Sunday Recap + Weekly Announcements


Don’t Be Too Christian

August 7, 2022 || Ecclesiastes 7:15-7:29

Main point: The only way through the crookedness of this world is fearing God.

1. Don’t be too righteous.

2. Don’t be too wise. 

3. Don’t be a fool. 

The fear of God which Solomon recommends is not only the beginning of wisdom [as taught in the book of Proverbs]; it is also the beginning of joy, of contentment and of an energetic and purposeful life. Solomon wishes to deliver us from a rosy-coloured, self-confident godless life, with its inevitable cynicism and bitterness, and from trusting in wisdom, pleasure, wealth and human justice or integrity. He wishes to drive us to see that God is there, that he is good and generous, and that only such an outlook makes life coherent and fulfilling.” Mark Eaton

If you missed this past Sunday or couldn’t write the quotes down fast enough, we have a link for you below.



The heart of TGKids is to help children understand that the Bible is all about Jesus! Below is the story, scripture, and main teaching points from the TGKids lesson, so that you can talk with your kids about what they learned.

Bible Story: God Provides Food & Water for Israel

Scripture: E XODUS 16:1—17:7

Bible Truth: God provides bread from Heaven.

Where is Jesus: John 6:31–40

The manna that God provided for the Israelites in the desert is a picture of Christ, the true spiritual bread from heaven. The Israelites needed to gather bread so they could have some each day. In the same way, we need to draw near to Christ each day. When we spend time each day reading the Bible and praying to God, we draw spiritual strength and spiritual health from being in his presence.

God also provided water in the desert when Moses struck a rock. In 1 Corinthians 10, Paul tells us that this rock was a picture of Christ.

If you want to learn more about TGKids, click the button below!


Trinity Grace Youth is BACK!

6th-12th graders and parents are welcome to join us at the Tinsman's house!

355 County Road 602, Athens, TN 37303, USA

Bring a snack to share - dinner will not be provided.

TGC Variety Show

When: Saturday, August 13 @ 7p

Where: The YMCA

Contribute to the building fund by sharing an act and enjoying the show. Let’s build memories together. For more information, click the button below!

Community Groups are BACK! + Sunday Recap


True Community

July 31, 2022 || 1 John 1:1-2:2

Main point: God calls us to honestly share our lives in community.

1. Why?

2. How?

3. What?

“The church is not made up of natural ‘friends.’ It is made up of natural enemies. What binds us together is not a common education, common race, common income levels, common politics, common nationality, common accents, common jobs, or anything else of that sort. Christians come together because they have all been saved by Jesus Christ and owe him a common allegiance.” D.A. Carson

If you missed this past Sunday or couldn’t write the quotes down fast enough, we have a link for you below.



School is back in session, so TGKids is back in full swing as well!

This Sunday, we will have Crawlers, Walkers, and Learners classes during the service.

For more information, click the button below!


TGC Variety Show

When: Saturday, August 13 @ 7p

Where: The YMCA

Contribute to the building fund by sharing an act and enjoying the show. Let’s build memories together. For sign ups and more information, click the button below!



6:00 PM

  • Hills - jono35582 [at] yahoo [dot] com (starting September 7)

  • Alexanders - walt [at] trinitygraceathens [dot] com

  • Wilsons - timwilsonemail [at] gmail [dot] com

6:30 PM

  • Kesslers - kesslermp [at] gmail [dot] com (starting August 3)

  • Pritchetts - chrislpritchett [at] gmail [dot] com


4:00 PM

  • Olsens - rachelolsen97 [at] icloud [dot] com

6:00 PM

  • Lusters - jlusterjr [at] gmail [dot] com

Sunday Preview: July 31, 2022 at the YMCA

Rain or Shine!

Pool Day is still ON! See ya’ll tomorrow!

WHO: Everybody!

WHEN: July 30, from 5:00-8:00 pm

WHERE: The Citrullo’s Home

1537 County Road 130, Riceville, TN 37370

WHAT: Various lawn games, swimming, good food and lots of fun!

The church will provide the pizza, so bring your lawn chairs, a cold side to share, drinks, sunscreen, towels and any lawn games you want to contribute!

Each Sunday, the pastors carefully put together an order of worship for us.

In an effort to help you prepare your heart & your family, we have included this Sunday’s order of worship below, as well as some important information. All the Scripture readings are noted. Links to videos of all the songs are included as well.


When: 10:30 am

Where: The YMCA - 205 Knoxville Ave


Sunday, July 31, 2022


Call to Worship: Colossians 1:15-18

Behold Our God

Christ Our Hope In Life And Death

Scripture Reading: Isaiah 40:1-2

Bless The Lord O My Soul (Psalm 103)

Sermon: 1 John 1:1-2:2 // True Community

Man Of Sorrows

Receive The Lord’s Supper

Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me


TGC Variety Show

When: Saturday, August 13 @ 7p

Where: The YMCA

Contribute to the building fund by sharing an act and enjoying the show. Let’s build memories together. For sign ups and more information, click the button below!

A Word of Thanks for Your Newest Elder

Installation of Buddy Luster as Elder

This past Sunday, we had the immense privilege of witnessing God’s work in the life of Trinity Grace Church. This knitting together of hearts has been under way for three years, and has culminated in the installation of James “Buddy” Luster, Jr. as the newest Elder of Trinity Grace Church. Over the past month, we as a church have prayerfully examined what Eldership means, and Walt reminded us on Sunday with a charge to both the Pastor and the Congregation. And with a sweet time of worship, testimony, and prayer, we celebrated what the Lord has done by adding to our church’s leadership another faithful man who loves the Lord.

