Announcements + Sunday Recap


To The Church of Ephesus

January 15, 2023 || Revelation 2:1-7

MAIN POINT: A church with truth but without love will soon be dead.

  1. The Author. 

  2. The Problem.

  3. The Solution.



The heart of TGKids is to help children understand that the Bible is all about Jesus! Below is the story, scripture, and main teaching points from the TGKids lesson, so that you can talk with your kids about what they learned.

Bible Story: Saul Disobeys the Lord

Scripture: 1 Samuel 13:3–4, 7b–14

Bible Truth: To obey God is better than sacrifice.

Where is Jesus: Luke 22:42

As a king, Saul failed. One day God would anoint another Man to be king who would not fail. Even when it was difficult, Jesus (the greatest king) obeyed God. The difficult task in front of Jesus was to die on the cross (see Acts 13:22–23).

When faced with the cross, Jesus prayed to his Father in heaven saying, “not my will, but yours be done” (Luke 22:42). Saul placed his own will above God’s; Jesus did not. As a result of Jesus’ obedience, we have salvation through his sacrificial death.

If you want to learn more about TGKids, click the button below!


Baby Dedications

We love the kids in our church - and God keeps adding them! We will have a baby dedication on Sunday, January 22. If you would like to participate, please click the button below!

TGC Movie Night

WHAT: A showing of Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory - entry is $2, but if you bring a friend, you BOTH get in FREE!

WHEN: Saturday, January 28, 6 pm

WHERE: Athens Movie Palace - 1436 Decatur Pike, Athens, TN 37303

For more information and to RSVP, click the button below!

Sunday Preview: January 15, 2023 at the YMCA

Each Sunday, the pastors carefully put together an order of worship for us.

In an effort to help you prepare your heart & your family, we have included this Sunday’s order of worship below, as well as some important information. All the Scripture readings are noted. Links to videos of all the songs are included as well.


When: 10:30 am

Where: The YMCA - 205 Knoxville Ave


Sunday, January 15, 2023


Call to Worship: Deuteronomy 4:4-5

Praise To The Lord The Almighty

Praise His Name (Psalm 148)

Scripture Reading: Ephesians 4:4-6

There Is One Gospel

Christ Our Glory

Sermon: Revelation 2:1-7 // To the Church of Ephesus

O Great God


The Growth of Trinity Grace & Taylor's Commendation!

On Sunday, January 1, we announced Taylor Hollingsworth as a candidate for being ordained & installed as an elder at Trinity Grace Church on January 29, 2023.

But, you may be wondering: What is an elder? Why is it important for our church to add elders?

We want to take a moment to give a little context to hopefully help you understand God’s kindness to our church by opening the door to possibly adding another elder.

Biblical Background of Elders

First, one of our core convictions is that churches are to be led by a team of qualified men. According to our Statement of Faith: 

Christ has given the offices of elder and deacon to the church. Elders occupy the sole office of governance and are called to teach, oversee, care for, and protect the flock entrusted to them by the Lord. Deacons provide for the various needs of the church through acts of service. God gives these and other people as gifts to serve and equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ.

Throughout the NT, there are 3 words used for those who are called to shepherd the church in teaching & leading: pastor, elder, and overseer. Each of these 3 words refer to one office or role in the church.

We see this in 1 Peter 5:

So I exhort the elders among you, as a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, aswell as a partaker in the glory that is going to be revealed: shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you; not for shameful gain, but eagerly... 1 Peter 5:1-2

And when the NT talks about the role of elder in the local church, it always uses the plural form. For example:

“And when they had appointed elders for them in every church, with prayer and fasting they committed them to the Lord in whom they had believed.” Acts 14:23 (See also Acts 20:17; Titus 1:5; and James 5:14.)

Why Consider TAYLOR?

Since planting Trinity Grace in 2018, we have been seeking to establish a team of qualified men to lead our church.

We are prayerfully putting forward Taylor to be installed as an elder on January 29.

For the few who don’t know Taylor, he's a remarkably outgoing man. He & his wife Elisabeth love to meet new people & get to know them. In fact, most of us in the church have been welcomed by the Hollingsworths into their home for warm food & grace-filled fellowship!

