Weekly Announcements: Cinnamon Rolls, Sunday Recap, and Let's Do Lunch

cinnamon roll Fundraiser

Sugary, gooey, cinnamon-y goodness! As Walt announced this past Sunday, Deana Akers has volunteered her considerable baking skills to benefit our Trinity Grace Church Building Fund! You can now order homemade cinnamon rolls and all of the proceeds will go towards the TGC Building Fund.

To order, fill out the form linked below. Your pans of cinnamon rolls will be available to pick up either Sunday, December 12 or Sunday, December 19. You can select which date you prefer on the order form. Please place your order by noon on Friday, 12/10 for pick up on Sunday, 12/12 or noon on Friday 12/17 for pick up on Sunday, 12/19. The cost is $15/pan. The enjoyment of home-baked goods - priceless.

Sunday recap

If you missed this past Sunday, or want to listen to the sermon again, click the link below.

December 5, 2021 | Mark 10: 32-45 | “True Greatness”

Main point: The Son of Man came to call you to follow him in serving others for the glory of God.

1. Don’t chase political power, follow Jesus. 

2. Don’t chase comfort, suffer well.

3. Don’t chase power, serve others.  

“The symbol of an authentically Christian leadership is not the purple robe of an emperor, but the coarse apron of a slave; not a throne of ivory and gold, but a basin of water for the washing of feet.” John Stott

LET’s do lunch

The reason we love Let’s Do Lunch Sundays is not primarily because of food (though that’s delicious!). It’s because the process of sitting down together shapes both hosts and guests through giving, receiving, honoring, building trust, and enjoying God’s good gifts together.

In his book A Meal With Jesus, author Tim Chester articulates the profound value of cultivating friendship around shared meals. He writes:

“Hospitality involves welcoming, creating space, listening, paying attention, and providing. Meals slow things down. Some of us don’t like that. We like to get things done. But meals force you to be people-oriented instead of task-oriented. Sharing a meal is not the only way to build relationships, but it is number one on the list.”

So, let’s dive in! There were a number of new members introduced this last Sunday. Could you reach out to any of them? Or is there someone from a different community group you’d like to get to know? If you’re looking for some help on how to get started, check out this post! Let’s do lunch this coming Sunday and grow together.