Let us be humble and faithful to pray for Buddy and all of our Elders as they serve the Lord and His Bride, the Church.

“Here, then, is the sovereign power with which the pastors of the church, by whatever name they be called, ought to be endowed. That is that they may dare boldly to do all things by God's Word; may compel all worldly power, glory, wisdom, and exaltation to yield to and obey his majesty; supported by his power, may command all from the highest even to the last; may build up Christ's household and cast down Satan's; may feed the sheep and drive away the wolves; may instruct and exhort the teachable; may accuse, rebuke, and subdue the rebellious and stubborn; may bind and loose; finally, if need be may launch thunderbolts and lightnings: but do all things in God's Word.” John Calvin

A Word of Thanks From Buddy

“I am overwhelmed by God’s kindness and faithfulness. I am amazed by and thankful for your affirmation and support, for your willingness to allow me the privilege of serving you in this capacity as an elder of Trinity Grace Church. Judy and I are both extremely thankful for this church that God has raised up, for the work that he is doing here, and for the fact that he is allowing us to join him and you in what he is doing here. What we are witnessing is a demonstration of the declaration found in 1 Thessalonians 5:24, “FAITHFUL is he who calls you, who also will do it.”

God began to stir our hearts and to give is a vision for church planting in the early 1990’s. Since then, a lot of water has flowed over the dam, and it has been a long journey—too many adventures to record at this moment. To be honest, there were times when it appeared that our desire to be a part of a church like Trinity Grace would not come to fruition. But God in his faithfulness has brought us to this place. So, thank you for warmly welcoming us into Trinity Grace, thank you for allowing us to journey with you, thank you for extending your love to us, and thank you for allowing me to serve as a shepherd of Trinity Grace Church.

July 24, 2022, was one of the most sobering days of my life. It was also one of the most joyful days of my life. Let us all be reminded that this is God’s church! May it continue to be built, to grow, and to thrive for him and for his glory!”

To God be the glory, great things He hath done!

Sunday Recap + Weekly Announcements


What Is A Pastor?

July 24, 2022 || Acts 20:17-38

  1. A Word to Pastors.

    • Serve the Lord. 

    • Do not shrink from suffering.

    • Proclaim the gospel.

    • Care for the church.

  2. A Word to the Congregation.

    • Maintain high expectations. 

    • Listen.

    • Be honest. 

    • Pray.

“[Pastors] are fittingly compared to the toil of men in harvest, to the labors of a woman in travail, and to the agonies of soldiers in the dangers of battle. We must watch when others sleep.” John Flavel

If you missed this past Sunday or couldn’t write the quotes down fast enough, we have a link for you below.



School is out and many families are in vacation-mode. As a result, we will not be having the Learners Class (Kindergarten-2nd) through June and July. Please note, the Crawlers (0-2yrs) and the Walkers (3-5yrs) will still have their classes throughout the summer. But, the Learners will be with their families during the service. This will provide a nice summer break for our kid volunteers and afford families the opportunity to worship together!


Churchwide Pool Day!

Let’t try this again!

WHO: Everybody!

WHEN: July 30, from 5:00-8:00 pm

WHERE: The Citrullo’s Home

1537 County Road 130, Riceville, TN 37370

WHAT: Various lawn games, swimming, good food and lots of fun!

The church will provide the pizza, so bring your lawn chairs, a cold side to share, drinks, sunscreen, towels and any lawn games you want to contribute!

TGC Variety Show

When: Saturday, August 13 @ 7p

Where: The YMCA

Contribute to the building fund by sharing an act and enjoying the show. Let’s build memories together. For sign ups and more information, click the button below!

Sunday Preview: July 24, 2022 at the YMCA

Each Sunday, the pastors carefully put together an order of worship for us.

In an effort to help you prepare your heart & your family, we have included this Sunday’s order of worship below, as well as some important information. All the Scripture readings are noted. Links to videos of all the songs are included as well.


When: 10:30 am

Where: The YMCA - 205 Knoxville Ave


Sunday, July 24, 2022


Call to Worship: Psalm 117:1-2

The Lord Almighty Reigns

He Who Is Mighty

Confession of Faith: Heidelberg Catechism, Question & Answer 1

In Christ Alone

Sermon: Acts 20:17-38 // What is a Pastor?

Installation of James H. Luster, Jr. as an Elder

All Glory Be To Christ

Benediction: Ephesians 3:20-21

How To Pray for the Advance Youth Retreat

Advance Retreat?

Advance is the name of the annual youth retreat we enjoy with our sister church in Knoxville, TN - Cornerstone Church of Knoxville. It will be filled with many of the things that make youth camp so great - bunk beds, crazy games, waterslides, and hanging out. But, isn’t it weird to call a retreat “Advance?” Seems like an oxymoron. Well, it’s true that we are going to retreat in one sense. We are going to pull away from our normal routines and the bustle of our daily lives - much in the same way we see Jesus retreat to commune with his Father:

“And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed.” - Mark 1:35

So there is precedent for retreat in the Christian life. But make no mistake - this is not to be confused with retreat in war. Retreats for the Christian are not intended for running away or accepting defeat. Rather, retreats are for the purpose of restoration. They are intended to energize and realign the heart with the purposes of God. As we see with Jesus, he withdrew to commune with his Father and live the rest of his day in submission to the will of the Father. Ultimately, he retreated - not to escape - but to advance. This is at the heart of the youth retreat for Trinity Grace Church. A retreat that will help us advance.