Taylor is also a student of the Word. He has a sincere appetite for the Word & a desire for others to experience the grace that he has experienced. In that respect, he is a gifted teacher & preacher.

Over the past several years, Taylor has served as a pastoral resident. In the first days of Trinity Grace, he served most Sundays in seen & unseen ways to help the church. He began a pastoral residency with the church at the beginning of 2020. He attended the Sovereign Grace Pastors College throughout the school year of 2020-2021 & returned to continue serving as a pastoral resident in a full-time capacity. Finally, over the past year, he has completed numerous assignments & exams for ordination, in conjunction with our region of Sovereign Grace Churches & in fulfillment of our Book of Church Order.

In November 2022, our region heartily commended him as a man fit to be ordained & installed for pastoral ministry.

We couldn’t agree more!

Why Does All This Matter For You?

Why are we writing all of this?

First, you are a member of Trinity Grace Church. If installed as a pastor, Taylor would be one of your pastors.

Second, we want to ask you to pray. We want you to thank God for Taylor & to pray for God’s will to be done in his life & the life of our church.

Third, we want to ask you for feedback. We want to hear of any concerns you have. Over the next 17 days, please share your questions, concerns, and encouragement with Walt or Buddy.


There are a lot of wonderful things in the headlines right now. There are a lot of sobering things in the headlines right now. The news of what’s happening at Trinity Grace Church will not be hitting any headlines. But, even though the steady building of our local church won’t hit any headlines, it has God’s attention. And we want to be faithful!

Announcements + Sunday Recap


An Unfinished Task - Mark Prater

January 8, 2023 || Matthew 28:16-20

“Our gospel-centrality entails not only treasuring the gospel personally but sharing it passionately.” Sovereign Grace Churches



The heart of TGKids is to help children understand that the Bible is all about Jesus! Below is the story, scripture, and main teaching points from the TGKids lesson, so that you can talk with your kids about what they learned.

Bible Story: Isreal Demands A King

Scripture: 1 Samuel 8-10

Bible Truth: Desiring anything more than God, even if it’s a good thing, is evil.

Where is Jesus: Revelation 19:13–16

Israel requested a king to rule them like the rest of the nations had (1 Samuel 8:5). So, God answered their desires and gave them a man who was large in stature—a great king from the world’s perspective. But God had another kind of king in mind, a king after God’s own heart. God is not interested in the outward appearance but is interested in the heart. David eventually is selected by God, but ultimately, God would send Jesus to be an eternal king. Jesus would perfectly reflect the heart of God by becoming obedient to death, even death on the cross. In Philippians, God the Father promises that he is going to give Jesus the highest place of all and that every knee will bow before him. Why? Because he is the greatest King! It was always God’s desire that his people be ruled, not by an earthly man, but by God as King.

He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God. The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean. Out of his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. “He will rule them with an iron scepter.” He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty. On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Revelation 19:13–16 niv

We are so blessed to have the greatest King of all, Jesus!

If you want to learn more about TGKids, click the button below!


Membership Class

Saturday, January 14, 2023

For more information and to register for the class, click the button below!

Baby Dedications

We love the kids in our church - and God keeps adding them! We will have a baby dedication on Sunday, January 22. If you would like to participate, please click the button below!

Sunday Preview: January 8, 2023 at the YMCA

Guest Speaker: Mark Prater

This Sunday, we have the privilege to be taught by Mark Prater, the Executive Director of Sovereign Grace Churches and an elder at Covenant Fellowship Church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He is joining us to lead Trinity Grace Church’s Men’s Retreat this weekend and will finish out the weekend with us on Sunday morning.

Each Sunday, the pastors carefully put together an order of worship for us.

In an effort to help you prepare your heart & your family, we have included this Sunday’s order of worship below, as well as some important information. All the Scripture readings are noted. Links to videos of all the songs are included as well.


