If you were going to a reunion and you knew that you had limited, precious time, what would you talk about? What topics would surface as you thought about how to best use those few moments? You likely wouldn’t be eager to spend the time on trivia and small talk. Instead, you would lean in with an open heart and be strategically selective with the topics of conversation.
This is a picture of the interchange Paul has with the Colossians. In the short letter written to this dear group of believers, Paul wastes no time going to the most pertinent topic.
So what, in his estimation, is the most vital thought that can benefit the people he loves? In short, the preeminence of Christ.
“Preeminent” is a word we don’t use often in our day-to-day (at least not me!). So, it may be helpful to define it here. “Pre” means “before” and “eminent” means “standing out.” So, the idea here is something that stands out above and beyond all others. To be preeminent is to surpass all others; to be distinguished; to be the greatest; to be superior.
So, to say that Christ is preeminent is to say that he is the high point of all that there is - Jesus Christ is the pinnacle of life. There is nothing more important to address than the very foundation of our existence. In the midst of upheaval, change, and challenge, we need to be reminded of our ultimate hope and our ultimate good. That’s what Paul sets out to articulate in the beginning of his letter to the Colossians. And, It’s what is intended to anchor our souls, as well.
This is the thrust of a message preached by Jeff Purswell on Colossians 1:15-20 at the Sovereign Grace Pastors Conference in November. If you’re in need of encouragement at the deepest and most profound level, look no further than this message on the preeminence of Christ. You will find your imagination stretched and your faith bolstered at the thought of Christ’s power over all things - including your life.
Below is the video of the message. For the audio download, please visit this page.