and the same cultural patterns as he did before he flew out of Russia. But he did have a new identity and a new status. As a result of his new identity and status as a citizen in a free country, he now had the opportunity to grow as a free person, to discard the mind-set of someone living under bondage, and to put off the habit patterns of a person living under the heel of a despotic regime. Furthermore, as a benefactor of our government’s intelligence establishment, he furnished all the resources needed to make a successful transition to an American citizen.

In effect, this Russian pilot “died” to his old identity as a Russian citizen and was “made alive” in a new identity as an American citizen. As an American, all the resources of our government were at his disposal to become in fact what he had become in status. But this could not have happened without first changing his status.

When we as believers died to sin, we died to a status wherein we were under bondage to the tyrannical reign of sin. At the same time we were granted citizenship in the Kingdom of God and, through our vital union with Jesus Christ, were furnished all the resources we need to become in fact what we have become in status. We have been given all we need to bring the imperative—”do not let sin reign in your mortal body”—into line with the indicative—”we died to sin.” But this could not have happened without a change in our status. And it is through our legal union with Christ in His death and resurrection that our status has been forever changed.

We must count on this and believe it. We must by faith in God’s Word lay hold on the fact that we have died to the reign of sin and are now alive to God, under His reign of grace. Unless we do this we will find ourselves seeking to pursue holiness by the strength of our own wills, not by the grace of God.


Hebrews 10:14 helpfully captures the sequence and relationship of justification and sanctification.

For by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified.

By a single offering—a one-time, all-sufficient act—Jesus Christ gave his life so that all those who trust in him might be counted righteous in the sight of God for all eternity (justification). And now, those who have been justified, are progressively growing and changing (sanctification).

By God’s grace, we will look to our past justification as we grow in our present sanctification. We will spend a lifetime becoming what we already are.

Why Are We Starting a Building Fund Now?

Last Sunday, it was such a joy to celebrate THREE years of gathering together to worship God!

We watched the latest Anniversary Video—made by our very own Gil Balch. If you haven’t watched it already, you can do so here.

We feasted on a Happy Birthday Cake—made by our own Paul & Fran Citrullo.

And we began our Building Fund series by studying Galatians 2:11-21 & the Church’s Message together. If you haven’t listened to it already, you can listen here or wherever you get your podcasts.

But, you may be wondering, why are we starting a building fund now?

Why are we starting a building fund now?

This is a very important question generally & a very important question for us specifically.

If the church is not a building & if we are only three years old, why bother starting a building fund now? Shouldn’t we focus on other things right now?

As we have thought & prayed about this question, we believe now is the right time for the following reasons:

1. Our attendance is continuing to grow, making it harder & harder to find a place to gather each Sunday to worship.

  • We have met in five different locations in Athens & it has been difficult to maintain a consistent place to gather.

  • The YMCA has been gracious enough to extend a long-term lease to us.

  • But after the YMCA, we simply do not know where we’d go!

2. Our membership is continuing to mature & that is reflected in giving to Trinity Grace.

  • Hudson Taylor once said: “God’s work done in God’s way will never lack God’s supply.”

  • Now, we do not think we are doing God’s work perfectly in God’s way. We have a ton to learn. But, we have seen God supply our needs.

  • In fact, our giving has steadily increased, including a 29% increase last year in the midst of a pandemic!

3. We have been entrusted with a lot as a young church & a building would help us serve one another.

  • In addition to our 82 adult members, we have 80 children. Not to mention the children of others who attend.

  • In seeking to be good stewards of all whom God has entrusted to us, we believe that in the future a building will enable us to better serve all in this church, both the adults of all ages & the many children!

4. A building will facilitate many more opportunities to serve our community.

  • Firstly, a building would free us from many of the time-consuming tasks of setting up & tearing down each week for worship. In so doing, a building would free us to focus more of our time, energy, & resources towards serving our community.

  • Secondly, a building would provide a place in which & from which we could better serve our community.

5. Most importantly, a building will provide a more permanent location for us to proclaim the gospel of free grace to this community for years to come.

  • That’s what we want more than anything else!

  • Scottish theologian John Webster has said: “[If we understand the teaching of Scripture] the church will not attempt to say everything but to speak one word and to speak it well. And one word will be the word of the gospel of Jesus Christ.”

  • We’re not serious about ourselves, but we are serious about our God, his gospel, & our call to proclaim it.

Sunday Preview: October 31, 2021 or Reformation Sunday!

Each Sunday, the pastors carefully put together an order of worship for us.

In an effort to help you prepare your heart & your family, we have included this Sunday’s order of worship below. All the Scripture readings are noted. Links to videos of all the songs are included as well.

Two things to keep in mind for this Sunday

This Sunday is the beginning of our Building Fund series. If this is news to you, you watch a preview video here & read more detail here.

More importantly, this Sunday is Reformation Sunday. On October 31, 1517, on the eve of All Saints’ Day, Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses on the cathedral doors of Wittenberg, Germany. Most smart people say this act was the beginning of the Protestant Reformation.

The Reformation brought us many of the truths we hold dear, like justification by faith alone, the priesthood of all believers, the sole sufficiency of Scripture, & more.

If you want to teach the kids more about Mr. Luther, this short cartoon is fun & informative.

The order of worship

As we have throughout October, we are gathering at the YMCA (205 Knoxville Ave) at 10:30am.

Sunday, October 31, 2021


Call to Worship: Psalm 122:1

All People That On Earth Do Dwell

Only A Holy God

Scripture Reading: Ephesians 1:3-7

Jesus Paid It All

Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me

Sermon: Galatians 2:11-21

“The Church’s Message”

Song of Response:

Before the Throne of God Above


What you need to know for the Building Fund.

This Sunday, we are beginning a four-week series on our mission as as church before officially starting our Building Fund on November 21.


As you can imagine, starting our Building Fund will include receiving an offering. However, that will not be until November 21.

So, don’t bring your Building Fund check. In fact, please don’t even begin thinking about money!

(Now, obviously, you may be planning to bring your tithe check on Sunday. If so, please do!)


Instead of a checkbook, bring a prayerful heart.

We want this series to go slowly.

We want these to be slow moments for us together.

We will look back to remember how God has been at work among us. We will look out to consider where God has placed us. We will look forward to consider what God has called us to do.

We will do this by hearing testimonies, watching videos, & praying together!

In addition, we will studying the following passages together:

Oct 31 | Galatians 2:11-21 | The Church’s Message

Nov 7 | 1 Peter 2:4-8 | The Church’s Ministry

Nov 14 | Haggai | Guest Speaker Bill Kittrell!

Nov 21 | 1 Peter 2:9-10 | The Church’s Mission


  • Pray for God to be with us each of these four Sundays with a clear sense of his presence & his goodness towards our church.

  • Pray for God to give us wisdom as we officially begin this Building Fund.

  • Pray for God to provide a permanent location, a place we could call “home.”

  • Pray for God to prepare our hearts to sacrificially give.

  • Pray for God to open our eyes to the harvest in our community & give us a greater resolve to labor in the fields.

  • Pray for God to bless our church for generations to come, including positioning us in a permanent location that would allow us to train up future generations.