When: 10:30 am

Where: The YMCA - 205 Knoxville Ave


Sunday, January 8, 2023


Call to Worship: Psalm 99:1-3

Holy Holy Holy

Praise His Name (Psalm 148)

Scripture Reading: Titus 3:3-6

There Is One Gospel

Not In Me

Sermon: Matthew 28:16-20 // An Unfinished Task

Be Thou My Vision


2022 Global Missions Update

Trinity Grace Church has the joy of partnering with Sovereign Grace Churches - a family of churches which is bound together theologically for the mission of planting healthy local churches around the world. Dave Taylor - director of global mission and local pastor in Sydney, Australia - recently posted a wonderful video update that captures what has been happening globally in Sovereign Grace. In this video, Dave shares some highlights from the last year of what God is doing in Africa, Mexico, Europe, and Asia-Pacific.

May this update refresh you in the truth that our God is a global God and He is at work. We pray this will encourage you as we look forward to the New Year at what God might do through our local church in this slice of the world!

Announcements + Sunday Recap


John the Baptist's Revival Sermon

January 1, 2023 || Luke 3:1-14

MAIN POINT: The coming of Christ urges us to embrace true religion, which alone pleases God.

  1. The invitation of true religion.  

  2. The promise of true religion.

  3. The power of true religion.



The heart of TGKids is to help children understand that the Bible is all about Jesus! Below is the story, scripture, and main teaching points from the TGKids lesson, so that you can talk with your kids about what they learned.

Bible Story: The God of Israel Cannot Be Captured

Scripture: 1 Samuel 4-7

Bible Truth: God’s presence is not a good luck charm that can be manipulated for our benefit.

Where is Jesus: 1 Samuel 7:1–11

Samuel’s offering of a lamb (1 Samuel 7:9) was a picture of Jesus, the Lamb of God, who died on the cross to save us from our sins. While Samuel was sacrificing the lamb, the Philistines were marching against Israel to attack. But because Israel confessed their sins and offered up a lamb, God remembered his promises to Israel and turned against the Philistines and defeated them.

Every time we see a lamb sacrificed for sinners in the Bible, it should remind us of God’s plan to send Jesus to die on the cross in our place.

If you want to learn more about TGKids, click the button below!


Community Groups are BACK!

Community Groups are back this week! Click the button below for more information about how to connect.

Mens’ Retreat

For more information and to register, click the button below.

Membership Class

Saturday, January 14, 2023

For more information and to register for the class, click the button below!

Sunday Preview: January 1, 2023 at the YMCA

Indoor Picnic after church!

We would love to maximize the time together on the first day of the New Year, so we are going to plan on doing an indoor picnic in the gym this Sunday after the service. Bring your own food and blanket. We will plan to help the set-up team clear the gym after the service and then sprawl out for a picnic together. Plan to stick around, if you’d like to!

Each Sunday, the pastors carefully put together an order of worship for us.

In an effort to help you prepare your heart & your family, we have included this Sunday’s order of worship below, as well as some important information. All the Scripture readings are noted. Links to videos of all the songs are included as well.


When: 10:30 am

Where: The YMCA - 205 Knoxville Ave


Sunday, January 1, 2023


Call to Worship: Psalm 124:8

Praise His Name (Psalm 148)

Bless The Lord O My Soul (Psalm 103)

Is He Worthy

Scripture Reading: Isaiah 46:3-4

All Glory Be To Christ

Sermon: Luke 3:1-14 // John's Prophetic Message

All I Have Is Christ


Burdenless Bible Plans for The New Year

Maybe “burdenless” and “plan” seem like an impossible pairing like an “easy marathon” or a “delicious sugar substitute.”  Maybe you know plans are good for you, but sticking to one has been a chore.  For some of you, adding the word “Bible” into the mix only directs your thoughts to future guilt - another spiritual commitment broken.

On the other end of the spectrum, you may be one who delights in plans and order.  For you, there’s nothing like that dopamine hit when you check another box!  Maybe it bothers you to even think about Bible plans that don’t start on January 1!  Perhaps the pursuit of perfection in completing tasks may be a whole different burden you weren’t intended to carry.