How to Pray for Advance

We want to pray for the prosperity of both the people and the plan. So, first, the following is the list of those participating this Summer:

  1. Isabel Balch

  2. Ava Balch

  3. Gil Balch

  4. Elias Balch

  5. Cynthia Pritchett

  6. Chris Pritchett

  7. Annaleigh Pritchett

  8. Gavin Blankenbaker 

  9. Rene Lopez

  10.  Marcus Lopez

  11.  Charlotte Lopez

  12.  Camille Lopez

  13.  Jana Thomas

  14.  Keljan Thomas

  15.  Joelle Thomas

  16.  Kenton Thomas

  17.  Mandy Tinsman

  18.  Dustin Tinsman

  19.  Marissa Tinsman

  20.  Carson Tinsman

  21.  Carter Tinsman

  22.  Tim Smith

  23.  Melanie Smith

  24.  Riley Smith

  25.  Emary Smith

  26.  Ben Finch 

  27.  Brennan Finch

  28.  Knox Finch 

  29.  Rachel Olsen

  30.  Sarah Olsen

  31.  Abigail Olsen

  32.  Joseph Olsen

  33.  Kathryn Larson

  34.  Samuel Larson

  35.  Jenn Larson

  36.  Stephen Larson

  37.  Taylor Hollingsworth 

  38.  Danna Traucht

  39.  Abe Traucht

  40.  Jordan Traucht

  41.  Charlie Stewart

  42.  Seth Stewart

  43.  Jacob Stewart 

  44.  Ella Stewart

  45.  Taylor Johnson

  46.  Joel Church

  47.  Azya Church

  48.  Nathan Kessler 

  49.  Michael Kessler 

  50.  Joseph Houk

This retreat affords a wonderful context for the youth and their parents to hear the Word preached and apply it to their lives. The theme will be on the presence of God. Participants will be challenged to think about the pursuit of God’s presence, the conviction of God’s presence, the mercy of God’s presence, and the power of God’s presence. In light of this theme and the context of the retreat, here are a handful of things to pray:

  • Pray for the joy of the Lord to be present as everyone enjoys the good gifts of laughter, games, food, and friendship

  • Pray for friendships to deepen within our youth group as they share this formative time together

  • Pray for the gospel to be preached and for unbelievers to put their faith in Jesus Christ and for believers to confidently cling to Christ

  • Pray for parents to be intentional with one another as they learn to glorify Christ in their personal lives and in their parenting

  • Pray for parents to be intentional with their children as they forge deeper relationships with their kids 

  • Pray for many conversations to be opened up as parents and youth leave the retreat

  • Pray that all those who participate will advance in their love for Christ, their families, and the people of Trinity Grace Church

May this retreat advance the cause of Christ in our youth and in our church!

Sunday Recap + Weekly Announcements


How To Live Like You Are Dying

July 17, 2022 || Ecclesiastes 6:10-7:14

MAIN POINT: Don’t be put off, learn to love the limits of your life.

  1. Death is better than birth (v.1-2).

  2. Sorrow is better than laughter (v.3-6).

  3. The end is better than the beginning (v.8-10).

  4. Wisdom is best of all (v.11-14).

“The day of death is better than the day of birth—not because death is better than life, but because a coffin preaches better sermons than a crib.” David Gibson

If you missed this past Sunday or couldn’t write the quotes down fast enough, we have a link for you below.



School is out and many families are in vacation-mode. As a result, we will not be having the Learners Class (Kindergarten-2nd) through June and July. Please note, the Crawlers (0-2yrs) and the Walkers (3-5yrs) will still have their classes throughout the summer. But, the Learners will be with their families during the service. This will provide a nice summer break for our kid volunteers and afford families the opportunity to worship together!


Picnic At The Pad

Pack up the kids and a lunch, and join other Trinity Grace families for a Picnic at the Pad!

WHERE: Athens Regional Park Splash Pad

2405 Decatur Pike, Athens, TN 37303

WHEN: July 19 from 11am - 2 pm

Picnic At The Pool

Pack up the kids and a lunch, and join other Trinity Grace families for a Picnic at the Pool!

WHERE: The Ball’s House

1155 Highway 305, Athens, TN 37303

WHEN: July 21 from 11am - 2 pm

Over 50 Cookout

WHEN: July 23, 2022 at 12:00 pm

WHERE: The Johnson’s - 1753 Highway 304
Ten Mile, TN 37880

WHAT: Hamburgers and drinks are provided, bring a side to share and a chair to sit on!

Contact Barb Johnson at (615) 542-4399 with any questions.

Sunday Preview: July 17, 2022 at the YMCA

Each Sunday, the pastors carefully put together an order of worship for us.

In an effort to help you prepare your heart & your family, we have included this Sunday’s order of worship below, as well as some important information. All the Scripture readings are noted. Links to videos of all the songs are included as well.


