The Hollingsworths are moving back!

hollingsworth house.png

After almost a year spent in Louisville, KY at Sovereign Grace Pastors College, the Hollingsworths are returning to Athens!

The Lord has blessed them with in the purchase of a home near downtown Athens & they are moving in next Friday, June 11!

I’m sure you want to help them get settled so . . .


The Deacons have put together three ways we can welcome them & help them during this transition.

Would you consider picking one of the three ways to help them?

1. Help them move into their new home.

They are moving in next Friday afternoon around 3-4pm to a house on Keith Lane.

If you are able to help, please contact Dustin or Mandy Tinsman to sign up & for more details.

2. Help them stock their pantry.

In the old days, neighbors would join in a “pounding” for new folks who move in, filling their pantry with a pound of sugar, flour, & so on. We would love to stop their pantry with non-perishable foods & stock their refrigerator with the good stuff.

CLICK HERE for a full list of suggested items. Email Melanie Balch (melaniebalch [at] gmail [dot] com) to sign up for a few items.

Please drop off your items before Friday, June 11 either at the Balch’s home or Walt’s office (219 E. Madison Ave).

3. Bring them a home-cooked meal.

Have you ever tried to unpack boxes or paint with 4 kids under 8?

Me either. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy! Let’s provide them a few meals through the transition.

CLICK HERE to sign up for the meal train.