Regardless of how you might initially think of the title of this post, please know that we have good news for you.  When it comes to Bible reading and plans, God is not basing his love and acceptance on your performance!  Plans are not intended to become burdens and cause you to feel guilty.  Nor are they intended to be tasks you conquer in order to “clear your plate” for the day.  No, God’s love for you is based on Christ’s work - not your work - even in Bible reading.  Jesus came to be your burden-lifter! 

Mat 11:28 ESV - Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  

This is good news!  We can look at plans without fear of condemnation and we can start looking at start times beyond the first day of the year because the goal is not perfection in a task!

So, if not to get or keep God’s approval, then why think about a Bible plan?  To put it simply, we want to know God more than we did before. 

Jhn 17:3 ESV - And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. 

And this isn’t just knowing more about him, but knowing him relationally as a friend you are growing to love and trust.

Savoring any moments you get with the God who loves you is a far different story than trying to maintain perfect attendance at Bible trivia school.  So, the plan is intended to create structure and space for you to connect with the Lord.  Sometimes, things will go according to plan.  Other times, not.  And that’s ok.  The burden of performing for God’s acceptance rests on Jesus.  You get to enjoy the burdenless moments of knowing more and more the God who loves you unconditionally.


There are many out there, but here are a handful of tools and plans I have found helpful:


The ESV Study Bible was designed to help you understand the Bible in a deeper way. Created by a diverse team of 95 leading Bible scholars and teachers—from 9 countries, nearly 20 denominations, and 50 seminaries, colleges, and universities—the ESV Study Bible features a wide array of study tools, making it a valuable resource.  You can use a hardcopy, or create an online account at to read digitally and make notes.

  • EVERYDAY IN THE WORD - within the ESV website, you can access bible reading plans.  Everyday in the Word features a reading from the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs each day. This plan divides the text into 365 sections, so you can read through the entire Bible in one unforgettable year—in as little as 15 minutes a day. In one year, you read the full Old Testament and the New Testament once, and Psalms and Proverbs twice.  If using the web version, you can subscribe to an email version of the plan and you will receive the daily readings directly to your inbox everyday.


This website/app curates an endless array of bible reading plans.  If you download the app, you can access the plan of your choice from your phone/tablet/device.  You can set a prompt to remind you each day.  There are features that allow you to read through a plan with friends and comment on readings as you progress together if you enjoy the community aspect.  Or, you can read at your own pace.  One feature I really like is the “catch me up” button that shifts all the dates for your reading if you miss any days!  Also, for those of you who appreciate audio bibles, there are numerous translations you can stream for free while you drive or work around the house.

  • BIBLE IN A YEAR - This plan takes you through the entire Bible with two readings each day: one from the Old Testament and one from the New Testament.

  • BIBLE PROJECT BIBLE - This plan takes you on a journey through the entire Bible over the course of one year. Each book includes videos specifically designed to enhance your understanding and engagement with God's Word.

  • CHRONOLOGICAL BIBLE - The Blue Letter Bible “Chronological” plan is compiled according to historical research, taking into account the order in which the recorded events actually occurred. This is a fantastic plan to follow if you wish to add historical context to your reading of the Bible.

  • M’CHEYNE ONE YEAR PLAN - This plan is based on the M’Cheyne reading system, featuring four different readings for use in both family and personal devotions. Each day has two passages from the Old Testament, one from the New Testament, and one from either the Psalms or the Gospels. In one year, you read the Old Testament once and the New Testament and Psalms twice.


This website allows you total control over the design of your reading plan.  You can select the timeframe, books, days of the week and more to customize the plan that best suits your needs.  You can download the customized plan to your calendar or as a spreadsheet that you can print.  This is really great if you want to go through certain books or create a specific combination unavailable in pre-made plans.  This is a great tool!


Hopefully these will give you some burdenless bible plans to help you know more deeply the God who loves you.

“Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law. ... How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth! ... Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”

- Psalm 119:18, 103, 105

Announcements + Sunday Recap


Who Is Jesus?

December 25, 2022 || John 1:14

MAIN POINT: Worship & rejoice! Jesus the Christ has come to us!

  1. The Son of God was in the beginning.  

  2. The Son of God became a man.

  3. The Son of God came to save.


Mens’ Retreat

For more information and to register, click the button below.