When: 10:30 am

Where: The YMCA - 205 Knoxville Ave


Sunday, July 17, 2022


Call to Worship: Psalm 117:1-2

How Great (Psalm 145)

He Is Our God

Is He Worthy

Scripture Reading: Revelation 7:9-10

All I Have Is Christ

Sermon: Ecclesiastes 6:10-7:14 // How To Live Like You Are Dying

Christ Our Glory


Sunday Recap + Weekly Announcements


More Money, More Problems!

July 10, 2022 || Ecclesiastes 5:8-6:9

MAIN POINT: There is no satisfaction under the sun except daily enjoying what you have been given from God.

  1. More money doesn’t solve your problems.

  2. More money doesn’t satisfy.

  3. The only good is enjoying what you have been given.

“It is a cold fact that God does in fact give many goods to men who are not given the corresponding power to enjoy those goods. The good Lord gives to his people a can opener to go with the cans of peaches he gives them. But to the unbeliever, he gives no way of genuine enjoyment. This being the case, it does not matter how many cans a man might accumulate. Do we measure satisfaction by what we may stack up, or by what we are given to enjoy? What is the wealthy unbeliever going to do? Lick the picture there on the label?” Douglas Wilson

If you missed this past Sunday or couldn’t write the quotes down fast enough, we have a link for you below.



School is out and many families are in vacation-mode. As a result, we will not be having the Learners Class (Kindergarten-2nd) through June and July. Please note, the Crawlers (0-2yrs) and the Walkers (3-5yrs) will still have their classes throughout the summer. But, the Learners will be with their families during the service. This will provide a nice summer break for our kid volunteers and afford families the opportunity to worship together!


Picnic At The Pool - RESCHEDULED!

Pack up the kids and a lunch, and join other Trinity Grace families for a Picnic at the Pool!

AGES: 2-12 years

WHERE: The Ball’s House

1155 Highway 305, Athens, TN 37303

WHEN: NEW DATE! - July 14 from 11am - 2 pm

Isaiah 117 House Fundraiser

Come partner with the Isaiah 117 House by supporting their Lemonade Fundraiser!

WHEN: July 16, from 9:00 am - 2:00 pm

WHERE: Starr Mountain Outfitters

2230 TN-30 East, Athens, TN 37303

WHAT: Baked goods, lemonade, and free laughs!

To learn more about the mission of Isaiah 117 House, click the button below! And if you want to help out, contact Carrie Kersey at

Baby Shower

We are so thrilled to partner with Full Circle by hosting a baby shower for one of their families!

WHEN: July 17, from 2:00-4:00 pm

WHERE: 219 E Madison Ave, Athens, TN 37303

For more information and to RSVP to this celebration, click the RSVP button below. To learn more about Full Circle, click the Full Circle button below.

Sunday Preview & Announcements: July 10, 2022 at the YMCA

Each Sunday, the pastors carefully put together an order of worship for us.

In an effort to help you prepare your heart & your family, we have included this Sunday’s order of worship below, as well as some important information. All the Scripture readings are noted. Links to videos of all the songs are included as well.


When: 10:30 am

Where: The YMCA - 205 Knoxville Ave


Sunday, July 10, 2022


Call to Worship: Deuteronomy 6:4-5

The Lord Almighty Reigns (Psalm 93)

All Creatures Of Our God And King

Scripture Reading: 1 John 1:5-10

Come Ye Sinners

Bless The Lord O My Soul (Psalm 103)

Sermon: Ecclesiastes 5:8-6:9 // More Money, More Problems!

O Lord My Rock And My Redeemer




Churchwide Pool Day

Looks like rain and thunderstorms! We are going to postpone our churchwide pool day to a later (hopefully sunnier) date - TBD.


Picnic At The Pool

Pack up the kids and a lunch, and join other Trinity Grace families for a Picnic at the Pool!

AGES: 2-12 years

WHERE: The Ball’s House

1155 Highway 305, Athens, TN 37303

WHEN: NEW DATE! - July 14 from 11am - 2 pm

The Reversal of Roe: Now What?

According to the TN Deptartment of Health, there were 9,700 abortions performed in the State of TN in 2019 (the last year with recorded data). Previously, Tennessee allowed abortions up to 20 weeks into pregnancy. There have been six abortion providers in Tennessee: One in Bristol, two in Memphis (one of which had two locations), one in Knoxville, one in Nashville and one in Mt. Juliet.

However, the Supreme Court ruling on the Dobbs v. Jackson case was decided on June 24, 2022. The court held that the Constitution does not confer a right to abortion. The previous rulings on Roe and Casey have now been overruled and the authority to regulate abortion has been returned to the people and their elected State representatives.

In 2019, the state legislature in Tennessee passed a “trigger law” that totally bans abortion, except “to prevent the death of the pregnant woman or to prevent serious risk of substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function.” This law will go into effect 30 days after the U.S. Supreme Court issues its judgment in the Dobbs case. But this hasn’t happened yet, because the Dobbs judgment is separate procedurally from the Dobbs opinion released on June 24. The Tennessee attorney general expects the Dobbs judgment to come out by mid-July, which would mean abortion would become illegal after fertilization in Tennessee sometime in mid-August.

Losing “Right” to Abortion?

