Pray for Our Global Family: February 2023

We have the joy of partnering with like-minded churches around the world. The following is a brief overview of things to pray for as Sovereign Grace Churches are planted and established in many different countries. The following is the latest prayer update for the month of February:

Hebrews 12.1-2, ‘Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great cloud a witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.'

We are all in a race, the great race, indeed the greatest race of our lives! And so looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, the One we all need so much, here’s how you can be praying for us in the month ahead…

  1. Praise God for the retreat, February 6-8, 2023, that will included our U.S. Regional Leaders, Global Leaders, and a group of future leaders asking God to envision, strengthen, and equip our leaders to serve our churches throughout the world. It was the first time coming together in this way. It was a wonderful time!

  2. Please pray for Billy Raies, Erik Schmaltz, Philip Estrada and Allen Dicharry as they head to Nepal, Feb 21 - Mar 1, to serve our dear friend Barnabas, our Key Leader in Nepal. Please pray for a growing partnership of faith as they serve Barnabas and his Pastoral Team, and for much wisdom as we continue to map out the best way of partnership in this dear country.

  3. Please pray for the 11 young people who just this month started their Young Leaders Internships in SG Australia... Abella Lick (SG Parramatta), Georgia Lick (SG Parramatta), Luke Counsell (SG Wahroonga), Esther Monck (SG Wahroonga), Hollie Roberts (SG Wahroonga), Froilan Samonte (SG Wahroonga), Josh Taylor (SG Wahroonga), Amy Taylor (SG Wahroonga), Marcos Cabral (SG Wahroonga), Hannah Payne (SG Wahroonga), and Sebastian Fasano (SG Wahroonga). That God would really meet with them and bless them throughout the year ahead.

  4. Please pray for Rich Richardson, and the team of 8 SG Pastors, who are coming together in Phoenix, Feb 21-22, to talk about SG Church Development in Latin America (outside of Mexico). Please pray for quick camaraderie in the group, for creative ideas, and one heart.

  5. Please also pray for the growing number of Sovereign Grace church members that are seriously considering cross-cultural mission. Please pray for me (Dave Taylor), the Emerging Nations Team, Mark Prater (Executive Director of Sovereign Grace Churches), and those asking the question. May we together discern the will of God in each of these situations and may His guidance be clear, as we seek to reach the ends of the earth for Jesus.

    … Looking then to Him, the founder and perfecter of our faith. May His grace abound to us all!

Thank you for praying with us. May His grace abound! To subscribe to the monthly Sovereign Grace Missions Newsletter, follow the link below.