Membership Class

Saturday, January 14, 2023

For more information and to register for the class, click the button below!

Sunday Preview: December 25, 2022 at the YMCA

Each Sunday, the pastors carefully put together an order of worship for us.

In an effort to help you prepare your heart & your family, we have included this Sunday’s order of worship below, as well as some important information. All the Scripture readings are noted. Links to videos of all the songs are included as well.


When: 10:30 am

Where: The YMCA - 205 Knoxville Ave


Sunday, December 25, 2022


Call to Worship: Matthew 2:9-11

O Come All Ye Faithful

Come Thou Long-Expected

He Who Is Mighty

Scripture Reading: John 1:5, 9-13

O Holy Night

Children’s Sermon

Sermon: John 1:14 // Who Is Jesus?

Sing We The Song of Emmanuel

Hark The Herald Angels Sing


What is Man For? - Men's Retreat 2023

In a few short weeks, at the start of 2023, we are hosting our first ever Men's Retreat for Trinity Grace Church. But why?

Of all the good things our church could do, why prioritize a men’s retreat?

There are few things our culture is more confused about than manhood. At a foundational level, our culture struggles to answer questions such as “What is a man?” or “What is a woman?” Is manhood just a designation we can take or leave if we want it or not? Or is it something more foundational? Is it a relic of times past, when men were macho & ruled the roost? Or is it more permanent? Does it pertain to a few roles at home & a few roles at church? Or is it more all-encompassing?

Regardless of how you answer those questions, it is no exaggeration to say we are in a crisis of manhood. The problem is not so much with men but with the fact that men are not around. Statistics show that:

  • 1 in 4 children grow up without a father in the home. 

  • 80% of single parent homes are led by single mothers. 

  • 41% of children born today are born to unwed mothers.

Perhaps more than any time in history, we need to return to the question: What is man for?

Men’s Retreat

We will be diving into this vital question and seeking answers from the Creator. We have invited Mark Prater—a pastor of Covenant Fellowship Church (in Philadelphia, PA) & the Executive Director of Sovereign Grace Churches—to join us!

We will pray, sing, feast, laugh, compete, & consider this question together. We want to challenge the men of TGC to carve out this time in early January for us to forge relationships with one another and pursue a biblical answer to the question - What is Man for? 


  • Friday, January 6 @7pm - Saturday, January 7 @8:30pm

  • Camp Living Stones | 534 CR 876 | Englewood, TN 37329

  • For all men & young men ages 16+

Early Bird Special

Since this is the season of giving, from now until December 25, we have an early bird special! 

You can sign up for $55. After Christmas, the price will be $75.

Announcements + Sunday Recap


Simeon's Nunc Dimittis

December 18, 2022 || Luke 2:21-38

MAIN POINT: Let us set our hope fully on the salvation of God in Christ.

  1. Simeon’s song—and ours (vv. 21-32).  

  2. Mary’s sword—and ours (vv. 33-35).

  3. Anna’s answer—and ours (vv. 36-38).



The heart of TGKids is to help children understand that the Bible is all about Jesus! Below is the story, scripture, and main teaching points from the TGKids lesson, so that you can talk with your kids about what they learned.

Bible Story: God Calls Little Samuel

Scripture: 1 Samuel 2:12-3:21

Bible Truth: In the midst of Israel’s great sin, God raises up a prophet.

Where is Jesus: 1 Samuel 2:26; Luke 2:52

In the midst of corruption within Eli’s household, God sent a man to prophesy the coming of a faithful priest who would be obedient to the heart and mind of God. The final fulfillment of this promise came in the life of Christ. Jesus did only what his Father commanded him to do (John 14:31). Jesus is a faithful high priest forever (Hebrews 7:21–24).

Samuel was also a foreshadowing of Christ. Very similar language is used to describe both Samuel and Jesus (compare 1 Samuel 2:26 and Luke 2:52).

If you want to learn more about TGKids, click the button below!


Christmas Day Service

Join us on Christmas morning for a family worship service as well as a special Christmas photo opportunity! There will be no TGKids this Sunday.