Some see this as a massive blow to constitutional rights. Perhaps you have friends and family online that are outraged at this decision and see it as a regression to a darker time when women had limited rights to education and voting. This would certainly be the case of the crowd of 100+ that showed up to protest at the courthouse in Knoxville, TN. Interestingly, it appears from an interview that the protest organizer’s chief aim was more driven by a fear of government overreach in other areas of ethics rather than the specific issue of so called “abortion-rights.” The protest organizers partner commented:

“What they did by overturning this is they created a trickle effect. So it will go into biracial marriages, it will go into gay rights, it will go into privacy rights too. All that stuff is gone. So I want to let you guys know that we are not just marching for the women, but for literally everyone today.”

So, this is a slippery slope argument. And it hinges on the interpretation of the U.S. Constitution. For those who are lamenting the overturn of Roe, the assumption is that there was a proper ruling in Roe and a woman’s right to abortion is a constitutional right. Therefore, to overturn such a “right” is to be pushed backwards in time - and who knows what other rights will be next?

However, the 1970 ruling in Roe v. Wade was highly controversial interpretation of the Constitution. The ruling was based on the 14th amendment which says no state shall deprive any “person” of “liberty.” First, the Justices interpreted “liberty” to include a “right to privacy” and held that abortion is part of the right to privacy. Second, the Court held that the “unborn” are not included with other “persons” protected by the Constitution. So, a woman’s right to privacy was interpreted to include her right to abortion and the unborn were not considered living people with rights.

Therefore, it was an interpretation that was overturned. In fact, even within the rise of women’s rights activists, the “right” to abortion was not universally pursued or celebrated. On the contrary, history reveals quite the opposite. For an interesting history lesson from a pro-life legal scholar, check out this podcast in which she traces the staunch anti-abortion views of women’s rights advocates and how the feminist movement lost its way.

Christian View of Life

But beyond the question of right constitutional interpretation, we must ask “what is right, anyways?” Unless we have some external source of morality that shapes our view of the world, we really have no objective right to rights. How can we come to a definition of life? How can we decide if a life has value? 

For Christians, we are subject to the revealed Word of God. And God created humankind in his image. Therefore, all people - from the womb and beyond - have inherent dignity. Their value is not determined by their autonomy or size. If value were based on these things, then we would have to create a hierarchy of value based on cognitive performance and size. How would this pan out with people who have a range of physical and mental disabilities? To go down this route would lead to a Darwinian vision of human value - not far removed from the ethics of Hitler.

In contrast, we believe all people - whether big, small, independent, or dependent - have intrinsic value because God made them in His image. As we are reminded in Psalm 139, God delights to bring forth life:

13 For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. 14 I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. 15 My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. 16 Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them. - Ps. 139:13-16

Local Opportunities to Stand for Life

So, as Christians, we want to do two things: 1) We want to oppose and lament what God deems harmful to life and 2) We want to accentuate and celebrate what God deems helpful to life. If we are to be advocates for life, for children, for marriage, and for family as God has designed them, then we must also oppose and lament those things that would be harmful. One of the key ways that we can advocate for life in our community is to identify partner organizations that seek to highlight God’s good design. We want to stand together to bolster actions that bring life both physically and spiritually. So, we will gladly partner with those who highlight a biblical view of the family and the local church.

In the near future, we have the opportunity to serve in a very practical way alongside Full Circle Medical Center for Women. Full Circle Medical Center for Women is a healthcare center that provides free holistic reproductive health services for women. Periodically, clients who need additional support for a new baby can request a baby shower through a partnering church. In just a couple of weeks, Trinity Grace Church will have the privilege of hosting a baby shower for this new mom in order to provide both physical and spiritual support. This is a wonderful opportunity to practically apply our theology. For more information on how you can participate, click the link below.

Additionally, we have been blessed with a connection to the Isaiah 117 House - a ministry that helps the church serve children awaiting placement in the foster care system. This is another organization that offers a solution that is theologically-informed by a Christian vision for life. We have an opportunity to help this organization raise awareness and funds by participating in a local lemonade fundraiser. To learn more, please click the link below.

Let’s be a people eager to advocate for life - to declare the goodness of God’s design for the family and for the church. May God bless us as we fan out into McMinn County!

Sunday Recap + Weekly Announcements


Worship God With Reverence

July 3, 2022 || Ecclesiastes 5:1-9

MAIN POINT: Worship God in his house with reverence.

  1. Watch your approach to God. (v. 1)

  2. Watch your prayers before God. (v. 2-3)

  3. Watch your vows to God. (v. 4-9)

“Instead of asserting ourselves, and filling the space with what we propose it needs, we encounter a space that is already purposed by a being who has already asserted himself. Our task is to receive and surrender to the will of another.” - Eswine

If you missed this past Sunday or couldn’t write the quotes down fast enough, we have a link for you below.



School is out and many families are in vacation-mode. As a result, we will not be having the Learners Class (Kindergarten-2nd) through June and July. Please note, the Crawlers (0-2yrs) and the Walkers (3-5yrs) will still have their classes throughout the summer. But, the Learners will be with their families during the service. This will provide a nice summer break for our kid volunteers and afford families the opportunity to worship together!


Picnic At The Pad

Pack up the kids and a lunch, and join other Trinity Grace families for a Picnic at the Pad!

AGES: 0-8 years

WHERE: Athens Regional Park Splash Pad

2405 Decatur Pike, Athens, TN 37303

WHEN: July 5 from 11am - 2 pm

Picnic At The Pool - RESCHEDULED!

Pack up the kids and a lunch, and join other Trinity Grace families for a Picnic at the Pool!

