We are entering the last quarter of 2020. Many will be happy to see this year come to an end! Yet, we still have reason to celebrate. Below are the ways we will be serving and celebrating in October.
Each Wednesday in October we want to focus our attention on praying for our country during this difficult season.
On that day, consider fasting your lunch, and using that time (30-45 minutes) to pray for our nation. We will have specific prayer targets sent out on future blogs.
We’re starting to gather all together as Community Groups this month…. And we’re kicking it off with a (outdoor) House Party!
But, don’t worry, we’ll still get time together as men & women.
The rhythm for this month will be:
Co-ed—the first week
Men—the second week
Women—the third week
If you are new & looking for where you fit, consider coming to one of these House Parties!
Dates & times are below & you can connect with each Community Group leader here.
Olsen—Sunday, October 4 @ 5pm
Pritchett—Wednesday, October 7 @ 6pm
Ball—Friday, October 9 @ 7pm
Alexander—Wednesday, October 14 @ 6pm
Tis the season… for camping. S’mores, campfire, and cool weather–what could be better?
Fathers, plan on bringing your sons to this time of bonding around a fire and camping on October 16. More details to come!
Brinner. It’s become a high-school tradition.
High-schoolers, read chapters 3-4 of Confronting Christianity in preparation!
See you there!
On October 23, we will have the privilege of serving a meal to the McMinn High School football team.
Signup below to bring food and/or help serve these hungry students.
SIGNUP LINK: https://www.trinitygraceathens.com/feed-mcminn-football-team-signup
This is our biggest party of the year!
Our church launched two years ago on October 28. We want to remember and celebrate all that God has done in the past two years!
We will have games (community group competition), bouncy house, & lots of food. You won’t be disappointed!