Mens’ Retreat

Early Bird Registration through December 25, 2022

For more information and to register, click the button below.

Sunday Preview: December 18, 2022 at the YMCA

Each Sunday, the pastors carefully put together an order of worship for us.

In an effort to help you prepare your heart & your family, we have included this Sunday’s order of worship below, as well as some important information. All the Scripture readings are noted. Links to videos of all the songs are included as well.


When: 10:30 am

Where: The YMCA - 205 Knoxville Ave


Sunday, December 18, 2022


Call to Worship: Luke 2:14

Sing We The Song of Emmanuel

O Come O Come Emmanuel

Silent Night

Scripture Reading: Excerpt from the Sovereign Grace Statement of Faith

O Holy Night

Sermon: Luke 2:21-38 || Simeon's Nunc Dimittis

When Love Came Down

Receive the Lord’s Supper

He Is Jesus

Benedition: Isaiah 25:9

Announcements + Sunday Recap


The Angel’s Gloria In Excelsis Deo

December 11, 2022 || Luke 2:8-20

MAIN POINT: Let everyone rejoice & sing, the baby in Bethlehem is Christ the King. 

  1. The Angel’s News (vv. 8-12). 

  2. The Angels’ Song (vv. 13-14).

  3. The Shepherd’s Faith.



The heart of TGKids is to help children understand that the Bible is all about Jesus! Below is the story, scripture, and main teaching points from the TGKids lesson, so that you can talk with your kids about what they learned.

Bible Story: God Hears Hannah’s Prayers

Scripture: 1 Samuel 1:1-2:11

Bible Truth: Through Hannah’s prayers and the promise she kept, a prophet came to Israel

Where is Jesus: Acts 3:24

Samuel is specifically mentioned in the book of Acts as a prophet whose life and message pointed to Jesus.

In our story, Hannah cried out to the Lord to give her a son and committed him to the Lord for God’s service. Little did she realize her little boy would be used to anoint the first two kings of Israel. Samuel anointed Saul and thus established anointing as God’s means of indicating his choice. Later Samuel anointed David, out of whose household the Savior would be born.

If you want to learn more about TGKids, click the button below!


Youth Meeting

Where: The Finch Home - 1514 Cedar Springs Rd

When: Wednesday, Dec. 14 at 6:30-8 pm

What: 6th-12th graders and parents are welcome to join us for fellowship!

Christmas Cookie Connection

Where: The YMCA

When: Saturday, Dec. 17 at 10:30 am

What: Handing out cookies to our neighbors at the Y!

Mens’ Retreat

Early Bird Registration through December 25, 2022

For more information and to register, click the button below.

Sunday Preview: December 11, 2022 at the YMCA

Each Sunday, the pastors carefully put together an order of worship for us.

In an effort to help you prepare your heart & your family, we have included this Sunday’s order of worship below, as well as some important information. All the Scripture readings are noted. Links to videos of all the songs are included as well.


When: 10:30 am

Where: The YMCA - 205 Knoxville Ave


Sunday, December 11, 2022


Call to Worship: Psalm 66:1-2, 5

O Come All Ye Faithful

Sing We The Song of Emmanuel

Scripture Reading: Matthew 3:13–15

What Child Is This

Do Not Fear

Sermon: Luke 2:8-20 || The Angels' Gloria In Excelsis Deo

He Who Is Mighty

How Great Is Our God

Benedition: Isaiah 25:9

Pray for Our Global Family: December 2022

We have the joy of partnering with like-minded churches around the world. The following is a blog post from our dear friend, Jeff Purswell, regarding his recent visit to Europe with Mark Prater to encourage a number of churches. In particular, this post captures a personal update from a pastor in the Ukraine that we have had the joy of supporting as a family of churches. Please read and pray for our brothers in Europe and particularly the Ukraine as they face ongoing suffering - and opportunity for the gospel to be proclaimed:

“October may be festival season in Germany, but in Hamburg it’s the time for the Arche Church’s annual Eckstein (“Cornerstone”) Conference. This year, Mark Prater and I had the great privilege of serving at this strategic conference, which for many years equipped and strengthened not only the Arche, but Christians throughout Germany and in numerous countries the Arche serves with the gospel. Including the nations represented within the Arche itself, this year’s Eckstein touched people from some 56 nations.