AGES: 2-12 years

WHERE: The Ball’s House

1155 Highway 305, Athens, TN 37303

WHEN: NEW DATE! - July 14 from 11am - 2 pm

Vacation Bible School

Clap Your Hands | Stomp Your Feet

WHO: Kids ages 5-12

WHEN: July 6-8, from 3:00-5:00 pm

WHERE: the YMCA (205 Knoxville Ave)

To sign up, fill out one waiver per family and bring it with you to VBS! Click the button below to download a waiver.

Churchwide Pool Day

WHO: Everybody!

WHEN: July 9, from 5:00-8:00 pm

WHERE: The Citrullo’s Home

1537 County Road 130, Riceville, TN 37370

WHAT: Various lawn games, swimming, good food and lots of fun!

The church will provide the pizza, so bring your lawn chairs, a cold side to share, drinks, sunscreen, towels and any lawn games you want to contribute!

Isaiah 117 House Fundraiser

Come partner with the Isaiah 117 House by supporting their Lemonade Fundraiser!

WHEN: July 16, from 9:00 am - 2:00 pm

WHERE: Starr Mountain Outfitters

2230 TN-30 East, Athens, TN 37303

WHAT: Baked goods, lemonade, and free laughs!

To learn more about the mission of Isaiah 117 House, click the button below! And if you want to help out, contact Carrie Kersey at

Baby Shower

We are so thrilled to partner with Full Circle by hosting a baby shower for one of their families!

WHEN: July 17, from 2:00-4:00 pm

WHERE: 219 E Madison Ave, Athens, TN 37303

For more information and to RSVP to this celebration, click the RSVP button below. To learn more about Full Circle, click the Full Circle button below.

Sunday Preview: July 3, 2022 at the YMCA

Each Sunday, the pastors carefully put together an order of worship for us.

In an effort to help you prepare your heart & your family, we have included this Sunday’s order of worship below, as well as some important information. All the Scripture readings are noted. Links to videos of all the songs are included as well.


When: 10:30 am

Where: The YMCA - 205 Knoxville Ave


Sunday, July 3, 2022


Call to Worship: Psalm 92:1-4

All People That On Earth Do Dwell

How Great (Psalm 145)

Scripture Reading: The Apostles’ Creed

Bless The Lord O My Soul (Psalm 103)

He Who Is Mighty

Sermon: Ecclesiastes 5:1-9 // Fear God

Be Thou My Vision


Making Sense of Eldership at Trinity Grace Church

This past Sunday, we announced Buddy Luster as a candidate for being installed as an elder at Trinity Grace Church.

But, you may be wondering: What is an elder? Why is it important for our church to add elders?

We want to take a moment to give a little context to hopefully help you understand God’s kindness to our church by opening the door to possibly adding another elder.

Biblical Background of Elders

First, one of our core convictions is that churches are to be led by a team of qualified men. According to our Statement of Faith: 

Christ has given the offices of elder and deacon to the church. Elders occupy the sole office of governance and are called to teach, oversee, care for, and protect the flock entrusted to them by the Lord. Deacons provide for the various needs of the church through acts of service. God gives these and other people as gifts to serve and equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ.

Throughout the NT, there are 3 words used for those who are called to shepherd the church in teaching and leading: pastor, elder, and overseer. Each of these 3 words refer to one office or role in the church.

We see this in 1 Peter 5:

So I exhort the elders among you, as a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, aswell as a partaker in the glory that is going to be revealed: shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you; not for shameful gain, but eagerly... 1 Peter 5:1-2

And when the NT talks about the role of elder in the local church, it always uses the plural form. For example:

“And when they had appointed elders for them in every church, with prayer and fasting they committed them to the Lord in whom they had believed.” Acts 14:23 (See also Acts 20:17; Titus 1:5; and James 5:14.)

Why Consider Buddy?

Since planting Trinity Grace in 2018, we have been seeking to establish a team of qualified men to lead our church.

We are prayerfully putting forward Buddy Luster to be installed as an elder next month.

For the few who don’t know Buddy, he's a remarkably warm and outgoing man. He loves to meet new people and get to know them. In fact, most of us in the church have been welcomed by Buddy upon entering the building and many of us have enjoyed conversations well into the afternoon!

Buddy is a disciple. He has followed Christ for many years and never ceases to be amazed at the kindness of the Lord. He has a sincere appetite for the Word. The fruit of godliness is evident in his life and in his family.

Perhaps, more than anything else, Buddy & his wife Judy are people who love the local church. They’ve made great sacrifices to be faithfully committed to the Church over their life. That has included several churches and now includes ours. Without a job and without any guaranteed opportunity for ministry, Buddy & Judy relocated to Athens in November of 2019 to serve God with us. We are very grateful to God they did.

In addition, years ago, Buddy was ordained as a pastor and served in that role until a job moved them to Tennessee. A year or so after relocating here, Buddy and Walt began discussing pastoral ministry at Trinity Grace. It became evident that Buddy is a humble, godly man but also a man gifted for pastoral ministry. The fruit and effect of his life and ministry among the people of Trinity Grace Church is evident.

What’s The Process of Adding Elders?

Within Sovereign Grace, we have a process of ordaining and installing elders in local churches. Once a candidate is put forward by a local church, they are inducted into a process of papers and exams to determine whether they are prepared to serve as an elder. Following satisfactory completion of these exams, the elders in the region recommend the candidate for eldership.

