Prayer too often falls to the bottom of the list.
Most Christians feel guilty for how little they pray and how often they allow prayer to be neglected in their daily lives. Not surprisingly, when Paul writes to local church, he says, put prayer first.
1 Timothy 2:1-2 says, First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.
Put prayer first. Prayer should be put first, chronologically. We should pray before we do anything else. However, there is something even more important being affirmed here.
Prayer should be seen as “first of all.” Prayer should not merely come first, it should be considered first. Prayer is preeminent in rank and importance. Prayer is the most important thing we do, as individuals and as a local church.
There are dozens of reasons prayer is the most important thing we do. One reason is prayer expresses most clearly who we are—children of our heavenly Father who delight and depend on him each day.
There are many things we are told we should do for our country right now—vote, fight, speak up against injustice, and more. But, the Scriptures urge that “supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions.”
We are all burdened for our earthly country right now. It is suffering from an ongoing pandemic. It is battling widespread unemployment and a struggling economy. It is divided socially and politically in numerous areas. And it is facing a very important presidential election on November 3.
The most important thing we can do for our country right now is to pray.
We are devoting the month of October to prayer.
Each Wednesday, we are urging you to fast your lunch break to pray for the following things:
October 7 // Revival
October 14 // Servant Leadership
October 21 // Peace & Justice
October 28 // Election
Each Wednesday, we will release a prayer guide to help you pray. Then, on the final Wednesday, October 28, we will gather together for a church-wide prayer meeting.
Last week, Lauren Trew shared her amazing testimony with our church. It is extraordinary. Yet, there are elements that are all too common. Many know about Jesus, but don’t know Him. Read her story and be encouraged to hear of the many people who participated in Jesus’ work of knocking on the door of her heart–until the day when the Lord sovereignly reached down and opened her heart. What a Savior!