Why Do We Sing Psalm 150?


Last Sunday, we introduced a new song to you!

It is a song based on Psalm 150—the final, full-throated praise chapter of the Psalms—that ends: “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!”


Life is not all joy. It is not all happiness. It is not all praise.

But, we need to sing Psalm 150 because one day it will be.

One of the writers of this song said this about:

“The book of Psalms beautifully and famously shows the breadth and depth of human emotion. It helps us “feel” our faith. in many of our songs in the past we have explored the reality of our sorrows, but with Psalm 150 (Praise the Lord), we wanted to emphasize the power of how the book of Psalms culminates - in overwhelming joy and praise! I think in 150 being the final Psalm God is teaching us something - that sorrows are real, confusion will happen, the journey is long - but it all crescendos in praise. There is an exclamation point! Joy is where we are headed. The world knows it. The seas know it. The mountains know it. And we can get in on it.” Matt Papa


Take time to familiarize yourself with this new song.

You can watch the YouTube video here.

You can read through the lyrics below.

Verse 1

You made the starry hosts, You traced the mountain peaks

You paint the evening sky with wonders

The earth, it is Your throne, From desert to the sea

All nature testifies Your splendor


Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord

Sing His greatness, All creation

Praise the Lord, Raise your voice

You heights and all you depths, From furthest east to west

Let everything that has breath, Praise the Lord

Verse 2

You reached into the dust, In love, Your Spirit breathed

You formed us in Your very likeness, To know Your wondrous works

To tell Your mighty deeds, To join the everlasting chorus

Verse 3

Let symphonies resound, Let drums and choirs ring out

All heaven hear the sound of worship

Let every nation bring, Its honors to the King

A roar of harmonies eternal

Final Chorus

Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord

Sing His greatness, All creation

Praise the Lord, Raise your voice

You heights and all you depths, From furthest east to west

You distant burning stars, All creatures near and far

From sky to sea to shore, Sing out forevermore

Let everything that has breath

Praise the Lord

Words and Music by Matt Boswell and Matt Papa