Since Buddy has previously served as an elder at a church in Ohio, he has already been through a comparable ordination process. So, several months ago, our region voted to receive his ordination status and enthusiastically encouraged us to install him as an elder at our church.

Why Does All This Matter For You?

Why are we writing all of this?

First, you are a member of Trinity Grace Church. If installed as a pastor, Buddy would be one of your pastors.

Second, we want to ask you to pray. We want you to thank God for Buddy and to pray for God’s will to be done in his life and the life of our church.

Third, we want to ask you for feedback. We want to hear of any concerns you have. Over the next 30 days, please share your questions, concerns, and encouragement with Walt.


There are a lot of wonderful things in the headlines right now. There are a lot of sobering things in the headlines right now. The news of what’s happening at Trinity Grace Church will not be hitting any headlines. But, even though the steady building of our local church won’t hit any headlines, it has God’s attention. And we want to be faithful!

Authors D.A. Carson and John Woodbridge penned this wonderful charge to pastors of local churches. Though it’s a word addressed to pastors, we trust that it reveals the heart of our aim as we seek to grow and strengthen Trinity Grace Church:

Do not worry too much about what is happening at the national level. Simply build the people to whom God has called you. Feed people the word of God, pray for them, love them, convey the reality of God’s presence to them by word and deed. What is important at the end of the day is the church—ordinary churches trying to live faithfully in a rapidly changing society. Ordinary churches pastored by ordinary people like you and me, knowing that we cannot do everything, but trying to do what we can and seeking God’s face for his presence and blessing so that his dear Son might be honored and his people strengthened. - D.A. Carson & John Woodbridge

Sunday Recap + Weekly Announcements


Two Are Better Than One

June 26, 2022 || Ecclesiastes 4:7-16

MAIN POINT: Find a few friends & devote yourself to being a good, godly friend to them.

  1. No friends is worse (v.7-8)

  2. One friend is better (v.9-12)

  3. Many friends are not best (v.13-16)

“Friendship is the greatest of worldly goods. Certainly to me it is the chief happiness of life. If I had to give advice to a young man about a place to live, I think I should say: Sacrificealmost everything to live where you can be near your friends.” C.S. Lewis

If you missed this past Sunday, want to listen to the sermon again, or couldn’t write the quotes down fast enough, we have links for you below.

This is the new song we sang on Sunday: The Lord Almighty Reigns (Psalm 93) by Sovereign Grace Music.



School is out and many families are in vacation-mode. As a result, we will not be having the Learners Class (Kindergarten-2nd) through June and July. Please note, the Crawlers (0-2yrs) and the Walkers (3-5yrs) will still have their classes throughout the summer. But, the Learners will be with their families during the service. This will provide a nice summer break for our kid volunteers and afford families the opportunity to worship together!


Vacation Bible School

Clap Your Hands | Stomp Your Feet

WHO: Kids ages 5-12

WHEN: July 6-8, from 3:00-5:00 pm

WHERE: the YMCA (205 Knoxville Ave)

To sign up, fill out one waiver per family and bring it with you to VBS! Click the button below to download a waiver.

Sunday Preview: June 26, 2022 at the YMCA

Each Sunday, the pastors carefully put together an order of worship for us.

In an effort to help you prepare your heart & your family, we have included this Sunday’s order of worship below, as well as some important information. All the Scripture readings are noted. Links to videos of all the songs are included as well.


When: 10:30 am

Where: The YMCA - 205 Knoxville Ave


Sunday, June 26, 2022


Call to Worship: Psalm 77:1-3

Blessed Be Your Name

My Soul Will Wait

Scripture Reading: Isaiah 41:10

The Lord Almighty Reigns (Psalm 93)

Before The Throne Of God Above

Sermon: Ecclesiastes 4:7-16 // Two Are Better Than One

Jesus Thank You

He Is Jesus


The Roots of Pride Month

In Walt’s most recent sermon, he discussed the way we are to engage with the brokenness of the world as Christians. By way of example, he brought up the fact that June is Pride Month for the LGBTQ+ community. In the face of something that is antithetical to God’s design for man, woman, marriage, and the family, how are we to respond? Are we to disassociate from this movement and “get off the grid?” Are we to throw ourselves into politics and revolution to overthrow the trajectory of this movement? 

In the midst of a tumultuous political season, the New Testament authors say shockingly little about policies and political revolution. On the contrary, there is laser-like focus on faithfulness to God as we live as sojourners in this world. Walt charged us to sow faithfully into the work and the family in the place God has assigned to us.

To do this, we must have a clear understanding of what it means to be faithful. We need to be able to discern truth from error. Since this month is culturally recognized as Pride Month, we wanted to take a moment to give a brief background of Pride Month and then give some helpful resources that will help you understand how to engage as a Christian. 


In 1967, members of the Genovese Mafia family found a new way to make money. Establishments openly serving alcohol to gay customers were considered by the State Liquor Authority (SLA) to be "disorderly houses," or places where "unlawful practices are habitually carried on by the public." Members of the Mafia saw a business opportunity in catering to the otherwise shunned gay population. So, they opened a bar called the Stonewall Inn in the Greenwich Village area of Manhattan. The primary patrons were drag queens, transgender people, male prostitutes, and homeless male teens. The Mafia members were profiting and bribed the local police precinct with a $1,200 monthly fee to turn a blind eye. With minimal police enforcement, the management easily cut corners on safety and hygiene while increasing profits. By 1969, it became the largest gay establishment in the United States.