The Arche pastors chose as the theme of the conference “Staying the Course,” with messages drawn from 1 Peter designed to fortify believers in the face of suffering, persecution, doctrinal deviation, and social upheaval. It’s hard to describe the privilege of seeing so many people, so passionate for Christ, so hungry for God’s Word, and so desirous of glorifying God in such a spiritually dark portion of the world. We left so grateful for our partnership with the Arche and its remarkable pastoral team led by Christian Wegert.

Perhaps the greatest highlight was seeing Michael Ostanin, the pastor of Ark Church in Dnipro, Ukraine. Michael planted his church 20 years ago out of the Hamburg Arche, graduated from the German Pastors College, and has become a very dear friend of Sovereign Grace (SGC has had the honor of supporting Michael and his church financially during the Russian invasion of Ukraine). To our great surprise, through some last minute providences Michael was able to come to Hamburg for the conference, and we were able to hear from him, cry with him, and pray for him about his gospel labors amidst the cataclysmic circumstances unfolding in his nation.

I wish every SGC pastor could meet Michael. Since the war began, his life and his church has been turned upside down. At the outset of the war, 90% of his church departed—either joining the army or fleeing the city for the west—leaving mainly the elderly and those unable to flee.

Since February the church has been turned into a refugee center, and Michael and his team are serving people 24/7. Beds cover their entire building—pushed aside on Sundays for worship, which is overflowing, mainly with refugees, almost all non-Christians, and all of whom are traumatized by the ravages of war. Every day Michael and his team serve meals and clothes and medicine, they wrangle for supplies, they clean overstressed toilets, they help refugees evacuate west, they listen to heart-breaking stories, they counsel, and they unflaggingly share the hope of the gospel with desperate victims of war. For every Sovereign Grace church which has contributed to the European Development Fund to support these efforts, Michael asked that we pass on his deeply felt thanks.

  • Please do continue to pray for Michael and his church. The past week has brought targeted rocket attacks which left Dnipro without electricity, water, or communications for three days. They now have power for several hours a day, enough to charge batteries, cook food, and take a shower. Despite these deprivations, by the grace of God they remain joyful and devoted to proclaiming the gospel in this historic moment.

Beyond the conference, we had the unique joy of hosting the first Sovereign Grace European Fellowship gathering. The goal of this gathering was to pull together SGC pastors and pastors pursuing Sovereign Grace in Europe to build relationally, to learn from one another, and to pray and dream about the future of gospel mission together on this continent.

In addition to the Arche pastors, we were joined by Matt Chapman and Peter Bowley, along with a guest pastor, Greg Cruse, from Bristol, England, and Ed O’Mara (who has recently relocated to Italy for a future church plant). Kyle Huber from Greentree Church (New Jersey) brought with him three pastors from Belarus whom he’s supported and labored with for 20 years. To a man, we were humbled as we listened to Sergei, Valeri, and Sasha share stories of ministering amidst governmental restrictions, surveillance, and outright persecution. We learned of the arrest and conviction of another pastor’s wife, recently convicted and sentenced to two years in prison for the crime of holding a poster with a Bible verse. Yet, these undaunted believers do not cower or hide—they continue to meet, they worship, they evangelize, they disciple.

  • Please pray for these pastors and the people they serve, and especially for Philip and Lida as they seek to navigate the unthinkable circumstances they are facing for the cause of Christ.

Although our time together was limited, it was beautiful to see relationships already beginning to form and faith rising for how the Lord may want to use the labors of Sovereign Grace pastors and churches to see the gospel proclaimed on the continent of Europe.

One of our cherished values in Sovereign Grace is partnership in the gospel—which is more than a slogan. Partnership strengthens us. It protects us. And it enriches us, with Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered friendships across the U.S. and around the world. I know I speak for Mark in saying that our whirlwind week together in Hamburg left us more grateful than ever for the partnerships He’s given us in Europe—and more inspired than ever for the gospel ministry we pray lies before us in the future together.