Despite the alleged payoffs, 6 police officers raided the Stonewall Inn on June 28, 1969 and attempted to close the bar at 1:20am. They were met with resistance by nearly 200 patrons. Though pushed outside, the crowd continued to resist and grew in number to nearly 500 people. The crowd became increasingly violent and soon began to riot. The police officers barricaded themselves inside the Stonewall Inn while rioters threw rocks and bricks and tried to burn the bar down with the police inside. Though the Tactical Patrol Force came and quelled the riot that evening, an even more violent riot broke out two nights later with nearly 1,000 people in the streets clashing with hundreds of police.

Fast-forward to 2013. In President Obama’s 2nd Inaugural Address, we heard this line: “all of us are created equal –- is the star that guides us still; just as it guided our forebears through Seneca Falls, and Selma, and Stonewall.” In this string of “S” locations, President Obama was equating the starting point for the gay liberation movement (Stonewall Inn) with women’s suffrage (Seneca Falls) and civil rights for African Americans (Selma). In 2016, President Obama added the illegal bar alongside the Statue of Liberty and the Grand Canyon on the short list of national monuments.

How did we get here?

Well, it was from this string of violent protests out of an illegally-operated, Mafia-owned gay bar that the so-called gay liberation movement was birthed. What we now call Pride Month was originally instituted to commemorate the anniversary of the Stonewall Inn riots.

In Kevin DeYoung’s helpful article, he articulates the implications of using the idea of “pride” for a month that celebrates LGBTQ+:

The rallying cry of “pride” transformed their quest for culturewide moral legitimacy (a daunting task) into a personal plea for therapeutic well-being (a much easier goal). The debate would not be a head-on, rational discussion about whether the sexual revolution was acceptable by the standards of God’s Word, natural law, or Western tradition. The debate would not be about what was good for children, good for the public, or even good for those drawn to LGBTQ behavior. Instead, “pride” made the debate about feelings of personal acceptance. Changing the culture is hard work and takes a long time (about 50 years, it turns out). Convincing people to stop making other people feel bad is a much easier sell…How can anyone be against “pride” if the alternative is violent, morbid, relentless shame? Pride Month turns a moral argument—about which the Bible has clear and unequivocal answers—into a quest for personal self-acceptance, which is why many soft-hearted and muddle-headed Christians line up for the parade just like everyone else.

Is the only antidote to shame to embrace pride? It seems our culture insists that anything you feel should be validated as intrinsically good. One way we’re encouraged to deal with shame is to pretend that it’s not there. We know how to suppress the truth in unrighteousness (Romans 1:18). Given long enough, if we relentlessly push against our own consciences and God’s design, we will ultimately begin to call light dark and dark light (Is. 5:20). We will engage evil as if it were foolish to do otherwise - and, what’s worse, we’ll encourage others to do the same (Rom. 1:32).


Is all shame bad? What is the biblical alternative to dealing with shame? We found the following article by Kevin DeYoung to be very helpful in navigating these questions in the context of critiquing Pride Month: “The indelible conscience and a month of “pride””

Carl Trueman also offered a helpful review of Pride Month from a Christian perspective in his article “Welcome to Pride Month, Christian: Social justice demands our opposition to its celebration and symbols.”

Additionally, you may want to go deeper into the question of “how did we get here?” You would be hard-pressed to find a more timely and helpful book than Carl Trueman’s Strange New World. Trueman outlines the history of Western thought to the distinctly sexual direction of present-day identity politics and explains the modern implications of these ideas on religion, free speech, and personal identity.

May God help us as we seek to live faithfully for him each day.

Sunday Recap + Weekly Announcements


Stop Working For The Weekend

June 19, 2022 || Ecclesiastes 3:16-4:6

MAIN POINT: God has given you a place to be and work to do every day unto Him.

  1. Work joyfully in spite of injustice.

  2. Work patiently in spite of evil.

  3. Work restfully in spite of envy & striving.

“If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world. I must keep alive in myself the desire for my true country, which I shall not find till after death; I must never let it get snowed under or turned aside; I must make it the main object of life to press on to that other country and to help others to do the same.” C.S. Lewis

If you missed this past Sunday, want to listen to the sermon again, or couldn’t write the quotes down fast enough, we have links for you below.



School is out and many families are in vacation-mode. As a result, we will not be having the Learners Class (Kindergarten-2nd) through June and July. Please note, the Crawlers (0-2yrs) and the Walkers (3-5yrs) will still have their classes throughout the summer. But, the Learners will be with their families during the service. This will provide a nice summer break for our kid volunteers and afford families the opportunity to worship together!


TGC Art Camp

It's time for the first ever TGC Art Camp!

WHO: Ages 8-16 yrs

WHEN: June 28-30 from 2-4p

WHERE: 219 E Madison Ave.

COST: $15 - covers art supplies for all 3 days

Click the button below for more information and to register!

Vacation Bible School

Clap Your Hands | Stomp Your Feet

WHO: Kids ages 5-12

WHEN: July 6-8, from 3:00-5:00 pm

WHERE: the YMCA (205 Knoxville Ave)

To sign up, fill out one waiver per family and turn it in to Taylor Hollingsworth. Waivers will be available at church on Sunday.