Announcements + Sunday Recap


Zechariah's Benedictus

December 4, 2022 || Luke 1:67-79

MAIN POINT: Blessed be our God who has mercifully come to save the lost in Christ!

  1. Zechariah’s Crisis of Faith.

  2. Zechariah’s Blessing of God.

  3. Zechariah’s Blessing of John.



The heart of TGKids is to help children understand that the Bible is all about Jesus! Below is the story, scripture, and main teaching points from the TGKids lesson, so that you can talk with your kids about what they learned.

Bible Story: Ruth

Scripture: Ruth 1-4

Bible Truth: God’s blessing and salvation extend to people of every nation.

Where is Jesus: Matthew 1:5–6

Ruth lost her husband and father-in-law and served her mother-in-law. She was a very special person in God’s plan to bring his Son into the world. We learn in the genealogy of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew that Ruth was one of the great- grandmothers in Jesus’ line: “Salmon the father of Boaz, whose mother was Rahab, Boaz the father of Obed, whose mother was Ruth, Obed the father of Jesse, and Jesse the father of King David” (Matthew 1:5–6 niv).

In fact, Jesse, Ruth’s grandson, was the great King David’s father. Boaz and Ruth had another tie to Jesus. They lived in Bethlehem—the very town where Jesus was born!

The life of Boaz points to Jesus. Not only did he redeem the bloodline of Elimelech, but he also redeemed the land sold by Naomi.

Jesus is our redeemer. “For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect” (1 Peter 1:18–19 niv).

If you want to learn more about TGKids, click the button below!


Last CG of 2022!

This is the last week of Community Groups for 2022! We will resume meeting the second week of January.

Sunday Preview: December 4, 2022 at the YMCA

Each Sunday, the pastors carefully put together an order of worship for us.

In an effort to help you prepare your heart & your family, we have included this Sunday’s order of worship below, as well as some important information. All the Scripture readings are noted. Links to videos of all the songs are included as well.


When: 10:30 am

Where: The YMCA - 205 Knoxville Ave


Sunday, December 4, 2022

O Come Let Us Adore Him

Call to Worship: Isaiah 42:1-3

O Come, O Come Emmanuel

Come Thou Long Expected

Scripture Reading: Isaiah 1:2-3,18; 9:1,6-7

God Made Low

O Little Town Of Bethlehem

Scripture Reading: Isaiah 11:1-3; 53:3-6

O Holy Night

Scripture Reading: Matthew 1:18-25

O Come All Ye Faithful

Sermon: Luke 1:67-79 || Zechariah's Benedictus

What Child Is This

Benedition: Isaiah 25:9

Good News or Great Joy: Devotional Resource

If you don’t have an advent devotional to guide your meditation leading up to Christmas, let me recommend a free resource from Desiring God called “Good News of Great Joy.” Here is John Piper’s introduction:

We have a message of spectacular rescue: the love of God has rescued us from the wrath of God.

Christmas is about the Creator of the universe, who is not himself part of the universe, coming himself, in the person of his Son, into the world that he made. And what makes this fact even more remarkable is that even though this created universe is in rebellion against its Maker, he came into this world that he made in order to save those who are in active rebellion against him.

One of the clearest statements in all the Bible is 1 Timothy 1:15: “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.”

What I want most for us this Christmas is seeing Christ in all his fullness and together loving what we see with a love far beyond our own half-hearted human capacities — a love made possible by the Holy Spirit.

I’d like to invite you to join me this Advent, beginning December 1, for 25 daily readings leading up to Christmas Day. But it doesn’t stop there. For many months now, I’ve been recording not just the 25 Advent readings but all 365 of our daily devotions called Solid Joys. So these daily meditations will continue long after Advent into the new year, as we savor, every day, the solid joys and lasting treasure we have in Jesus.

If you would like to have these Advent meditations sent directly, there are several ways you can subscribe. Click below and choose how you would like to receive these daily devotionals - by podcast, book, or email. Hope you enjoy!